Mathematics 470: History
and Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics
Spring 2009
Professor: Jeff Johannes
Section 1
MW 4:15 - 5:30p South 336
Office: South
Telephone: 245-5403
Office Hours: Monday 8-9p, Tuesday 2-3p, Wednesday
10-11a, Thursday 1-2p, 4:30 - 5:30p, and by appointment or visit
Email Address:
To learn more about the history of mathematics in
several different topic areas. To present on topics in the
history of mathematics, both interactively and in writing.
This course is an opportunity to explore and deepen
understandings and appreciations for the history of mathematics.
Most importantly, it is an opportunity to learn about topics in history
of mathematics that interest you.
Your grade in this course will be based on three
main components. One-sixth will be determined by writing an
article about the history of mathematics. One-third will be
determined from a running a class session on the history of
mathematics. The final half will be determined by showcasing the
history of an important theorem in mathematics.
Mathematics Teacher Article
You will write an article on a short topic in
history of mathematics or the teaching of history of mathematics that
would be appropriate for inclusion in Mathematics
Teacher. One third of your evaluation on this article
will be based each upon your selection of a topic by the due date, a
15-minute preseentation of your article, and the article itself.
Class Session
You will run a 75-minute class session on a topic in
the history of mathematics. One third of your evaluation will be
based each upon a written plan and your actual running of the class
session. One ninth will each be based upon your reflection on
your class session, your participations in others class sessions, and
your written feedback to others class sessions.
Journey Through Genius Chapter
You will write a paper in the style of Dunham's Journey Through Genius. It
will focus on a significant mathematical theorem, and follow the
outline of chapters in Journey
Through Genius. You will also include a lesson plan with
your chapter demonstrating a way to incorporate your material into the
secondary school classroom. One eighth of your evaluation will be
based upon each of the following components: selecting a topic by
the due date, handing in a complete draft by the due date, class
presentation of the material, and each of the written aspects of the
(the introduction, description of the theorem, epilogue, bibliography,
and the lesson plan).
Occasionally you will be given
anonymous feedback forms. Please use them to share any
or concerns for how the course is running. Remember, the
you tell me your concerns, the more I can do about them. I
also created a .
If we have not yet discussed this in class, please encourage me to
create a class code. Of
course, you are always welcome to approach me outside of class to
discuss these issues as well.
Disability Accommodations
ºÚÁÏÍø will make reasonable accommodations for
persons with documented physical, emotional or learning
disabilities. Students should consult with the Director in the
Office of Disability Services (Tabitha Buggie-Hunt, 105D Erwin, and their individual faculty regarding any needed
accommodations as early as possible in the semester.
January 21 Class goals and planning
26 Class goals and planning -
Euler and sum of reciprocal squares
28 more Euler and beginning of
Cantor topic for
article due
February 2 Cantor and the uncountable reals
4 workshop day for article
9 contextual mathematics
topics for class
presentation and chapter due
11 contextual mathematics
article due
16 article presentations - Jasons & Aaron
18 article presentations - Josh, Zac, Chris
23 workshop day for class discussions /
25 one more topic that is not
included in any other presentations
March 2 class discussion - Aaron
4 class discussion - Jason Miller
9 class discussion - Zac
11 class discussion - Josh
23 workshop day for peer editing chapters
25 Gary Towsley
presentation on history of NYS Mathematics Curriculum
30 class discussion - Chris
April 1 class discussion Chapter Draft Due
6 class discussion - Jason March
8 Incorporating history of mathematics
in the classroom
13 Galois and Geometric Constructions
15 Chapter Presentation - Aru
20 Chapter Presentation - Jason Miller
22 Comments on Calendars and history of Time
27 Chapter Presentation - Chris
29 Chapter Presentation - Aaron
May 4 Chapter Presentation - Jason March written chapter due
Tuesday, May 12 3:30 - 6:30p Final
Examination Time: Chapter Presentation - Zac, Josh and Conclusions