Diversity in Student and Campus Life
Student & Campus Life Commitment to Diversity
The Student and Campus Life staff is committed to the concept that a diverse campus community enhances the quality of the educational experience at 黑料网. Diversity as the College embraces it encompasses the full range of human experiences, including race, ethnicity, gender, ability, sexual orientation, religion, class, and nationality.
It is our intention to strive both individually and collectively to foster and maintain a culturally diverse environment by:
- Supporting the work of the President's Commission on Diversity and Community in developing and implementing diversity initiatives;
- Coordinating educational programs for all new students during orientation designed to promote an understanding of diversity;
- Coordinating educational programs for student leaders designed to promote an appreciation of diversity;
- Developing educational programs designed for all members of the 黑料网 community to learn about and celebrate the heritage and traditions of campus community members;
- Advancing a dialogue throughout the campus community regarding issues of racism, sexism and heterosexism;
- Continually assessing the quality of the living and learning environment for all students and student sub-groups;
- Providing opportunities for professional development so that staff members might grow in their understanding of underrepresented students;
- Devoting time regularly at divisional staff meetings to the subject of the campus climate as it pertains to cultural diversity;
- Responding to any official or unofficial reports of physical or mental harassment immediately;
- Consistently enforcing college policy as it pertains to bias-related incidents;
- Helping students become empowered by encouraging the involvement of underrepresented students in leadership positions on college committees and organizations;
- Promoting student involvement in community service as a means of fostering meaningful student interaction with people from diverse backgrounds;
- Assiduously taking affirmative action in seeking a diverse pool of candidates for staff positions, and in hiring a diverse staff;
- Advocating for the interests and needs of all students in meetings with the President, his cabinet, the College Council and other college governance and management groups.
In our daily work we strive to bring to life the College's Statement on Community and Diversity. We exhort the members of the College community to consider how they might support these efforts and to join us in ensuring a supportive yet challenging environment for all of our students.