Campus Photography

The Office of College Communications and Marketing includes one professional photographer. The primary purpose of the photographer is to create high-quality images for news items and promotional projects intended to advance the institution. Examples of such photography include but are not limited to: Recruitment materials, news, major events, advertising and marketing, and philanthropy efforts.
Photography is the department’s most requested service. In order to accommodate requests, we have developed priorities to balance the requests with our limited resources.
Please review our photography priorities before submitting a .
Image Archive
High-quality images of campus, buildings, students and employees are available for department pages and sponsored events. Browse our . To request an image, please fill out the .
Requesting Photography Coverage of an Event
We are unable to provide services for every event. Please check our priorities before completing the photo request form. Requests will followed up with by our photographer to discuss the event.
Photography Style Guide
Please visit our photography style guide for guidelines on taking photographs that represent Geneseo and the people who work and study at the College.