333 Presentation and Problem Set List

Chapters 1-2

1A     8,
          and prove (ab)^m = (a^m)b^m by induction for positive integers m
1B     2, 4
1C     7-8 as one presentation, 2
2A    Prove 2.21 if v_1 = 0 and j = 1.
         How does 2.23 need to be adapted to account for all possible cases?
2B    1, 5
2C    1, one of 4-8

Problem Set
1A    1, 16
1B    5, 6
1C    12-13 as one problem, 24
2A    10, 16
2B    7
2C    16

Chapter 3

3A    Prove that the maps in 3.6 are indeed linear.  Separately, finish the work for 3.7.
3B    2, 4
3C    7, 8
3D    2, 3
3E    1, 3
3F    10

Problem Set
3A    9, 11
3B    24-25 as one, 26
3C    14, prove or find a proof that function composition is associative when it is defined (it is not difficult to prove) - use this to rejustify 14.
3D    10, 19
3E    13, 20
3F    What can you say about L(F, V)?  How does it compare to L(V, F)?

Chapter 5 (4 will be done in a one-day review without presentations or problems)

5A    9, 13
5B    4, 8
5C    1, 2

Problem Set
5A    18, 34
5B    16 or 17, 19
5C    12 is required, 13 or 14

Chapter 6

6A    4, 19-20 as one
6B    4, Prove 6.25 by induction
6C    1, 5

Problem Set
6A    21, 26
6B    15,16
6C    9, 12

Chapter 7

7A    9, Justify or fix 7.14
7B    1, 7 or 8
7C    prove P_U is positive.  prove R in 7.35 b=>c is positive.
7D    in the polar decomposition argument "verify  that S_1 is a linear map", 6

Problem Set
7A    10, 18
7B    6, 10, 13 for 2 extra credit points
7C    10, 14
7D    8, create your own example of finding a singular values decomposition of a nonsquare nonzero matrix (not already in \Sigma form), following the more material in

Chapter 8 + Differential Equations Supplement

8A    Give an example of an operator T on a vector space V such that V is not the direct sum of  null T and im T, 6.
8B    2, prove that R^2 = T in 8.33
8C    9, one of 4-6 (not 3, in fact)
8D    2, 3
2.8.1    1-2, 3-4 both as one
2.8.2    9-10 as one, 12

Problem Set
8A   21, 16-17 as one problem.
8B    7, 10
8C    11, 18
8D    6, 8
2.8.1    5-6 as one, 8
2.8.2    13, 14-15 as one