390 Sample Reading and Lecture Reactions

Reading Reactions:

1. It's impressive that architects figured out that the damage taken by the castle would be lessened if the angles of the walls were changed. I also thought it was cool that architecture was evolving based on developments in weaponry. In addition, I thought William Louis's solution for increasing the rate of fire for the musket was brilliant, even though it's so simple.

2. When I came across the term "nautilus" in this section, I had no idea what this was referring to and researched the word. I had seen these animals before but I had never known the proper name for them, so it was cool that this reading helped make that connection for me.

3. Suzuki says "the rigors of working in the early hours of a cold, Scandinavian winter proved too much for Descarte", and I did not understand if he meant that Descarte died because of the cold or if his teaching abilities impaired he could not handle the weather.

4. Leibniz seemed like an interesting figure from the time period. I thought it was neat that he found the pattern within the sum of the reciprocals of the triangle numbers to find the answer. It was also interesting to learn Leibniz used the modern *dx* notation in his paper.

5. The reading stated that it was "impossible to turn lead into gold using the means available in the 17th century", but I was unaware that lead could be turned into gold using present day methods.

Reflection 1: Page 243 discusses how Peter's autocratic power led to many changes. Suzuki specifies the change that all European nobility were to be clean-shaven and that Peter literally walked the streets with scissors to trim and shave those who disobeyed him. I think it is funny to read facts in history like this. How can someone have to power to say and do that?! It blows my mind.

Reflection 2: I feel overwhelmed as I am reading through this section.  Suzuki is jumping from person to person and discovery to discovery so quickly. I have heard of many of these mathematicians (especially Bernoulli and Cramer) so I would like to read more in depth about each of them, but Suzuki is rushing through the mathematicians. I know there is a lot of math history for Suzuki to cover, but what and who are the most important to focus on?

Reflection 3: Wow, there are a lot of Bernoulli's!!! So, L'Hopital is actually Guillaume Francois Antoine? Why is he called the Marquis de L' Hopital? Another strange question that just came to mind is why are mathematicians usually known by their last names? I have heard of a lot of the mathematicians throughout this book, but I can only recall the last names. My guess is that most discoveries, formulas, theorems, and rules founded by mathematicians actually reference mathematicians last names.  Also, remembering one name is much easier than two!

Reflection 4: As I said in reflection two: along with the difficulty to follow all of the people, is the difficulty for me to follow all of the discoveries. I don't understand  where the discoveries of these mathematicians are coming from. I think this goes back to the fact that Suzuki is trying to cover so much history in such a small amount of time, but could we go over how Cramer came up with Cramer's Rule and how Benoulli (all of the Bernoulli's) came up with his contributions to probability and calculus? Could we also go over the theory of recurrent sequences that Suzuki discusses on page 245-246 just to obtain a stronger understanding?

Reflection 5: Some things I found interesting in today's reading was the fact that the curve invented by Grandi and written about by Agnesi was called the witch of Agnesi due to a mispronunciation/misread. Another thing that caught my eye while reading was when Suzuki stated that Lagrange turned down Fredrick's offer down in respect to another mathematician, Euler (on page 249). Facts like this make me like certain mathematicians even more! The last comment I would like to make is regarding page 250 when Euler makes a comment about the existence of God. This was entertaining to read.

1) I found it really interesting to read about the beginning of restaurants.  I would have thought that restaurants came about much earlier than the late 1700's.  It was interesting to read that the proliferation of restaurants is sometimes attributed to the flight of the nobles who left their chefs and cooks with no support, so they turned to restaurants looking for work.

2) How many times have people decided to change the calendar up until this point? The idea of a decimal calendar sounds terrible.  Same thing with decimal time.  Was there a purpose to trying to make time use 10 as a base instead of 12?

3) Can you go over Gauss' work with the roots of x^n-1=0? This section was long and complicated and I wasn't really understanding what was happening.

4) I thought it was cool how Gauss related number theory to geometry.  How exactly did he figure out that constructible polygons correspond to the Fermat primes? This seems like a very weird connection to make.

5) What is the principle of duality? Suzuki explained what it meant but I'm still a little bit confused.  Is this similar to the converse of a statement or not at all?

Lecture Reactions (Both have only four; you are required to write five, at most one from the quick answers in the beginning)

The quick answers were relatively straightforward. The explanation of the Poincare return map made a lot of sense to me in terms of the orbit of the Earth. Having a realistic model to imagine the moving points on helped, much more than the diagram even did. I liked the article about the biopic on Rumanujan's work with Hardy. Interesting about the critiques it received- not really any comment about the mathematics- but should we really be surprised by that? I also liked this article because I have emailed with Ken Ono before (applications to Emory's math REU) so seeing his name was a fun little surprise. Your explanation of the Hardy-Littlewood partnership helped explain the rules even more clearly.  While I don't think I was as opposed to the idea of the partnership as some of my peers seemed to be, the rules as Suzuki laid them out (which I would assume were in their original form) were more confusing to me than their "translation."

The Fields Medalists for 2014 came from the US (Princeton and Stanford), France, and England. I think this a very neat resource to have available and I think it is fun to be able to look and see where some of the most innovative mathematics is being done. Some of the names link to their home websites from their universities, or their personal websites, but some don't have any other information available. I wish that there was a short list on the site or that each name linked to the type of problem they were awarded the Fields Medal for or even for the field their work fell in. The Clay Institute problems were organized more in this way and I liked reading the description of each.

The many links on Hilbert problems were a little overwhelming, but also incredibly interesting. That one person could come up with so many different problems. I liked seeing the topics for all 23 (and reading about the original 24th!), and being able to track so clearly which problems have been solved and which haven't. I'm correct in thinking that there are no prizes for solving the Hilbert problems, at least not more than peer recognition and acclaim? So people are able to try to tackle these questions as they see fit or are interested?

The image of the four-colored map was really interesting to see the transformation. I thought it was a really effective visualization for the reasoning behind the coloration. Of course, this theory can be applied to many different graphs, so does the same type of "solution" picture apply to those as well? Or does it depend on where you choose your "starting point" and how many adjacent regions there are to that specific point?

There was a lot covered in the quick answers today. Lots on history (which I enjoyed), a good amount on geography, and plenty about the discovery of logarithms and use of negative and complex solutions. I felt that the text for today was really rich mathematically and didn't have a lot of historical context past that of the Tudor dynasty, and this is reflected in the questions/comments of today's quick answers. I am also expecting that this becomes more and more common as we finish the book.

I liked being able to see examples of Recorde's actual text. It was interesting to see the formatting they used at the time for including examples along with text. I also really enjoyed the visuals of the maps of the time. Being able to see the differences between the three options was very interesting. The schematic map definitely helped me visualize how the projections were done. The straight cylindrical map and the Mercator projection both had distortions, especially around the edge of the projections, but very different distortions in that. I appreciated your comment that even now, maps have inaccuracies, especially towards the poles, but that these errors do not pose too many problems because of the lack of travel in these areas.

I enjoyed reading about Harriot because of all of the things he worked on.  The sonnet he wrote regarding the sign rule for multiplication was relatively confusing. I think its interesting because this was a rule that was relatively well known by this time. The examples they give in the text were clear and concise and I liked that there were concluding sentences at some points to explain notation in modern terms.

I liked that this section talked about Napier's logarithms because I had read a lot about it in my research for my paper. I thought it was interesting that you made the distinction in the quick answers that the formal definition of exponential functions didn't appear until about 200 years after the idea of logarithms. It is my job to try to find as much evidence against this statement as possible in the next week. I think his tables are incredibly detailed, but I wish there was more explanation of the methods he used to obtain those tables.