Assessment at Geneseo
Institutional Effectiveness Plan
Broad measures of institutional performance and student achievement and narrower measures of progress toward specific strategic goals
- President鈥檚 Cabinet
- Strategic Planning Group
- Budget Priorities Committee
- College Mission, Values, and Goals
- Geneseo 2021 Strategic Plan
Divisional Assessment
- College Assessment Council (CAC)
- Academic Affairs
- Administration and Finance
- Advancement
- Communications and Marketing
- Enrollment Management
- Student and Campus Life
Assessment At The Department/Unit Level
Assessment results by:
- Academic Departments
- Assessment Rubric for evaluating the assessment of academic programs
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
- 56 undergraduate programs and 8 graduate programs
- Assessment Results by Department
- Curriculum Map by Academic Program
- Academic Program Reviews
Gen Ed and other curricular SLOs
- General Education Assessment
- Geneseo's General Education Curriculum
Co-curricular SLOs
Support Objectives
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
- SLOs for academic credit-bearing courses included in syllabi
- Integrative and Applied Learning graduation requirement (for students entering F22 and later)
- Undergraduate Research
- Directed Studies and Internships
- Applied Learning Activities
- Department Colloquium/Seminar events
- Rick Smith Lecture
- Walter Harding Lecture
- Sells Lecture
- American Rock Salt Lecture
Support Outcomes for Faculty/Staff Development Activities:
- ASSESStivus
- Teaching and Learning Center series
- Online Teaching Institute
- President's Annual Lecture on Diversity
- MacVittie Lecture