Direct Costs / en Facilities Use Policy /policy/facilities-use-policy Facilities Use Policy Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 02/18/2020 - 14:08 Image 1-025 Cabinet 08-01-2017 11-07-2023 Category General College Scheduling, Events, and Conference Services (585) 245-5500

The Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services administers and enforces the Facilities Use Policy. The Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services provides scheduling, physical arrangements, event planning, and facility use coordination to all campus departments and constituents (CAS, Facilities, Custodial Services, Tech Support, CIT, etc). This policy extends to employees, students, and off campus users.

The mission of the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services is to provide professional planning support and information for events and activities on campus resulting in efficient space management and successful campus events. To accomplish these goals effectively, all requests for space (this includes outdoor areas) must be approved through the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services. This single campus clearinghouse for all events will provide knowledgeable support and coordination so that every event will become a successful, positive reflection of the College.

Direct Costs Registered Student Organizations Academic Department Organizations

Section 1: Policy

The College must be reimbursed for all direct costs incurred in facility use by Academic Departments, College Departments and Student Organizations. Direct costs are defined as all fees associated with having an event or program in College facilities, or supported by College services. Direct expenses include, but are not limited to, costs incurred as a result of occupancy beyond regular hours, audio-visual requirements, custodial services, personnel required to service an event, set-ups, special equipment, University Police and Parking Services, HVAC outside the state supported guidelines, and technical support. Each department or organization will be billed accordingly for direct expenses associated with events.

The Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services is the resource for all procedures for facility use, and questions about compliance with the Facilities Use Policy. Weekly planning meetings are held every Thursday to review upcoming events with representatives from College support departments as outlined above.

To schedule space or for assistance in planning your event on campus, contact the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services in Erwin 23 or by calling 585-245-5500. Visit us online for more details and guidelines on planning campus events.

Part 1: Department-Sponsored and Academic-Related Use of College Facilities

  • An academic-related or department-sponsored event is defined as a meeting, seminar, lecture, or symposium, which is held for the benefit of College faculty, staff or students with primarily internal College participants. College facilities are available to faculty, staff and recognized student organizations for sponsorship of educational programs or programs sponsored by academic and administrative departments. College facilities are NOT available to faculty, staff or students for personal use.  However, individuals and external organizations may use space for a fee. (See Use of College Facilities by External Organizations for more information).
  • An event where participants are predominantly non-College individuals should be treated as an external event and scheduled through the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services. Such events will require the issuance of a New York State Revocable Permit. College departments may choose to sponsor such events. Such sponsorships will require the issuance of a New York State Revocable Permit AND the department will be financially responsible for all direct costs.

Part 2: Student Organization Use of College Facilities

Registered Student Organizations

Registered Student Organizations are defined as student groups organized and supported by currently enrolled 黑料网 students in their pursuit to meet a need or fill a niche for the college鈥檚 diverse student population. These groups are committed to supporting and advancing the College Mission Statement and functioning in accordance with campus policy.  These student groups have successfully completed the student organization registration process and have been granted official registration by the College.

Registration does not imply college endorsement of the positions and views of any organization. Rather, it implies that the institution accepts the organization鈥檚 mission as educationally valid, and that the organization has complied with institutional registration and continuing registration procedures.

The policies and procedures of 黑料网 supersede any outside affiliation or international entity for all organizations that have affiliations outside of Geneseo.

Academic Department Organizations 

Academic Department Organizations are defined as student groups that are formed, sponsored by Academic departments, in the pursuit of research and academic endeavors, and are not considered long-term student organizations. These groups are formed to work on short-term projects and they should not extend beyond one full academic year.

The sponsoring Academic department assumes responsibility of the group and therefore can reserve space for the group under the department's name.

Fundraising by a Registered Student Organization
  • Fundraising is permitted on campus to support direct program costs, the internal operations of registered student organizations, or contributions to non-profit, external and charitable organizations.
  • Each fundraising activity must be approved by the designee in Student Life. Applications must be submitted at least seven days in advance to the Student Life Office, MacVittie College Union 321. Activities must be conducted in the location assigned.
  • Permission will be granted or denied in writing within seven days and the approval must be shown on request to anyone who asks for proof of permission.
  • Solicitations for charities require permission from the governing body of the group involved, and the activity will be limited to public areas and excluded from rooms and corridors.
  • In addition to College permission, organizations conducting charity drives must receive specific permission to solicit within particular campus buildings from the administrators responsible for those buildings. Refer to Director of Student Life for specific instructions.
  • For off-campus fundraising, Federal, State, and Local rules apply.
  • Within 10 days of the completion of the fundraising, documentation of the deposit to the charitable organization must be submitted to the Director of Student Life, MacVittie College Union 321.
Sponsorship of Commercial Activity for Profit by a Registered Student Organization
  • Sponsoring a commercial activity must be approved on an individual basis by the Director of Student Life.
  • The commercial activity must in some way contribute to the recognized student organization treasury and be handled by the organization.
  • Consideration for sponsoring commercial activity by a recognized student organization will be given only if:
    • the organization presents proof of the activity鈥檚 legitimacy;
    • the organization presents a rationale stating that the activity will enhance the College community educationally or culturally;
    • the activity will not conflict with the College鈥檚 agreement with Campus Auxiliary Services or compete with it in the sale of comparable items
  • Where appropriate, the commercial vendor must certify that it will charge and report applicable sales tax on items sold and comply with all applicable State and local laws and regulations.
Sponsorship of Political Programs by Registered Student Organizations

Geneseo encourages and supports the free exchange of ideas and political viewpoints; but the name of the College, insignia, seal or address of the College or any of its facilities may not be used for the direct support of a partisan political cause or candidacy.

When the campus does approve the use of campus property or facilities for political purposes, reasonably equal opportunity shall be provided for the presentation of all sides or views and in such cases reasonably equal access to the property or facilities shall be provided to all sides.

Part 3: Use of College Facilities by External Organizations

The Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services will have scheduling priority during the summer months and during breaks in the academic year after all college sponsored activities have been scheduled. Events scheduled during the academic year and using general College facilities may not conflict with scheduled student activities. Normally the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services will not book engagements or confirm reservations for use of College facilities by outside groups during the academic year more than three months in advance. Events in the College Union need prior approval from the Director of Student Life. Events in the Residence Halls require approval from the Director of Residence Life, and events involving athletic facilities require consultation and approval of the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics and Recreation (or a designee). Requests for use of Wadsworth Auditorium, Doty Recital Hall, Alice Austin Theater or Robert Sinclair Theater (Blackbox) will be approved or denied after consultation with the departments of Music and Theater.

Organizations Eligible to use College Facilities
  • Non-profit, educationally oriented associations and organizations;
  • local, county, State and University agencies and organizations;
  • non-profit, religious organizations;
  • organizations that by meeting on campus will enhance the relationship between the College and the Community, or which enhance the educational mission of the College; and
  • organizations which provide a community service which in their use of College facilities do not compete with area businesses.
Approval for Use of Facilities
  • All inquiries and requests for the use of College facilities and services by external organizations must be made to the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services.
  • Events for which participants are predominantly non-college students, faculty or staff, even if sponsored by a faculty or staff member or department, must be scheduled and planned through the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services.
  • The Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services will consult with the administrators in charge of facilities requested to determine availability.
  • The Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services will act as coordinator for the use of all College facilities and services for approved conferences.
  • The Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services will distribute information relating to conferences on campus in a timely basis to the administrators responsible for providing necessary services.
  • A New York State Revocable Permit will be issued to any external organization wishing to use College facilities. All revocable permits will be issued by the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services and submitted to the Vice President for Finance and Administration for approval at least two weeks prior to the start of the conference or use of facilities. The Revocable Permit must be approved by the Vice President or their designee before an organization is permitted to use the College Facilities.
  • Any external organization must provide proof of insurance and a Certificate of Liability/General Liability Insurance with limits no less than two million dollars ($2,000,000) per claim and two million dollars ($2,000,000) in the aggregate. The certificate must name the State and the College as additionally insured.

The College is unable to host funerals or other public memorial services which serve as the primary observance for a public audience. Remembrance events for the college community may be permitted with prior approval from the event organizer鈥檚 appropriate cabinet-level supervisor before event commitments are made. A remembrance event will only be permitted for those individuals currently affiliated with the college and when an official college department or student organization serves as sponsor and organizer for the event, managing event logistics in compliance with campus policies and protocols.

Facility Use Charges 

Facility use charges are established by the Facilities Use Committee and are approved by the President.

  • Additional charges may be required for special services such as custodial, electrical, air conditioning, facility supervision, University Police and Parking Services and any costs for damages incurred.
  • The Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services will issue Revocable Permits for stand-alone athletic functions for external organizations.  Scheduling will be coordinated with the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics. There will be a permit application fee to cover expenses incurred in processing the permit.
  • With the exception of facility use rates for stand-alone athletic functions, the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services is the only office authorized to submit bids, quote facility use rates or conference rates to external users.
Campaign Policy 

Please refer to Campaigning Policy 4-400

Free Speech

Individuals interested in using the campus grounds for assembly, picketing, or demonstrations are required to inform the College of their intentions and obtain authorization through the Office of the Vice President for Student and Campus Life. Forty-eight hours advance notice is required. Applicants to utilize campus grounds are required to submit: their name(s); the name of their organization; the location sought; the date and time of the planned demonstration; the number of persons expected to participate; and the manner of demonstration. Please refer to the Assembly Policy.

Section 2: General Guidelines and Procedures for All Events on Campus 

Faculty, staff and recognized student organizations may reserve rooms on campus by contacting the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services, Erwin Hall 23, 585-245-5500.

1. Timeliness

To ensure that your request is processed in a timely and efficient manner, please submit your request a minimum of two-weeks prior to the event. Late requests will be accommodated, if possible depending on the nature of the request. Please note that recognized student organizations may not make reservations for space before the first day of classes or after the last day of classes in any given semester. Student organizations cannot reserve space or hold events on study days or during final exams of either semester. If a student organization would like to reserve and use space during the summer sessions, the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services will work with the groups on a case by case basis to accommodate the request.

2. Confirmation

A confirmation notice will be forwarded to the requester via email or will be given over the phone. Please verify that all information entered is correct. Note: Do not advertise your event until the confirmation has been received.

3. Space Holds

A requester may hold space without commitment or event details until another request has been made for the same space. At that time the original requester will have up to two weeks to commit to the original request or release the date for the second group.

4. Changes

Any changes to the original reservation request must be submitted a minimum of five working days prior to the event. Any date change may also result in a charge to the sponsoring group.

5. Cancellations

The cancellation of an event must be done a minimum of three working days prior to the event. Responsible parties will be financially accountable for all charges that would have been incurred because of commitments made to facilitate the event if proper notice is not given to the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services.

6. Damage to property

Furniture or equipment may not be removed during the reservation of the facility. Any furniture that was moved to facilitate your event must be returned to its original location. Decorations must be removed and the facility left in unmarked condition when the reservation is completed. Persons using space are responsible for leaving the room in a neat and orderly state. In addition to any normal charges, persons who leave a disorderly room and/or cause damage to the room or equipment may be liable for a service charge and are subject to New York State Laws for possible prosecution and student groups could also face action through the Student Code of Conduct if appropriate

7. Food and Beverage

All Food and Beverage catering is exclusively provided by Campus Auxiliary Services (CAS). On occasion, CAS may honor a request to vary from the current catering policies. Requests for food and beverage must be made at least two weeks prior to the event.

8. Revoking Reservations

The Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services may revoke approval for use of any College facility when facilities are misused, or any of the provisions of the reservations procedures are violated. The Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services reserves the right to change/cancel a room reservation if necessary. This would only happen in emergency situations or as outlined in the Scheduling Priorities Policy

9. Spaces of Note

For the purpose of example and not all inclusive proper event planning, the following spaces cannot be reserved online through Virtual EMS and must be reserved directly with the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services or directly through the office identified below.

  • MacVittie College Union Ballroom
  • MacVittie College Union Lobby
  • MacVittie College Union Plaza
  • ANY Outdoor space (Quads, Playing Fields, Arboretum)
  • ANY Intercollegiate Athletic spaces in Merritt Athletic Center, College Stadium or Schrader Hall (Intercollegiate Athletics & Recreation)
  • Wadsworth Auditorium and Doty Recital Hall (in consultation with Music Department)
  • Alice Austin Theater, Brodie Dance Studio, and Robert Sinclair Theater (in consultation with Theater and Dance Department)
  • Doty Hall: Conference Rooms  307 and 316, Webinar Room (302E) and Tower Room (300) are available for use during normal business hours. Events scheduled after hours will be reviewed and approved on a case by case basis by the Director of Scheduling and Events.
  • Milne Library Multipurpose Rooms A & B

10. Solicitations

Nothing may be sold and no funds may be solicited at unreserved locations.

11. Time Limits

The Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services reserves the right to establish time limits (exceptions to the seven-day rule) for making arrangements and confirming reservations depending on technical requirements or nature of the events.

12. Safety

Provisions must be made for the safety of persons attending an event on campus. It is the registered student organization's responsibility to work with Environmental Health & Safety Office and University Police Department to ensure that safety regulations required by 黑料网 are met. Campus Officials including University Police reserve the right to cancel any event which they may determine to be a safety hazard.

13. College Endorsement

Use of 黑料网 facilities does not imply College endorsement of an organization, its events, or its objectives. All activities must be in complete accordance with all federal, state and local statutes and must be in accordance with all 黑料网 regulations and policies.

14. Off-Campus Participants

Any registered student organization or department hosting an event where off-campus participants (non-faculty, staff, or students) are in attendance, must contact the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services (5500) and the Campus Auxiliary Services (5666) for catering (if food or catering is needed).

15. Space Reservation Limits

The Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services reserves the right to limit the number of reservations a single group can make for any given week. In an effort to provide space to as many groups as possible:

  1. Registered student organizations may reserve a maximum of four (4) hours of meeting/event time per week on a regular basis.
  2. Registered student groups may reserve additional time on a space available basis after the third week of classes in a given academic year - but not exceeding 8 hours per week.
  3. The reservation of a classroom must be for a specified event or meeting (classrooms cannot be reserved for study time).
  4. Classrooms cannot be reserved for multiple days in a week for the entire semester.

16. Scheduling Priorities

  • Academic classes scheduled through the Registrar's Office take priority over everything else in the academic classroom buildings.
  • Events scheduled will have the following priorities:
    • College sponsored major, traditional, annual on-campus events, such as Commencement, Convocation, Diversity Summit, Alumni Reunion, Orientation and GREAT Day.
    • Academic-related College events scheduled by appropriate faculty.
    • The following Campus Governance Groups鈥 Weekly Meetings:
      • Inter-Residence Council, Mondays at 7:00 p.m.
      • Academic Affairs Committee, Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m.
      • Student Association, Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m.
      • Inter-Greek Council, Thursdays at 5:00 p.m.
      • Non-academic-related events scheduled by students or faculty
  • Regular meetings, review sessions, etc.: A request to book space for the next academic year can be made after April 15th of the current year. The College Union and individual building conference rooms can be booked for both semesters of the following year (up to 18 months in advance), however, those groups requesting rooms in academic spaces may only request dates for the next semester. Requests for the following semester may be made at the beginning of the said semester after 鈥淎dd/Drop.鈥  Reservations are processed as quickly as possible. A turnaround time of no more than seven (7) days may be required at certain times of the year.
  • Reservations for the following year: A room reservation request for an event or activity for the next school year may be submitted beginning April 15, of the current year.  Reservations will not be accepted prior to that date, with the exception of major campus events. Procedures for reserving dates, time, and space for events may be obtained through the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services

Section 3: Procedures specific to the MacVittie College Union

  • All scheduled events in the MacVittie College Union must end at least one-half hour before the reservation ends or the building closes to permit cleanup by the sponsoring organization. Any event not held within building hours must have special permission from the Director of Student Life Department (or designated staff), CU 321, and there will be a charge for building supervision outside of regular hours. Overnight hours may be granted with approval, however are limited to 2 overnight events per semester.
  • Flyers may not be taped to any surface in MacVittie College Union including exterior doors. Any organization taping up flyers will be subject to charges for the removal of the flyer or repair of the surface. Organizations are permitted to submit special proposals to Department of Student Life staff for any creative publicity differing from the policies and procedures.
  • Department of Student Life staff and Student Managers reserve the right to control the sound levels of events in the MacVittie College Union.
  • The distribution of leaflets, handbills, samples and other materials in the MacVittie College Union may occur only in a reserved area. When distribution is over, the organization is responsible for picking up any materials thrown on the floors throughout the building.
  • Every effort is made to reserve the type of room requested. A printed confirmation email will be sent to confirm the exact room assigned to your organization after the reservation is made. It also may be necessary to relocate a function in order to best use the facilities available. If this is necessary, all parties will be notified as far in advance as possible.
  • Individuals and Organizations are expected to leave the space they reserved and utilized with the same setup and in the same condition as they found it at the beginning of their reservation. If the room is in need of custodial services or a reset, charges may be levied accordingly.
  • Direct expenses include, but are not limited to, costs incurred as a result of occupancy beyond regular hours, audio-visual requirements, custodial services, personnel required to service an event, set-ups, special equipment, University Police Department and Parking Services, HVAC outside the state supported HVAC guidelines, and technical support. Charges will be passed on to the organization/individual placing the reservation.

Section 4: Online Reservation Procedures

Geneseo鈥檚 online reservation system can be viewed by visiting the Event Management System (EMS) web site by accessing: .  Faculty, staff and recognized student organizations may use the system to search for available space and submit a secured online request for space. Requests are approved or declined by the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services. Submission of a request does not confirm a reservation. All standard policies and procedures apply. Those organizations that have special needs should contact the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services, Erwin 23 at 585-245-5500.

Section 5: Guidelines for Managing Events On-Campus

If your organization or department is planning an event on campus, you must communicate with the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services at least three (3) weeks prior to the event. At that time you should be prepared to discuss the details for the event.

Event Categories:

  • Your event will require an early open or late night closing beyond standard building hours.
  • You have invited off-campus guests.
  • You are having a performer and a contract is required.
  • You are having food at your event.
  • If you require a setup other than the standard room setup for the reserved space or need additional equipment.
  • Event is to be held outdoors.
  • If your event requires parking for off-campus guests.
  • You have an event that requires additional health and safety precautions (5K or polarizing events- an event that could bring opposing viewpoints into a controlled platform).

In accordance with campus guidelines, the following policies are reiterated for registered student organizations in planning an event

  • Events held in the College Union will end at 11 p.m. Sunday 鈥 Thursday and 2:00 a.m. Fridays and Saturdays. Groups may request permission for extended hours.
  • College Union building/event hours may be extended beyond 2:00 a.m. on Friday and Saturday evenings with approval of the Director of Student Life or designee for the Department of Student Life. If building hours are extended you must stop admitting new guests at 2:00 a.m. as the building will be locked at that time. Overnight hours may be granted with approval; however these are limited to 2 per semester.
  • After details of the event have been reviewed by the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services with appropriate College support offices and the students, additional University Police officers may be required. UPD reserves the right to charge for these services.
  • A professional staff member (such as an advisor or resident director) may also be required to attend the event. Staff members are always welcome to attend any program.
  • Registered student organizations should have a plan for monitoring the doors and taking tickets to ensure the safety of all attendees.
  • All policies and procedures stated in the Student Organization Handbook must be upheld.  Registered student organizations failing to follow these procedures for planning programs could jeopardize their College registration.
  • Reservations should include any necessary set-up and clean up time as part of the event request.
  • Unless you have made a request for additional time to access your event facility the standard procedure is to allow you access 15 minutes prior to its start time. Should there be a problem with your event, please take the following steps:
    • During Business Hours (8am-4pm) 鈥 Call The Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services at ext. 5500 and they will assist.
    • Outside of Business Hours 鈥
      • If your event is in the College Union, locate the building manager and they will assist.
      • If your event is NOT being held in the College Union, call University Police to have the proper Facilities Services staff person or UPD Officer  on duty dispatched to the location of your event.

Section 6: Guidelines for Posting Event Information

Posting Events to the College Calendar

  • All on-campus events must be first scheduled and processed by the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services before they will be published to the college calendar.
  • Only organizations officially affiliated with the College (e.g., registered student organizations, academic departments, college offices) may submit event information for posting to the calendar.
  • 黑料网 computer facilities shall be utilized solely for work consistent with the instructional, research, and administrative goals of the College, as defined in the 黑料网 "Missions and Goals" statement and the SUNY Policy Manual, Item 007.1. Geneseo computer facilities and network may not be used to post or transmit any material that constitutes or contains advertising or any solicitation of product or services in exchange for personal financial or political gain.
  • In addition, the advertising of events or activities that promote the use of alcoholic beverages and/or illicit drugs is prohibited.
  • All posted events must follow College policies, and state, federal, and local laws and regulations.
  • An off-campus event is considered acceptable to post if it meets these criteria:
    • The event is directly related to or would benefit the College, the College鈥檚 Mission and Goals.
    • The organization or department sponsoring is officially affiliated with the College. Co-sponsors may be listed but the sponsoring group must be college affiliated.  
    • The event adheres to the same policies as on-campus events, except for the scheduling and processing by the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services.
    • The event is accessible to the College community

Posting Events to "This Week at Geneseo" and "Geneseo Weekly"

Events in the online calendar that are targeted to a student audience are shared weekly in the 鈥淭his Week at Geneseo鈥 email. By reserving your room, you have automatically added your event to the calendar. To optimize your event listing in the calendar, make sure you fill out the form. If your event is virtual, submit it here.

Geneseo Weekly is a weekly email newsletter for students and staff to share news and other items of interest to students. Events are not accepted to Geneseo Weekly. Submissions must be sent via the form, and received by Friday at 4 p.m. for inclusion in the next week鈥檚 newsletter. The following are the guidelines for submissions to Geneseo Weekly.

  1. All posted events must follow College policies, and state and federal laws and regulations.
  2. All postings must come from Geneseo email accounts.
  3. Postings cannot contain any material that constitutes or contains advertising or any solicitation of product or services in exchange for personal financial or political gain.
  4. Advertising of activities that promote the use of alcoholic beverages and/or illicit drugs is prohibited.
  5. Solicitation, personal type postings, and lost and found postings are prohibited.
  6. You may only submit a duplicate posting two weeks in a row.
  7. Attachments are not accepted to Geneseo Weekly. For additional information, include a link to a web page.

For the most up-to-date policies, please consult the  or call 585-245-5588.

Every 3 years

11-14-2023 Andrea Klein Director of Events and Scheduling 11-14-2023 ]]>
Tue, 18 Feb 2020 19:08:10 +0000 Anonymous 99951 at