NY-Alert Information for Faculty & Staff

NY-Alert (powered by Everbridge) is designed to notify you in situations where your personal safety may be at risk (see examples below).

Subscription to NY-Alert is free and, while highly encouraged, completely voluntary. This information will not be shared with any outside parties, nor will Geneseo use the system for any purpose other than a true emergency. Subscribers may elect to opt out at any point if they change their mind.

To keep you informed during a campus emergency, it is critical that you enter your preferred email, text messaging and phone numbers into the NY-Alert system. You also may provide contact information for other interested parties such as spouses or partners.


The NY-Alert system can be used when the following situations occur:

  • Campus or public safety situations caused by bomb threats, civil disturbances, fire or hazardous materials
  • Personal safety incidents (on/off campus) associated with weapons, violence, hostage-taking, active shooting, missing persons or perpetrator(s) at large
  • Medical emergencies involving pandemic or mass casualties
  • Utility failure, including gas, electrical or water
  • Major road closings/incidents disrupting safe passage to and from campus
  • Suspicious packages that would cause harm to people or property
  • Severe weather and related consequences

The best way we can help ensure campus safety is through fast, effective notification. Please take a moment now to enroll in NY-Alert. Thank you.