Manipulatives for 140

We will be using our manipulatives from the Math Learning Centre (our classroom).  Here are some options for your own personal use both as a student and a teacher.  These are the manipulatives you will need in this course.  You can buy pretty ones, you can print your own and cut them out, or you can use virtual manipulatives online.  Somehow you will need to have access to them as you will need to use them in your explanations. 

Base ten blocks


Other base pieces

    Purchase - I don't know of any here.
    Printable base 3
    Virtual -  I haven't found any for free.  Please tell me if you find some.

Pattern blocks


Cuisenaire rods

    (I would very prefer them to not have numerals on them, they are more useful that way.)

Color tiles

    (they are called "colored tiles" here)
    (these are rather too gridlocked for some of our purposes, but they are the best I can find for free)

Other resources

    .  Will someone please tell me if they can get any of it to work?
    , but seems impossible to pay for. 

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