Completer Effectiveness
- Case Study 2019 - 2020 and 2021 - 2022 that measures completer effectiveness and impact on student learning
- P-12 Impact of Student Learning Survey 2020 -2021 and 2021 - 2022 that provides a second measure of impact on student learning
- Alumni survey from 2015, 2018, and 2021 that provides a second measure of completer effectiveness
- Summer 2018 and 2021 alumni focus group that provides a third measure of completer effectiveness
The New York State Education Department (NYSED) provided data on Student Achievement Growth ratings for teachers who received their teaching degree through Geneseo between 2012 and 2016. Student Achievement Growth Rating (AY 14-15 and 15- 16) from Geneseo’s undergraduate program completers (n=351) were compared to the state average (n=10,404). ELA and Math scores are used for student achievement data, so only teachers of Math or ELA were included in this data set. Data indicate that the scores are comparable: 96% of Geneseo teachers were rated highly effective or effective, based on Student Achievement Growth Rating data, compared to 93% state-wide. NYSED has not provided this type of data, disaggregated by EPP, since this date, so this is the most current data available.
The is available.
The EPP implemented a case study of completers, including observations in the classroom, as well as administering a survey to students of completers to measure impact on P-12 student learning.
For the 2022-203 academic year, this was given to teachers (alumni of Geneseo) to give to their students. No student information was collected, and data has been aggregated. Participants received a small stipend for participation. For Spring 2023, six alumni agreed and had their students complete the survey. There were 133 responses to the survey. are the results.
Alum #1 (Childhood with Special Education and Mathematics 2019): 1st grade teacher at Spencerport Central School District (suburban), 1 of 16 students completed the P-12 impact on student learning survey (6% response rate)
Alum #2 (Childhood with Special Education 2022): Permanent substitute at Great Neck Public Schools (suburban), 11 of 11 students completed the P-12 impact on student learning survey (100% response rate)
Alum #3 (Early Childhood/Childhood 2022): Pre-K Teaching Assistant at Cumberland County Schools (city), 15 of 17 students completed the P-12 impact on student learning survey (88% response rate)
Alum #4 (Early Childhood/Childhood 2020): 5th grade teacher at Grand Island School District (suburban), 20 of 23 students completed the P-12 impact on student learning survey (87% response rate)
Alum #5 (Childhood with Special Education 2020): 3rd grade Writing/Science/Social Studies teacher at Lyndonville Central School District (rural), 40 of 40 students completed the P-12 impact on student learning survey (100% response rate)
Alum #6 (AD Spanish 2021): Secondary School Spanish Teacher (8th – 12th) at Greenport UFSD (town), 46 of 100 students completed the P-12 impact on student learning survey (45% response rate)
The results from the most recent case study, 2021-2022 are attached in the following downloadable link: Case Study Final Results (21-22)