Mathematics 239

Please carefully read the  full course information.

Here is a fascinating chapter on the philosophy of mathematical proof.  For those who question what it really means. 

And here are some comments about , how it is different, and why it is a skill to learn and develop.  Here is the first chapter of our book.

Here's my single favourite .  Look there for more information about the history of anything in mathematics.

Here is our reading schedule for the course.

What about some notes on indexed sets?  Here are some.  (They were asked for in the past, if you ask for something this semester, I will try to put that, too)

Solutions to problem sets will appear here as they are completed.   And our work has finally begun … here are solutions to problem set one. Thank you for the work you do, here are solutions to problem set two. Look and you will see, solutions to problem set three And so quickly there is more, here are solutions to problem set four.  I know that you're working hard to survive, here are solutions to problem set five It's the last one (be glad they don't go to eleven), here are solutions to problem set seven

(More will be added to this page as the semester progresses.  Please ask me if there is something you would like to see included.)

Someone asked for some combinatorial proof solutions from section 13.  And so I quickly wrote some up.  Enjoy. 

Here's something I was wisely asked for:  here are your E-Primes questions for PS7.  

Here's a place you may leave about the course.

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