Departmental Personnel

Faculty Database

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Photo Name Expertise Department Edit Listing
Portrait of Jim Aimers James Aimers archaeology, pottery/ ceramics, Gender/sexuality, material culture, Maya/Mesoamerica, Climate Change Anthropology, Native American Studies, Latin American Studies
Susana Castillo Susana Castillo-Rodriguez Global Languages and Cultures, Linguistics, Black / Africana Studies, Latin American Studies
Portrait of Jennifer Guzmán Jennifer Guzmán Language and culture, language and health Anthropology, Linguistics, Latin American Studies, Sociomedical Sciences
Ryan M. Jones Ryan M. Jones Modern Latin America, Gender and Sexuality History, Urban History, Global History, Cultural History History, Latin American Studies, Women's and Gender Studies
Portrait of Maria Lima Maria Helena Lima English, Black / Africana Studies, Latin American Studies
Portrait of Rose McEwen Rose McEwen Global Languages and Cultures, Latin American Studies
Portrait of Melanie Medeiros Melanie A. Medeiros Critical Medical Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, Engaged Anthropology, Scholar Activism, Black Studies, Women and Gender Studies, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Sociomedical Sciences, Immigrant Health, Race, Racism and Health Disparities, Healthy Equity and Social Justice, Anthropology of Love, Marriage, Divorce and Kinship, Psychosocial Health Anthropology, Black / Africana Studies, Latin American Studies, Sociomedical Sciences, Women's and Gender Studies
Bruno Renero-Hannan Bruno Renero-Hannan R Anthropology, Latin American Studies
David Tamarin Latin American Studies
Javier Velasco Javier O. Velasco Global Languages and Cultures, Latin American Studies
Karleen West Modern Latin America Political Science and International Relations, Latin American Studies, Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, School of Arts and Sciences