INTD 301 Problem Sets

Problem Set 1

This problem set is due 20 February.  It may see some changes before then. 

1. Write these counting numbers in base -10:  1, 2, 11, 22, 33, 44, 99, 155, 266, 377.   The division algorithm requires the divisor, b, > 0, but not the dividend.  What does the division algorithm produce as a quotient and remainder for -23 divided by 7?  Create a way to extend the division algorithm for negative integer divisors, b < 0.  Prove your result. 

2. Consider the polynomial:  4x3 + 3x2 + 5x + 3.  Change this into a polynomial in (x - 2).  (An incorrect answer in the correct form is 4(x - 2)3 + 3(x - 2)2 + 5(x - 2) + 3.)  How does this question relate to converting between bases?

3. Factors of some large numbers can be found by writing the numbers as polynomials.  Use your knowledge of polynomial factors to find as many factors of each number as you can:  1000002000001, 1(50 zeroes)2(50 zeroes)1 [this number has 103 digits], 111111111, 1(total of 63 ones)1 [this number has 63, not 65 digits], 827827, 123123123123123123.

4. Items from the handout of inverse proofs:  Prove the following, in a similar fashion to the way we did in class on 4 February:  (-a)(-b) = ab [Be careful not to use (-1)(-1) = 1.  This proves that, not the other way around  You may assume #1-3, prove all else you need to get there.] 

Also prove the division algorithm for fractions is true [this is not easy to typeset here, it's #10 on the handout], i.e. (a/b) / (c/d) = ad / bc. [Again, you may assume the results we proved in class, prove all else you need to get there.]

5. Textbook 8.4.4.

6. Textbook 3.2.18-20 as one. 

7. Textbook 8.6.13.

8. Pick one of 3.2.5, 3.3.7, 8.3.4, 8.6.9, 8.6.10.  (spread out). 

Problem Set 2

These problems are due on 11 March.  They are finalised now.

3.2.13-14 as one problem 

Here's one question:  work entirely in base 7.  Express your answer as a base 7 fraction (not necessarily in lowest terms).  3.12 -  2/13.   Please note:  3.12 is a septimal.  It is like a decimal, but is base 7, not in base 10.   [Hint:  Polynomials are easier than numbers - it's a mantra - it's a way of life.]  

From handout in class: 21 - 25.  [Make sure I give you this handout.]  Hint on 23:  Prove If N(w) is prime, w is irreducible.  Then use this when it helps.   Hint on 24:  Suppose that w is the smallest norm element that cannot be factored into irreducibles, prove that it can be.  [There is no such thing as a 'norm element', that makes no sense, so this must mean "the element with smallest norm".  Be careful about that and remember to think about words.  If they don't make sense as you read them - you may be misreading them.]

[Full credit on this question will be 2 points - if you attempt you will earn two points.  If you have a solution you will receive 1 point extra, if it is correct you will receive two points extra.]  Find the monic [leading coeffcient = 1] polynomial f(x) of lowest degree with integer coefficients such that cube root of 2 + square root of 2 is a root of the equation f(x) = 0.  Make a graph to find out whether any of the numbers obtained by negating one of the two terms seem to also be roots.  Carry out the algebra to prove which of these three other numbers are roots.

Consider the equation x3 + px - q = 0, where p and q are prime numbers.  Show that 1 is the only possible rational root.  Show that if 1 is a root, then we must have q = 3 and p = 2.  What are the remaining roots if 1 is a root?

Trigonometry, Logs, Exponentials, and Complex Problem Set

Due 15 April.

It's possible I will change this before then, as that's a ways off.  Please make your write-ups more independent.  Write your own words - do not look at others' papers. 

5.3.1, 5.3.9 

as one question:  (8.10.1.d,e,f, 8.10.10.b,f,g [say something interesting about g, at least]),

8.10.12 (for part b does the base matter?  include this with the question.)

12.3.10 (also derive formulas for sin 3A and cos 3A), 12.8.1, 12.8.2

Present trigonometric proofs for as many special cases of SSA as you can discover.  (one is done for you in the text - for HL - it also gives you a model for how to write such proofs).

Let f(x) = ln(1 - 1/x^2).  Solve f(2) + f(3) + f(4) = ln(q) for q.

On your handout for trigonometric identities there are formulae for the radius of the circumscribed circle.  Use the fact that the central angle is twice an inscribed angle to derive this result.  Also, although I know that haversine is half of the versed sine (and vers ø = 1 - cos ø), when I look online I always find that haversine is sin^2(ø/2).  Do we disagree?   

**9.2.3** Talk to me about this one in class.  Convince me there that you don't need to write it up.  
