News & Events

American Studies News & Events


Audrey Williams, a double major in History and American Studies (December '24), is a graduate student at the Fordham Graduate School of Social Service.

Zoe Navratil, a Political Science major and December '24 graduate, is the first to earn an Integrated Curricular Microcredential in Carceral Studies after taking the course with Dr. Reece Torres, SUNY PRODiG Fellow in Sociology.

Mar Leeman and Hailey E. Bernet were awarded the Rita K. Gollin Scholarships for Excellence in American Literature for 2024.

Radmila Esina '23, an American Studies major with a museum studies minor, is a graduate student in art history and arts management.

Carly Burgio  published an article in on public engagement projects by students in the Spring 2023 course AMST 201 Topic in American Studies: Mass Incarceration. The story highlights a collaboration between Political Science major Lauren Daniels and Ethan Shaw, a History major and American Studies minor.


At the 2023 GREAT Day college-wide symposium, senior American Studies major Iris Kahris gave a presentation titled "Inequitable Education" sharing research from her capstone project focusing upon Buffalo, New York.
