Budget Office


Budget Office

The Budget Office is charged with developing and updating the College’s State Operations, Income Fund Reimbursable, and Dormitory Income Fund Reimbursable budgets. In addition, the Budget Office provides efficient and effective managerial information, guidance, and review regarding the allocation and use of the College’s resources; performs an ongoing analysis of the College’s financial standing through examination of the College’s expenditure patterns, revenue estimates, and personal service requirements; grants approval for all fund transfers; and works closely with Income Reimbursable project managers in the development of their budgets and monitoring operations throughout the year.


Contact Us

Accounting Department
Doty Hall 325, 1 College Circle
Geneseo, NY 14454
Phone: (585) 245-5606
Fax: (585) 245-5906


College Budgets

State Purpose Budget

The State Purpose Budget is the College’s main, and largest, budget. It encompasses the central functions of the College including Academic Affairs and the administrative operations of the College’s divisions including the Office of the President, Administration and Finance, College Advancement, Enrollment Services, the Provost’s Office, and Student and Campus Life. Operation and maintenance costs of academic buildings and grounds are also provided for in the State Purpose Budget. Revenue supporting the State Purpose Budget is derived from tuition, fees and State Taxpayer support.

Income Fund Reimbursable Budget (IFR) 

Geneseo’s Income Fund Reimbursable Budget (IFR) supports a number of student and campus services and enhancements including: student health services, intramural and inter-collegiate athletics, transportation and technology. The IFR budget also provides additional support for the acquisition of library materials and infrastructure improvements. The College’s utility bills are also supplemented by the IFR budget. Funding for the IFR budget is derived from a schedule of fees and charges. The College is responsible for fringe benefit charges associated with the operations of the various IFR accounts.

Dormitory Income Fund Reimbursable Budget (DIFR)

The Dormitory Income Fund Reimbursable Budget (DIFR) provides for the operation and maintenance of the College’s dormitories. Utility, debt service, State Dormitory Authority overhead and insurance and fringe benefit costs associated with the operation of residence halls are included along with charges for cable television, telephones and internet service. Room rent is the primary source of DIFR revenue.

State University Tuition Reimbursement Account (SUTRA) 

The State University Tuition Reimbursement Account (SUTRA) Budget supports Geneseo’s Summer Session and Overseas Academic Program. This budget also provides additional support for library acquisitions and projects. SUTRA revenue comes from tuition and fees


Stabilization allocations are funds from prior years that are targeted for specific, non-personal services purposes.