Guidelines for Student Research and Travel Grant Applications

Download a pdf of the following guidelines

  1. Student MUST attend a Proposal Writing Workshop each academic year and must be enrolled on a full-time basis. They must have a minimum 2.0 overall GPA.
  2. Student may apply twice a year and the year begins with the summer deadline. A maximum of $600 will be awarded to each undergraduate recipient per semester or summer.
  3. Groups of 3 or more students applying together for the same project or presentation will be limited to a total of $1,800. 
  4. Awards are competitive and decisions for funding will be based on the quality of your grant application. Having a paper accepted, personal or career goals, and graduate school admission alone are not sufficient justification for funding. 
  5. Projects must be supervised by a faculty mentor or sponsor.
  6. Grants may not fund stipends and cannot purchase computers/computer hardware.
  7. Research must conform to standards set by the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Participants and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.  Students using human or animal subjects for data collection need to include evidence that IRB or IACUC approval has been obtained or is being sought.  If applicable, evidence of IRB or IACUC approval is required for those seeking support for travel. 
  8. A final report must be submitted to the Sponsored Research Office, Erwin 202 promptly after completion of the project.
  9. Notice:   if this application is for funds to support research for academic credit at an institution other than 黑料网, you must fill out a 鈥減re-approval for transfer credit鈥 form (available from the dean鈥檚 office) before enrolling with the outside institution.

Guidelines for Travel

To present research results or A PERFORMANCE at a professional MEETING or scholarly conference:

  1. The Research Council reserves the right to limit the travel support for a single presentation or performance.
  2. Your 1 - 2 page rationale for support must be written so that a student or faculty member outside of your major may understand and should include the following information:
    1. What was accomplished towards these goals?
    2. What was the purpose and significance of the research project?
    3. How will you be participating at the conference? Ex: presenter, poster session, panelist
    4. Group travel applications, please provide additional justification by answering the following questions:
    • How will each student participate in the presentation or performance?  Will they be making all or part of the presentation or performance or will they attend the meeting as a non-presenting co-author?
    • For travel for research presentations, what was each student鈥檚 intellectual contribution to the project? 
    • For travel involving performances, what was each student鈥檚 creative contribution to the development of the performance and/or how will each student contribute to the final performance?
  3. For group applications, each student should submit Section 1, Submission Information and Section 2, Budget; but only one copy of the one-page rationale and other attachments is needed.

  4. Include a copy of the letter or the e-mail confirming acceptance of your presentation or poster.  If you have not yet received confirmation by the application deadline, it can be attached to your reimbursement request. Expenditures will not be processed without confirmations.

  5. All applications must be accompanied by a completed Faculty Support Form from an appropriate faculty sponsor describing the merit of the research and the significance of the conference.
  6. Please include a detailed travel budget with explanations to justify your budget requests. Please list all anticipated expenses (even if the total exceeds the current $600 maximum award).
  7. The prior student limits on lodging, meals, and mileage have been lifted. Students may now use the same rates for lodging, meals, and mileage as faculty and staff. The current mileage rate is $0.67 per mile (please see note in item 10, below regarding maximum auto reimbursements).  Allowable meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) and lodging rates must be looked up using the city and state of the conference location at this website: . The M&IE allowance will be listed under the lodging rates. Partial day meals are calculated at 20% of the M&IE rate for breakfast and 80% of the M&IE rate for dinner. Meals included in conference registration should not be calculated in meal rates.  Additional fees for banquets are not eligible for funding.
  8. Do not include a copy of your presentation.
  9. For group applications where students drive to the conference or meeting, generally only ONE student will be reimbursed for auto expenses (e.g. auto rental, mileage, tolls, parking).
  10. Personal auto expenses will be reimbursed at the lesser amount of either the mileage costs at $0.67 per mile driven OR the equivalent cost of a rental car plus fuel costs.  If you are using your own car you can estimate  auto reimbursement at $36.48/day (the current rental rate equivalent that the College uses) plus gas based on the total miles to be traveled, 25 mpg fuel efficiency, and the current cost of gas.
  11. Travel plans and reimbursement requests should reflect the formal conference dates and start/end times. Any extension of the trip for personal reasons is the responsibility of the traveler. 

Apply for Research and Travel Grants

Guidelines for Research Grants

For supplies, equipment, research-related travel, and other expenses to begin or continue a research or creative project:

1. Your detailed rationale must respond to all questions in #2 and #3 below and it should be 3-5 pages in length to provide the review committee with adequate information. Your rationale must be written so that a student or faculty member outside of your major may understand.

2. Your proposal must include the following information:

  • What is the purpose of your project? (hypothesis, thesis, objective)
  • How are you going about the project/research? (methodology, procedures, research strategies, etc.)
  • Indicate the specific role of each student in the project (e.g. what specific experiments or activities will the student(s) be responsible for?)
  • What is your timetable?
  • What are the expected conclusions or results of your project? (What do you hope to find out and/or accomplish?)
  • Why should you receive Student Association/Geneseo Foundation funds for this project?

3.    Include supporting documentation as it applies to your proposal:

  • Examples of research "tools," if applicable (Include, when appropriate, questionnaires, surveys, interview questions, lists of collections or archives you intend to utilize, etc. and explain how these address the purpose of your research)
  • Verification of your ability to do the research/project (appointments for interviews, availability of needed equipment, contact with archivists to discuss accessibility of collections, etc.)
  • Equipment - (current price quote including S & H, explanation of equipment, what it is used for, and appropriate shipping and handling costs.  Demonstrate that equipment is not otherwise available, integral to the research, too inaccessible to borrow and would enhance student academic pursuits beyond your project)
  • References 鈥 (cite works used in developing your proposal)

4.   All applications must be accompanied by a completed Faculty Support Form from an appropriate faculty sponsor specifically endorsing the merit and plausibility of the proposal and outlining both student and faculty sponsor roles.

5.   Please include a detailed project budget with explanations to justify your budget requests. Budget allowance for duplicating is $0.10 per copy with $100 maximum.  

6.   Travel expenses for trips to conduct research (e.g. to travel to an archive or library or to conduct field research) are allowed under the Research Grant category.  Please follow the instructions above for Travel Grants expenses for your travel costs.

Apply for Research and Travel Grants


Application/Selection Process: Anne Baldwin,
Reimbursements/Amount of Award Remaining: Sue Crilly,