113 Problem Sets

5 exercises + 5 problems each.  Please visit here for the actual text of the problems.  I do not expect this list to be particularly helpful to you in numbers.  Solutions to each problem set will be posted on this page after they are handed in. 

1.1  13, 22, 23
1.2  15, 23

Here are solutions for problem set A.

1.3  29, 32
1.4  24, 25
2.2  26

Here are solutions for problem set B.

2.1  26
2.2  29
2.3  24, 31
2.4  27

Here are solutions for problem set C.

3.1  15, 21-22 combined
3.2  20, 26
3.3  22

Here are solutions for problem set D.

3.4  25-26 combined
3.5  29
"Newer question" about spam email.
+ 2 problems at end of police activity

Here are solutions for problem set E.

5.1  19, 21
5.2  15, 19, 27

Here are solutions for problem set F.

5.3x2  4, 21, 28
6.1  15, 21

Here are solutions for problem set G.

6.2 16, 17, 18, 19, 22

Here are solutions for problem set H.

7.1 13, 19, 27
7.2 23, 29-30

Here are solutions for problem set I.

7.3 7.1 11, 13, 29

Here are solutions to problem set J.

Choose 5 problems from the   Be sure to include at least one from each of the topics we have discussed. 

Here are solutions to problem set K.  (the questions I found most relevant)