Mathematics 371

Bring a copy of this full syllabus to class on Wednesday, August 29.

Here's my single favourite .  Look there for more information about the history of anything in mathematics.

Here is where I will place comments about presentation problems, and problems that are permitted for problem sets. 

Here are comments on the first problem set (along with the TeX file for anyone who is learning).

Here are comments on the second problem set (and another TeX file).

Here are comments on the third problem set.  I'm curious who's looking … does anyone want me to put a TeX file?

Here are comments set 4, as if anyone reads them …

My apologies for delays … thank you for your support.  Here are comments for the fifth problem set

Here are comments for the final problem set.  There are some details you'll want to notice. 

(More will be added to this page as the semester progresses.  Please ask me if there is something you would like to see included.)

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