Constitution of BIOS Biology Club
I. Geneseo Biology Club
II. Statement of Purpose
Our mission as a club shall be to give all students interested in biology and related sciences an opportunity to increase their knowledge and enjoyment of these subjects, and to promote a greater appreciation of these subjects within the college community. Activities include apparel sales, fall and spring picnics, fall and spring trip as well as guest lectures.
III. Membership
a. All members belonging to the organization named Geneseo Biology Club agree to uphold in the conduct of our affairs all regulations of the College and the State University of New York.
b. Membership in shall be open to all currently registered students at 黑料网.
c. Associate Members - College staff and faculty, alumni and non-College persons may have associate membership status. However, they may not have voting privileges, hold office, or pay dues. Associate Members are responsible for any and all costs occurred due to their participation and involvement, and mandatory Student Activity funds and College and State funds allocated to recognized student organizations cannot be used by Associate Members to support their involvement in organization activities, with the exception of the organization advisor or faculty or staff members designated by the Director of Student Life to assist organizations with their programs. Associate Members are expected to adhere to the College Visitors Policy.
d. All members agree that any involvement in an organization sponsored activity is voluntary. All members must affirm that Geneseo Biology Club鈥檚 executive board, advisor, and the college itself are not liable for any injury that may incur during any organization activity.
e. Geneseo Biology Club does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, gender identity/expression, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, disability, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, or sexual orientation.
f. Membership Eligibility requirements: Requirements cannot be based on illegal discrimination. Acceptable eligibility requirements include, but not limited to:
Any student of the State University College at Geneseo majoring in biology or biochemistry is eligible for membership in the organization.
g. Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off private premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. It is illegal in New York State in connection with initiations or at any other time. Organizations responsible for incidents of hazing may lose College recognition and be excluded from the campus. There will be no hazing involved in the recruitment or maintenance process of membership.
h. Voting privileges shall be granted to currently registered students at 黑料网: (Requirements for voting privileges may be used for eligibility but cannot be based on illegal discrimination.)
i. The responsibilities of all members shall include:
Students may become active members of the organization by attending club meetings and activities. Officers and voting members must be fee-paying students currently registered at Geneseo.
j. Dues: $0 per semester
IV. Officers
President, who shall be empowered to establish such committees as are deemed necessary and shall select the committee chair and members providing there are no objections. The President shall have the power to call special meetings
Vice President, who shall be a member of the Cabinet and who shall act as presiding officer at meetings from which the President is absent.
Secretary, who shall be a member of the Cabinet and who shall be in charge of all correspondence, and the recording of minutes of all meetings.
Treasurer, who shall be a member of the cabinet and who shall be in charge of all financial records. The Treasurer shall execute the duties of this office in accordance with the regulations of the Student Senate.
Historian, who shall be a member of the Cabinet and who shall be in charge of all photography duties of the club.
Webmaster, who shall be a member of the Cabinet and who shall be in charge of all webpage duties of the club.
A.A.C. Representative, who shall be a member of the Cabinet and who shall represent BIOS Club at A.A.C. meetings. Must be biology major, and a fee-paying student.
Procedures for removal/impeachment from office: If an officer of Geneseo Biology Club is thought to not be fulfilling their duties as described in the constitution any member of the club may bring it to the attention of the other officers. The officer being considered for impeachment must be notified and given the opportunity to defend their position to the club. If 2/3 of the members vote in favor of impeachment, then the officer will be removed. The advisor must oversee all impeachment proceedings. .
e. Procedures for filling a vacancy: A vacancy will be filled at the beginning of each academic year with a vote by the entire club with the final decision made by the Geneseo Biology Club officers.
V. Elections
a. Who is eligible to run: Only full-time, fee paying students may serve as officers.
b. Nominations will be made by verbal conformation with a seconded motion.
c. Elections will be held at the end of each academic year.
d. By 2/3 majority rule the candidate will earn the position.
VI. Advisor
a. The advisor will be chosen by 2/3 majority vote of the current club members.
b. Qualifications include being a professor of Biology at 黑料网.
c. Advisors are expected to come to meetings and attendany off campus trips and/or club sponsored events.
Advisor has no voting rights but has veto power for events or activities that directly violate
College policy.
d. Procedures for changing advisors: The advisor will be changed by 2/3 majority vote of the current club members.
VII. Meetings
a. Meetings will take place on a bi-weekly basis in the Integrated Science Center.
b. Members will be informed of meetings via the Biology Club list serve.
c. There is a minimum of ten members necessary to run a meeting.
VIII. Finances
a. The treasurer is responsible of holding finance.
b. Funds are deposited in the Credit Union.
c. Funds will be administered through tri-Beta.
XI. Liability and Travel
a. Before each event requiring student transportation:
1. A travel form must be filled out online prior to travel
2. Drivers and Passengers must sign and submit 鈥淪tudent Participant Travel Waivers鈥
i. These form must be submitted to the Department of Student Life prior to travel.
b. (only use If applicable) At the beginning of each academic year, or upon joining Geneseo Biology Club organization, members must sign a liability waiver and return it to the Department of Student Life.
XII. Amendments
a. Constitution can be amended by Geneseo Biology Club active members.
b. 2/3 majority vote of active membership are needed to pass the amendment
XIII. Ratification
a. The new constitution will go into effect by the approval of the Geneseo Biology Club E-board.
b. Updated constitution must be submitted to the Department of Student Life.
Updated September 30th, 2014