Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Office of Accessibility Services on Campus?

Erwin Hall 22
View a map of campus.

How is it staffed? Are there evening hours?

We have a Director of Accessibility Services an Accessibility Access Counselor and one Administrative Assistant. Office hours are Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 4:15pm.

What kind of services are available through the Office of Accessibility Services?

Information about disabilities, decisions on classroom accommodations and accommodations for activities and programs, resources for transition and advisement.

Are students with disabilities treated differently for admissions?

Admission to ºÚÁÏÍø is based on the requirements outlined in the College Bulletin. Admissions decisions are made without regard to disability status. All prospective students are expected to present academic credentials at or above the minimum standards for admissions as established annually by the Admissions Committee. Any student eligible to take a nonstandard SAT/ACT may submit those scores. Such scores will be accepted as valid and equivalent alternatives. Any applicant with a disability who needs information about ºÚÁÏÍø's admissions process, an application for admissions, or any other information in an alternative format should contact the Office of Accessibility Services at (585) 245-5112 or TTY NYS relay service (800) 421-1220. Concerns about procedures used during the admissions process should be directed to the College's EOE/AA Officer at (585) 245-5616.

How are services obtained?

The student is required to engage in an interactive process with the Office of Accessibility Services, which includes making a formal request, meeting with the Director of Accessibility Services, and submitting any relevant documentation per the Director of Accessibility Services request. The Director of Accessibility Services makes the final determination of reasonable accommodations. 

What paperwork or proof is required to prove a disability and to whom should it be given? Who has access to this paperwork?

To request accommodations, students submit an Academic and/or Housing Accommodation Request Form and submit any relevant documentation. Documentation should be sent directly to the OAS, not to the health center or admissions. Do not include documentation with your ºÚÁÏÍø application. Only the staff of the OAS has access to the paperwork. This does not become part of your permanent school record and is housed solely within the OAS.

How are faculty told about accommodations?

The Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) prepares a letter outlining the approved accommodations. The student delivers the letter to the faculty and makes an appointment to meet with the faculty to discuss the accommodations.

Are services limited to students with disabilities or for all students?

Academic support services are provided for all students. There is a Writing Center located in Milne Library, Room 221, and a Math Learning Center, located in South Hall 332. Tutoring is available in some academic departments, but we do not provide tutoring specifically for students with disabilities through OAS. Students should consult within the academic department about what is offered. The Office of Accessibility Services provides support and advising only for students with disabilities. Students may also meet with our student Accessibility Advocates for additional support with time management/organization, study skills, self-advocacy, and getting connected to campus resources. 

Is there help available for choosing courses and making your schedule?

Students are advised by a faculty member during summer orientation and will be assigned an advisor soon after the beginning of the semester. The Director of Accessibility Services, in conjunction with the Office of the Dean of Academic Planning and Advising, is always available to help with any special concerns students with disabilities have about courses or scheduling.

Is there an Orientation or summer preparation program for new students with disabilities?

There is no separate orientation or summer program for students with disabilities, although the Director of Accessibility Services is available before, during, and after orientation to meet individually with students. 

Who supervises accommodated tests? OAS? Faculty members? Testing Center?

Accommodated examinations are provided at the Testing Center by OAS staff.

Is there a disabled student club on campus?

There is no disabled student club on campus, but we would welcome a student who would like to organize such a club. Students may meet with the Accessibility Advocates to learn more. Any student is welcome to contact the , or they may also meet with an Access Advocate to learn more about getting involved with advocacy efforts on campus.

Who is the College's Chief Diversity Officer? What is the grievance (appeals) process?

ºÚÁÏÍø's ADA :  (585)245-5020
The process for appeals can be found on the Office of Accessibility website.

How are note takers and readers made available, selected and arranged?

The faculty make an anonymous announcement in class for volunteers to copy their notes for other students. Students may also utilize assistive technologies to audio record lectures if it is an approved accommodation. The OAS will arrange for readers when necessary for tests. We will also assist the student in obtaining e-text or other accessible copies of texts.

Are sign language interpreters available? How are they arranged?

The college will provide sign language interpreters for classes and activities for eligible students.

Is there a TDD/TTY available on campus?

Not at this time. Please use the NYS Relay.

How accessible are the classrooms, labs, buildings, etc?

ºÚÁÏÍø has recently undergone an extensive evaluation for accessibility and has a five-year plan to address any existing problems. The terrain can be challenging, and for that we do recommend that students who use wheelchairs should have power chairs. It is ºÚÁÏÍø policy to ensure that no student with a disability is denied access to a course in which s/he is enrolled because the classroom/lecture hall is not physically accessible. The Office of Accessibility Services will assist with the relocation of classes or programs that are held in locations that are physically inaccessible.

What is the college policy for waiving graduation requirements or arranging substitute courses?

It is the policy of Geneseo to neither waive nor substitute any graduation requirements, including foreign language. The OAS will engage in an interactive process with the student to determine reasonable accommodations related to changes in program or graduation requirements for students with disabilities. Please speak with the Assistant Director for advice concerning students with language disabilities.

What adaptive equipment is available for student use?

We have an accessible computer station in the library for students with disabilities. It includes magnification software, a screen reader (JAWS), an adjustable table, a large trackball, Dragon Naturally Speaking, etc.

How does one make special room arrangements for resident students?

Housing accommodations are determined by the Office of Accessibility Services. Students must follow the steps to request housing accommodations, which includes submitting a Housing Accommodation Request form and meeting with the Director of Accessibility Services. A determination will be made by the Director of Accessibility Services, and they will notify Residence Life of the decision. Special housing is limited and is based on need rather than preference.

Are there physically accessible residence halls including toilet and bathing facilities?

Yes, we have a number of accessible rooms.

Are buildings equipped with auditory/visual fire alarms?


Are personal attendants available on campus? How do I arrange for personal attendants?

ºÚÁÏÍø does not provide personal attendants. That is the responsibility of the student and his/her family. The Director of Accessibility Services is happy to speak with families about contacting local agencies for help in making arrangements.

Where is the parking for those with disability permits?

Accessible Parking

Is there personal counseling available?

Counseling Services