None / en Ticket Sales and Refunds /policy/ticket-sales-and-refunds Ticket Sales and Refunds reedc Tue, 09/17/2024 - 10:06 Image 3-380 Cabinet 05-07-2004 03-02-2007 Category Student Affairs Vice President for Student & Campus Life 585-245-5618




Ticket Sales

  • Tickets to on-campus events are primarily sold at the Student Association Ticket Office in the College Union. Exceptions include Fine Arts events (for which tickets sales are generally held in the Fine Arts Box Office), Athletic events, and events only offering "at the door" sales.
  • Organizations planning ticket sales, either at the Student Association Ticket Office in the College Union, or through a cash box, must contact the Student Association Service Manager, College Union, room 113, (extension 5873). Tickets will be ordered and sold under the supervision of the Student Association Service Manager.
  • All ticket sales are final. Tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable except in the case of cancellation of the event.

Ticket Refunds

Monies for purchased tickets will be refunded according to the following guidelines: 

  1. Prior Cancellation of Event
    1. Cancellation will be publicized through appropriate and customary campus media. Information will be given regarding the reason for cancellation and any replacement events.  
    2. Refunds will be given during regular operation hours at the Student Association Ticket Office in the College Union.  They will begin one week following the cancellation and will continue for five days, after which no refund will be given.
    3. Tickets must be turned in to receive the cash refund.  No credit or rain checks will be given
    4. Refunds will be given for the amount of the ticket only, which is printed on the back of the ticket. If the ticket is stamped "student," a refund will be given for the student price.
    5. If an event is not cancelled, there will be no refund, under any circumstances.
  2. "Day of Show" Cancellation
    1. Cancellation will be publicized over appropriate and customary radio and TV stations. If persons have gathered for the event, a public announcement will be made. Notification will be posted at the Student Association Ticket Office in the College Union.
    2. If a public announcement is made at the event, directions regarding how to obtain refunds will be given at that time.
    3. Refunds will begin no later than the second Monday after the event. (If the event is on a Monday, that Monday will be counted as the first Monday).
    4. Refunds will be given at the Student Association Ticket Office in the College Union during regular operation hours for a period of five days.
    5. Refunds will be given for the amount of the ticket only, which is printed on the back of the ticket. If the ticket is stamped "student," a refund will be given for the student price.
    6. No refunds will be given out from the box office at an event. 

Every 5 years

Michael Taberski Vice President for Student & Campus Life 07-09-2020 ]]>
Tue, 17 Sep 2024 14:06:05 +0000 reedc 150658 at
Campaigning Policy /policy/campaigning-policy Campaigning Policy reedc Tue, 12/21/2021 - 07:20 Image 4-400 Cabinet 06-05-2006 10-04-2016 Category Faculty and Academic Affairs Office of Scheduling, Events & Conferernce Services 585-2415-5500

The Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services administers and enforces the Facilities Use Policy and coordinating policies, including the Campaigning Policy.

The mission of the Office of Scheduling, Events and Conference Services is to provide and oversee proper use of state agency facilities and that their use is in accordance with state guidelines regarding partisan activities and events.


Use of Facilities by Partisan Political Organizations or Candidates

Partisan political organizations are defined by SUNY as non-commercial organizations.  All non-commercial organizations are required by SUNY to obtain a revocable permit for each use of campus facilities under the SUNY Policies and Procedures for Facilities Management.  These permits, which may be obtained through the Geneseo office of Campus Scheduling and Special Events, outline the terms and conditions for use of facilities, including reimbursement for any associated costs.  

Partisan political organizations and individual candidates may be authorized to use College facilities under the terms of the SUNY Policies and Procedures for Facilities Management provided that:

  • the proposed meeting has the potential to contribute to the educational purposes of the College.
  • the College foresees a reasonable possibility of making its facilities available in a timely manner for other possible competing partisan viewpoints.

Specifically at Geneseo, partisan political organizations and candidates campaigning for public office are authorized to do so on campus only in areas specified in advance by the office of Campus Scheduling and Special Events, provided that such activities do not inhibit the movement of people or vehicles, impair personal safety, or interfere with instruction or work at the College.

The use of the name of the College, the address of the College, the College seal, logo, equipment, supplies, or services for the direct support of a partisan political cause or candidacy is prohibited.

Campaigning by partisan political organizations or candidates for public office in College residence halls is prohibited.

Partisan political organizations and candidates campaigning for public office must comply with Geneseo Sign and Poster Regulations.

Every 3 Years

12-20-2021 Andrea Klein Director of Campus Events & Scheduling 12-20-2021 ]]>
Tue, 21 Dec 2021 12:20:51 +0000 reedc 148634 at
Insurance (College Property/Personal Property) Policy /policy/insurance-college-propertypersonal-property-policy Insurance (College Property/Personal Property) Policy reedc Fri, 12/17/2021 - 11:26 Image 5-550 Cabinet 05-07-2004 12-13-2021 Category Finance, Administration, Compliance Assistant Vice President for Administration & Controller 585-245-5606

This policy is intended to ensure that students, employees, and visitors have a clear understanding as to the limits of the College’s responsibility for personal property that they elect to bring to campus.

Personal property brought to ’s campus by students, employees, or visitors is the responsibility of the owner should loss or damage occur. The owner is responsible for safeguarding such property, and for maintaining any insurance coverage he/she deems necessary. The College does not carry insurance to protect the personal property of students or employees. This policy includes personal property brought into facilities located on college property that is under authorized control by outside entities.


College Property

The State of New York does not carry insurance on the College’s (State) facilities, equipment, or property. They are self-insured by the State of New York.  Residence Halls owned by the Dormitory Authority and certain individual works of art owned or on loan to the College are covered by separate insurance policies.

Personal Property

Employees are responsible for whatever personal property they bring onto campus. There is no College insurance or other reimbursement procedure, for loss or damage of personal property. The College assumes no responsibility for loss, theft, or damage to personal property, even if that loss was caused by the failure of a College mechanical system. 

  1. For individuals who bring items of personal property to campus, where appropriate, we strongly encourage you to obtain private insurance coverage.
  2. In the event that personal items are lost, stolen or damaged, the owner should contact University Police to document the incident officially.

Every 5 years

12-13-2021 Tracy Marshall 12-13-2021 ]]>
Fri, 17 Dec 2021 16:26:38 +0000 reedc 148624 at
Freedom of Information Law /policy/freedom-information-law Freedom of Information Law reedc Fri, 12/17/2021 - 10:11 Image 1-000 Cabinet 01-01-1987 12-09-2021 Category General College Assistant Vice President of Administration and Controller 585-245-5060

The Freedom of Information Law (Public Officers Law §§ 84–90) requires that the State University of New York (University) make certain records available to the public. The law requires each campus and the system administration of the University to designate records access officers. Requests for information from the campus or the system administration should be directed to the respective records access officer at each location, as appropriate.

The State University of New York College at Geneseo will accept requests from individuals to review records under the control of the College. A request to review records should be made to the Campus Freedom of Information Law Officer, Assistant Vice President for Administration/Controller, at least three (3) days in advance.

Copies of records reviewed may be obtained at a cost of twenty-five cents ($.25) per page.  Individuals denied access to records, or portions thereof, shall receive reasons from the Campus Freedom of Information Officer. Appeal of the decision made by the Campus FOIL Officer may be made, in writing, to:

State University of New York
State University Plaza
Albany, NY 12246



Every 5 years

12-09-2021 Tracy Marshall Assistant Vice President for Administration and Controller 12-09-2021 ]]>
Fri, 17 Dec 2021 15:11:47 +0000 reedc 148621 at
Affirmative Action - Search Committees /policy/affirmative-action-search-committees Affirmative Action - Search Committees reedc Mon, 11/15/2021 - 16:31 Image 7-703C Cabinet 01-01-2005 06-21-2021 Category Diversity & Equity Chief Diversity Officer 585-245-5020

This policy applies to all search committee members appointed to recruit for full time instructional, administrative, and professional vacancies.

This policy advances 's institutional objective to recruit and retain candidates that exhibit a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.


Procedures are intended to ensure a consistency of policy and practice within Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action requirements, and include training to reduce implicit bias in recruitment, screening, and selection of applicants. Searches for classified positions will be in accordance with civil service guidelines. Searches that require modifications from the standard hiring process, such as the use of a search firm, should identify these in consultation with Human Resources and the Office of Diversity and Equity. 

General Procedure

  1. Search committees are appointed by the cabinet-level administrative officer of the unit. Search committee chairs and 50 percent of each committee are required to have attended an Equity-Minded Search Practices session within the last two years before their committee work commences. Individuals responsible for or involved with hiring decisions (such as department chairs, deans, directors, and other unit leaders) must not also serve on the search committee; appeals for exception may be made to the cabinet-level administrator involved in the search. If the cabinet-level administrator is the individual making the request, appeals may be made to the President. If the appeal is approved, the cabinet-level administrator or President informs Human Resources and the Office of Diversity and Equity of the final decision.
  2. Search committee chairs consult with the Office of Human Resources (HR) to review the job description and job advertisement plan, recruitment outreach efforts, establish a timeline (in consultation with the hiring manager) for reviewing applications and conducting interviews, and to discuss effective use of the evaluative criteria.
  3. Faculty and professional staff postings include “a commitment to diversity and inclusion” as a required qualification, with language tailored for specific positions. Evaluative criteria should exist to adequately assess this commitment.
  4. The cabinet-level administrative officer of the unit or their designee works with HR to create an advertising plan for the open position which can include relevant platforms such as the state job service, publications and listservs, and with organizations that predominantly attract diverse candidates. Discipline-specific advertising is the responsibility of the hiring department.
  5. In consultation with the cabinet-level administrative officer of the unit, or their designee, the hiring manager creates evaluative criteria.
  6. HR, through its online employment system, acknowledges receipt of applications and allows candidates an opportunity to complete and submit an online voluntary self identification form for EEOC reporting purposes.
  7. Initial and campus interview questions must be submitted by the search committee to HR for approval prior to interviewing candidates. At least one question during each interview must focus on assessing a commitment to diversity and/or inclusion.
  8. The search committee evaluates all applicants using the established evaluative criteria. The committee deliberates and forwards requests for interviews through the chain of command.
  9. The Office of Diversity and Equity (ODE) reviews requests for interviews for equity purposes. Approval must be granted before proceeding with interview coordination.
  10. The search committee invites all selected candidates to indicate if a reasonable accommodation is needed prior to the interview(s). The search committee contacts ODE after learning of any requests; ODE makes decisions regarding approval or denial of accommodation requests. Note: A candidate should not be rejected on the basis of their disability or their request for an accommodation.
  11. The cabinet-level administrative officer of the unit and ODE discusses the pool with the search committee chair to determine whether or not special efforts need to be made to expand the pool of candidates to be interviewed.
  12. After completing the interview and reference checking process, the search chair (after deliberation with the committee) sends names of acceptable candidates through the chain of command to the Cabinet-level administrative officer of the unit. Cabinet-level administrative officer of the unit makes recommendation for appointment to the President.
  13. The search committee chair completes the necessary documentation to allow HR to notify candidates and close the search, and forwards all search materials to HR for record retention purposes.

Every 2 years

06-21-2021 robbie routenberg Chief Diversity Officer 04-30-2019 ]]>
Mon, 15 Nov 2021 21:31:01 +0000 reedc 147997 at
Zero Tolerance of Threats/Violence Policy /policy/zero-tolerance-threatsviolence-policy Zero Tolerance of Threats/Violence Policy reedc Thu, 03/11/2021 - 14:49 Image 6-695 Cabinet 06-01-2000 10-18-2007 Category Human Resources Assistant Vice President for Human Resources 585-245-5616




It is the policy of the State University of New York – College at Geneseo to provide an environment in which there is zero tolerance of threats or violence to faculty, staff, students, and facilities.

In addition, the possession or use on campus of firearms, knives (except non-spring pocket knives), or other weapons, explosives, or fireworks is prohibited. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action seeking their dismissal from State service or student enrollment and possible criminal charges.

Violence Defined

Violence is the use of threat of force.

Examples include:

  1. Stalking
  2. Robbery
  3. Slapping, kicking, punching
  4. Using weapons
  5. Bombing
  6. Arson
  7. Destroying property
  8. Rape
  9. Kidnapping
  10. Suicide
  11. Murder
  12. Threats to do the above


Violence prevention depends upon the awareness of faculty, staff, and students; training; compliance with appropriate policies and procedures; and finally effective and timely responses to early warning signs and threats.

  1. Faculty and staff are required to report all threats or violent incidents to their supervisor or directly to the assistant vice president for human resources in Erwin Hall 219, phone 585-245-5616. Students should report all threats or violent incidents to their resident director or directly to the dean of students in Erwin 221 or by phone at 585-245-5706. In situations where a person believes they or others are in immediate danger, University Police Department in Schrader Hall 20, (phone 585-245-5651) should be contacted at once.
  2. All threats and violent incidents will be reviewed by the Threat Management Team. Threats and violent incidents will be investigated promptly by the dean of students or assistant vice president for human resources. In some cases, the University Police Department may be requested to assist in the investigation.
  3. There will be fair treatment of employees and students involved in threat/violent incidents. Where appropriate, referral to EAP or other organizations established to assist individuals experiencing personal or family crisis situations will occur.
  4. Incidents involving threatening or violent behavior may be subject to disciplinary action accordance with the appropriate bargaining unit agreement or student code of conduct.

The College is committed to providing a safe academic and work environment for everyone at Geneseo.


Julie Briggs Assistant Vice President for Human Resources 10-18-2007 ]]>
Thu, 11 Mar 2021 19:49:57 +0000 reedc 122894 at
Smoke-Free Workplace Policy /policy/smoke-free-workplace-policy Smoke-Free Workplace Policy reedc Tue, 03/09/2021 - 14:26 Image 6-680 Cabinet 05-07-2004 10-29-2009 Category Human Resources Assistant Vice President for Human Resources 585-245-5616

This policy applies to students, employees, and other members of the college community including vendors, visitors, and guests.

In compliance with the New York State Clean Indoor Air Act (Public Health Law Article 13-E), as amended on March 26, 2003, State University of New York at Geneseo () will provide a smoke-free work area for all employees in the workplace. Smoking shall be prohibited in all indoor areas at the College, including residence halls. The purpose of the regulation and this policy is to ensure workers have a safe work place, which includes reducing hazards and potential health risks associated with second-hand smoke

  1. Smoking is prohibited in all indoor areas that are owned or leased by . This includes all areas where employees perform services and are considered under the control of the College including the residence halls. Indoor work areas shall also include, but not be limited to a bathroom, hallway, office, room, stairway, State vehicles, vehicles rented for official college business, vehicles assigned to University Police Department, garage, loading docks or any other area with a roof or other ceiling enclosure in which State employees may be required to work, occupy, or frequent.
  2. Smoking is defined as "the burning of a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or other matter, or substance that contains tobacco."
  3. Individuals who wish to smoke out of doors must do so away from the Geneseo buildings so that second-hand smoke does not enter the buildings. It is mandated that individuals stay at least 25 feet away from buildings and the perimeters of intercollegiate venues including fields and recreational athletic fields, when smoking. (Reference map)
  4. There are no designated areas for smoking in buildings where employees, visitors, or students may go to smoke.

Procedure and Enforcement

  1. This policy relies on consideration and cooperation of the entire college community, smokers and non-smokers. It is the responsibility of all members in the college community to observe this smoking policy.
  2. All administrators/department heads and residence hall directors have an obligation to be aware of the Smoking Policy and ensure that their subordinates are aware of this policy and their responsibility. It is the administrators/department heads responsibility to assure that this policy is communicated to everyone within their jurisdiction including all employees, students, clients and visitors.
  3. Complaints relating to the implementation of this policy should be referred to the appropriate department head. If the department head cannot satisfactorily resolve the complaint concerning an employee, then the Assistant Vice President for Human Resources should be contacted. For students, if the department head cannot satisfactorily resolve the complaint, the Dean of Students should be contacted. All members of the college community, especially the administrators/department heads, have a responsibility to remind offenders of this policy, otherwise they provide passive approval by their silence.
  4. University Police Department officers will intervene if the offenders do not appropriately respond to the requests of the members of the college community. Employees who violate this policy will be subjected to disciplinary action that is appropriate pursuant to the current collective bargaining agreement or campus judiciary regulation. Students will be held accountable to this policy as well as other policies/procedures outlined in the Student Handbook Student Code of Conduct.
  5. "No Smoking" signs will be prominently and conspicuously posted at appropriate locations on campus.
  6. Receptacles for smoking will be available throughout the campus. The college will make available information about smoking cessation programs to faculty, staff, and students.
  7. Resource:


Julie Briggs Assistant Vice President for Human Resources 10-29-2009 ]]>
Tue, 09 Mar 2021 19:26:48 +0000 reedc 122834 at
Class Cancellation & Extraordinary Weather Conditions Policy /policy/class-cancellation-extraordinary-weather-conditions-policy Class Cancellation & Extraordinary Weather Conditions Policy reedc Wed, 03/03/2021 - 08:34 Image 6-610 Cabinet 10-04-2005 11-01-2023 Category Human Resources Human Resources 585-245-5616

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance to students and employees in the event of the cancellation of classes, campus closure, if directed by the Governor, or early departure, due to extreme weather conditions. 

It is 's practice to continue normal hours of operation and maintain a regular work and class schedule for faculty, staff members, and students during periods of severe weather to the extent that it is possible. Notwithstanding this practice, it is understandable that in certain extraordinary situations it may not be possible for employees to get to work or students to attend classes without jeopardizing their personal well-being. In situations such as these, College faculty staff, and students should make their own decisions about reporting to work or classes with due consideration for travel safety. 


Policy for Students

Students are encouraged to clarify what their faculty members expect of them prior to the onset of a weather event. Students seeking further clarity related to the expectations of their faculty are encouraged to contact the Dean of Students. Students who have decided to miss class due to weather events should notify their faculty members in a timely fashion.

Only the Governor has the authority to close state facilities and offices. Although pursuant to NYS Executive Law, Article 2-B, a Chief Executive of a County, City or Village may declare a state of emergency, such declaration has no authority over the closure of state offices or facilities. In the event of such declaration, only the Governor determines the closure or non-closure of state offices.

Even though only the Governor can “close” New York State campuses, the College president has the authority to declare an extreme weather day (i.e., snow day) and cancel classes.

If classes have been cancelled, residence halls and dining halls will remain open.

Communication of the President’s decision to the Geneseo community will be through announcements via the College’s listservs.  Additionally, there will be a “Weather Alert” button on the home page linking to applicable information when extreme weather-related conditions exist. Posts will also be made to Geneseo’s social media platforms. NYAlert may be used in extreme weather emergencies.

If cancellation of classes has been declared prior to the start of the instructional period, announcements will be sent to local and regional media outlets.

Policy for Staff

Only the Governor has the authority to close state facilities and offices. Although pursuant to NYS Executive Law, Article 2-B, a Chief Executive of a County, City or Village may declare a state of emergency, such declaration has no authority over the closure of state offices or facilities. In the event of such declaration, only the Governor determines the closure or non-closure of state offices.

Even though only the Governor can “close” New York State campuses, the College president has the authority to take the following actions:

  1. declare a weather emergency and cancel classes. When this decision has been made, absences of non-instructional employees who are normally scheduled to work may follow standard call-in procedures to communicate their absence due to the weather to their supervisor. Employees who decide not to report to work shall charge the time against appropriate accrued time, such as compensatory time, vacation accruals, or personal leave. This does not apply to essential services personnel.
  2. excuse reasonable tardiness without charge to leave credits when extraordinary weather conditions delay the arrival time of a significant number of employees (full- day absences, however, cannot be excused without charge to leave credits or payroll adjustment).
  3. allow the early departure of employees when, in their opinion, weather conditions are such as will likely disrupt return transportation to their homes. Employees who decide to leave work early shall charge the time against appropriate accrued time, such as compensatory time, vacation accruals, or personal leave. This does not apply to essential services personnel.

Staff members who have decided to miss work due to weather events should notify their supervisors in a timely fashion and charge the appropriate accrued time, such as compensatory time, vacation accruals, or personal leave. At campus discretion, where an employee is able to fulfill their work obligation from an alternate location they may do so. 

Essential Services Personnel

Essential services (i.e., power plant, maintenance, University Police, information technology, animal care, food service, health service, those with responsibility for laboratory experiments and other employees who are essential to maintaining the University's vital or mission-critical services, to providing food for residents and to clean the parking lots and roadways, or other emergency response, relief, and recovery) must be maintained in spite of severe weather conditions and College employees previously designated as essential services personnel must remain on duty or make every effort to report to work to avoid interruption of essential services unless directed or permitted to do otherwise in accordance with these guidelines. Professional staff should make every attempt to contact their supervisors in case of emergency conditions to assure that all essential services are covered. Faculty and staff reporting to work during Extraordinary Weather Conditions should park only in B or K parking lots to permit effective snow removal.

  1. The Chief of University Police is responsible for monitoring weather reports and road conditions for the College. The Chief of University Police may consult with the state, local and county police, and the Assistant Vice President for Facilities and Planning to monitor the effect of weather conditions on transportation to and from the campus.
  2. The Chief of University Police will advise the President or designee if reports indicate that conditions will severely hinder students and employees from safely traveling to and/or from the College.
  3. The President or designee will decide the appropriate action to be taken.
  4. Communication of the President’s decision to the College community will be as follows:
    • The President will notify, or delegate authority to the University Police Department to notify, each college vice president, the chief communications and marketing officer, and the associate vice president for human resources.
    • The Chief Communications and Marketing Officer will facilitate announcements via Geneseo’s emergency messaging, including media, social media, email, text message, and listservs. Additionally, there will be a “Weather Alert” button on the home page linking to applicable information when extreme weather related conditions exist.
    • If cancellation of classes has been declared prior to the start of the instructional period, announcements will be made on the local and regional media outlets.
    • If the President concludes that prevailing weather conditions justify the excuse of reasonable tardiness, employees will be notified by the Department of Human Resources.
    • If the President communicates an opportunity for early departure, the President will advise the Vice Presidents and the Associate Vice President for Human Resources. The Vice Presidents will notify supervisory personnel in their areas to communicate to employees not required for essential services of the opportunity for early departure. Employees should not leave their work locations until approved to do so by their immediate supervisors.
    • If appropriate, follow-up notifications related to staff and faculty issues will be sent by the Associate Vice President of Human Resources via Allstaff-L listserv. Student-related notifications will be sent by the Dean of Students via AllStudents-L listserv.

Every 5 Years

Julie Briggs Associate Vice President for Human Resources 11-01-2023 ]]>
Wed, 03 Mar 2021 13:34:21 +0000 reedc 122440 at
Open Flame Policy /policy/open-flame-policy Open Flame Policy reedc Thu, 02/11/2021 - 10:24 Image 5-567 Cabinet 11-27-2009 06-28-2024 Category Finance, Administration, Compliance Environmental Health & Safety Director 585-245-5512

The policy is applicable to faculty, staff, students and contractors to prevent accidental fires.

In order to reduce the risk of injury to people or destruction of property, the use of fire shall be prohibited in all campus buildings except as described below.


The use of fire, incense and similar open flame producing items such as torches and welding equipment, shall be prohibited in all campus buildings except:

  1. Flames used for commercial cooking in areas operated by the Campus Auxiliary Service (CAS).  
  2. Votive decorations used by CAS during catering events must meet the NYS Fire Code requirements.  
  3. The Physics metal working shop, heating plant tool room, facilities garage, welding shop, CIT audio-visual shop and the ISC zone shop for maintenance purposes.
  4. In residence halls, for religious purposes in lounge areas only, candelabras must be fastened down to prevent tipping and wax must be prevented from dripping on combustible or flammable items.  Contact Director of Residence Life for more specific requirements (585-245-5851).
  5. Theatrical performances must comply with the NYS Fire Code and be reviewed and approved by the Code Enforcement Official or designee at least three days prior to the performance.
  6. Faculty research and academic instruction which normally use open flames as part of their curriculum in properly equipped areas.

All approved open flames must be kept a safe distance away from flammable and combustible material.  In addition, a fire extinguisher and a person trained in its use must be readily available.  Uses of open flames, other than above, must be approved by the Code Enforcement Official or designee on a case by case basis (245-5661).  A hot work permit must be issued for all uses of open flames (including welding, cutting and soldering) for activities not described above. A hot work policy and permit can be found on the Environmental Health and Safety website.

Every 3 years

06-28-2024 Chuck Reyes Director of Environmental Health & Safety 06-28-2024 ]]>
Thu, 11 Feb 2021 15:24:00 +0000 reedc 120806 at
Scheduling Performance Spaces and Associated Spaces Policy /policy/scheduling-performance-spaces-and-associated-spaces-policy Scheduling Performance Spaces and Associated Spaces Policy reedc Tue, 01/05/2021 - 11:15 Image 1-027 Cabinet 08-27-2017 08-27-2017 Category General College Scheduling, Events, and Conference Services (585) 245-5500

The purpose of the procedures and policies detailed below is to provide a predictable and fair process for accomplishing the goals for which the college’s performance spaces are intended and for ensuring the safe and proper use of these facilities. Intended goals include fostering student learning and development, fostering faculty and staff professional activities, and enriching the college and surrounding communities through the arts.  The starting point for these procedures and policies is a recognition that all spaces at , including performance spaces, are the property of the college.

Policies governing the use of college facilities, including performance spaces, are necessary to ensure that the buildings and furnishings are maintained at the optimum level of usability, safety, cleanliness, and efficiency for the entire college community's full enjoyment of the facilities provided.


The following policies are established for these purposes.

  1. College performance and rehearsal spaces are part of the State University of New York College at Geneseo, and the year-round use of these spaces is subject to the policies of and those established by OSECS. These spaces include Alice Austin Theatre, Wadsworth Auditorium, Sinclair Theatre, Sturges Auditorium, Brodie and Schrader dance floors, the Doty Recital Hall, and associated spaces such as dressing rooms, the scene shop, and the costume shop.
  2. Requests by outside organizations for use of these facilities that have not been pre-arranged by the procedure outlined above must be made to the OSECS (Erwin 23). Requests will be approved or denied by the Director of OSECS according to the priorities listed in the table below and in consultation with the relevant department head. If the request for use of these venues is approved, OSECS will work with the requesting party to set up any services needed.
  3. OSECS will direct venue-users other than the departments of Music, Theatre, and Dance to the appropriate web form for requesting technical support.
  4. All users will have appropriate technical staff on duty during rehearsals and performances.  
  5. Damages to the equipment or property by the users of the spaces may result in the user’s group being billed back for any damages and costs of replacement of equipment, furnishings, etc. and may result in limitations on future use.
  6. Furnishings and equipment are not to be removed from the building.
  7. Property and equipment brought into the venues by an organization or group shall be removed immediately following the performance unless prior arrangements have been made to do so at a later time. No property and equipment shall remain in the venues past 12:00 p.m. the day following the last performance.
  8. Sidewalks, lobby, and aisles shall not be obstructed.
  9. Children accompanied by an adult may attend events in the performance space as long as their behavior does not interfere with the programs.
  10. Users of these spaces are required to follow all college policies regarding alcohol and drug use.
  11. Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the building.
  12. Refreshments and food are not permitted inside performance spaces or on stage. Receptions in the outer lobby may be permitted when approved by OSECS.
  13. No person shall affix anything to the walls, floor, orchestra shell, or ceiling by any means without permission. (See #5 above.)
  14. Painting of scenery or equipment as well as nailing objects to any surface or attaching anything to curtains or painted surfaces of the venues without permission of the director of technical services for the venue in question is prohibited. (See #5 above.)
  15. With the exception of service dogs, no pets or animals of any kind will be allowed at any time in any auditorium or recital hall. Special permission may be granted for productions that involve animals.
  16. Fire extinguishers placed in designated cabinets in the venues are not to be removed except to use for their intended purpose.
  17. Bicycles and motorcycles are not permitted in the building. Special permission may be granted for productions that involve vehicles.
  18. Any explosive materials or firearms of any nature are strictly prohibited on the premises. This policy does not apply to law enforcement or security officers. Special permission may be granted for productions that involve pyrotechnics or firearms.
  19. Users of performance spaces may be asked to agree to follow safety rules specific to a particular space and to provide proof of royalties paid. These rules will be appended to this policy.

Oversight and Responsibility for Enforcement of Policies:

  1. It is expected that all departments involved in the oversight of this policy will share the governance of all items listed above, but it should be noted that the department that will take the lead effort on the enforcement of the items listed above will be:
    • 1-3: Office of Scheduling and Events
    • 4-9: Departments of Music, Theater & Dance
    • 10-12: Office of Scheduling and Events
    • 13-18: Departments of Music, Theater & Dance
    • 19: Office of Scheduling and Events, Departments of Music, Theater & Dance


  • Each March, a scheduling meeting will be held that includes:
    • Department heads from Music, Theatre and Dance
    • The Director of Student Life
    • The Assistant Provost for Finance and Facilities
    • The Associate Provost for Student Success
    • The Director of Scheduling, Events, and Conference Services
    • A Student Representative from MTC and Orchesis
  • Using the table below, these individuals will coordinate performance schedules for the upcoming academic year, including summer.
  • These schedules will be shared with the Director of the Office of Scheduling, Events, and Conference Services (OSECS).
  • Dates for the various performances and rehearsals will be entered into the Events Management System (EMS).
  • Any changes to the agreed-upon performance schedules will be negotiated with the Director of OSECS.
Table of Priorities


Wadsworth Auditorium Doty Recital Austin Theatre Sinclair Theatre Brodie Dance Sturges Auditorium Schrader Dance
1 The College
2 Music Music Theatre Theatre Theatre/Dance Music Student Groups
3 Theatre Theatre Music Music Music Student Groups Theatre/Dance
4 Limelight/Accents Student Groups Limelight/Accents Student Groups Limelight/Accents    
5 Student Groups   Student Groups   Student Groups    


Reservations of these spaces made through the EMS system can be bumped by scheduled classes


In January of the academic year in process and prior to the scheduling meeting in March for the upcoming year, the respective areas (Music, Theater, Student Life, Scheduling & Events) will assess the system in place and if necessary use the information collected from the involved departments and organizations to refine and improve the process from year to year. The Department and Scheduling & Events will lead this effort.

Every 3 Years

12-16-2021 Andrea Klein Director of Campus Events & Scheduling 08-27-2017 ]]>
Tue, 05 Jan 2021 16:15:33 +0000 reedc 118558 at