Bloodborne Pathogens/Infection Control

Bloodborne Pathogens/Infection Control

Tuberculosis, Bloodborne Pathogens (HIV, HBV, HCV) and other contagious diseases

黑料网 recognizes that its greatest assets, the students, faculty and staff are among the populations with low, but still measurable, occurrences of HIV, HBV, HCV and Tuberculosis, MRSA and various influenzas.  

To reduce the possibility of spread of these and other disease causing pathogens, the campus has developed an Exposure Control Plan

Cleanup of vomit is not without risk to the custodians or others involved.  A procedure for vomit in campus buildings was developed to protect all campus personnel.

Additional information on these and other diseases is available at Lauderdale Student Health and Counseling Center or the CDC website. 

Information on Sharps Shelters

What is a Sharps Shelter?  A Sharps Shelter or Sharps Container is a container, usually made of hard plastic, used for the disposal of used needles and syringes so needles don't pierce it.  

Where can I find these on campus?  In general, sharps shelters are located in the restrooms located closest to the main entrance of a building.  See below for exact locations.  Additionally, portable sharps shelters are also available for student use, obtained from the Lauderdale Health Center.  Have questions on other Regulated Medical Wastes?

 sharps shelter



(room number)

Allegany R.H., first floor 1301, 1303
Bailey Hall  24K, 1st Floor restrooms near Room 120
Blake  First floor (100 level) restrooms Blake A
Brodie Hall, first floor 0149, 0150
Brodie Hall, second floor 0256
Clark Service Building 117C, 117B
Doty  1st Floor restrooms near Room 236 and across Room 201
Erie R.H., first floor C103, C104
Erwin Administration Building, first floor 114, 113
Fraser Hall, ground floor 109A, 111A
Genesee Hall, first floor C101, C103
Integrated Science Center, first floor 108, 109
Jones, R.H,. first level 103A, 125A
Letchworth Dining Hall, ground level 105, 106
Livingston, R.H., first level 103, 115
MacVittie College Union, second floor 211, 203
Mary Jemison Dinning Hall, first floor 101, 106
Merritt, lower level locker room 147, 157
Milne Library, 2nd floor 219, 221 restrooms 
Monroe, R.H., first floor 107, 108
Nassau R.H., lobby level 233, 234
Newton Lecture Hall, mall level 217A, 218A
Niagara R.H., entrance level 234, 235
Onondaga R.H., entrance level 211, 212
Ontario R.H., first floor 1301, 1303
Putnam R.H., first floor 112
Red Jacket Dining Hall, upper level 209, 210
Saratoga Commons Building 110, 111
Schrader Hall, main floor 108, 127
South Hall, first floor 126, 127
Steuben R.H., first level 114, 115
Sturges Hall, first floor under construction
Suffolk R.H., lobby level 233, 234
Wadsworth Auditorium, ground floor 4A, 6A
Wayne R.H., entrance level 221, 222
Welles Hall, first floor 120, 127
Wyoming R.H., first floor 1301, 1303