Charlie Freeman

Distinguished Teaching Professor
ISC 228C
He Him

Charlie Freeman was as an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Physics and Astronomy in 1994 and has been teaching full-time in the Department since 1997.


Curriculum Vitae


  • Ph.D. & M.S., Nuclear Physics, University of Rochester

  • S.B., Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Research Interests

  • Director of 黑料网 1.7 MV Pelletron accelerator lab with research interests in Inertial Confinement Fusion, plasma diagnostics, and ion beam analytical techniques including Proton Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE), Rutherford Backscattering Analysis (RBS), and Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA). Also interested in studying the physics of baseball.


  • PHYS 116: Physics II Lab

    A lab course to complement General Physics II and Analytical Physics II lectures. Experiments in waves, electricity and magnetism, circuits, and optics will be performed.

  • PHYS 224: Analytical Physics IV

    This course will include elementary quantum theory, Schrodinger's equation, wave properties of matter, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, atomic structure and the Bohr atom. Special topics may include a survey of material from different subfields of physics such as cosmology, solid state physics, nuclear physics, etc.

  • PHYS 353: Quantum Mechanics II

    This course will cover advanced topics in Quantum Mechanics as well as applications and approximations to real physical problems. The Dirac description of quantum mechanics will be used extensively in this course as well as the functional forms described by Schroedinger. One, two and three dimensional bound state problems will be studied in addition to scattering theory. Approximation methods, such as time dependent perturbation theory, Hartree-Fock method, variational method and the Born approximation, will be used to solve physical problems to first and second order. Systems of more than one particle will be briefly studied.