Clean Eats (Allergen-Friendly) Station

Menu Philosophy

Our mission is to provide the highest quality dining experience for our diverse campus and guests. As part of our commitment, we can accommodate those who have special diets, food allergies, and other health concerns. Many students who require allergen-friendly diets will find options at one of our two Clean Eats stations located within our Red Jacket and Letchworth Dining Complexes. CAS operates two dedicated Clean Eats kitchens that serve food entirely free of the top 9 allergens. Whether you have a wheat, dairy, soy, egg, tree nuts, peanuts, fish and shellfish, sesame, or other food allergy, we can help you. Our nutrition & wellness manager can help you with ingredient lists for all of our foods. Many items that do contain an allergen can be altered to fit your dietary needs with simple preparation changes.

Menu Labeling

All menu items are clearly labeled with an allergen symbol so that you can quickly and easily identify which foods fit your needs. These labels can also be found on the online menu, at the point of sale, and on all pre-packaged grab-and-go foods.

Staff Awareness and Training

The staff at CAS is extremely dedicated to safe allergen-free food handling. Allergen and cross-contamination training is structured throughout the academic year to ensure that staff is educated on how to prepare allergen-friendly foods and how to best serve our customers.


Nutrition Resources

Dietary Needs

Contact Info

Nutrition & Wellness Manager, Heather Carrera, DCN, MS, CNS, CDN
Phone: 585.245.5569