390 midterm XM March 12, 2010

Answer either (a) three of these questions with at least four examples each or (b) two of these questions with at least six examples each (no, no other options adding up to 12 are acceptable).  For each question, be sure to include examples from more than one culture.  For each of your examples, include cultural and temporal context, along with author when relevant (i.e. who, when, where, and what).  Do not use the same examples in two different questions. 

Please compose your responses using any text editor you choose.  Type your name as the first line before your responses.  Please type the question before answering it so I know which question you are answering.  Do not include specialised formatting in your responses.  When you have completed the exam (not before), open your email and compose a message to me.  Type "390 exam" as the subject of the email.  "Paste" your responses into the body of the email and send the message to me.  Do *not* send me any attachments for this exam - I will not read them.

All questions refer to mathematics before 1600.