Summer Financial Aid Information and Application

Summer Financial Aid

The is available ONLINE only. Applications must be submitted by July 31st.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I able to use my aid to help with summer tuition and fees? 

Summer aid may be available. Please read financial aid and summer enrollment before completing an application.

How do I apply for financial aid for the summer?

Submit Geneseo's online Summer Financial Aid Application (see link above) and complete the .

I want to take courses at another SUNY school (other than Geneseo).

Go to the SUNY Cross-Registration Portal to submit the course information. If your request for cross-registration is denied, we are unable to award financial aid for the credits taken at the other SUNY institution.

I want to take courses at a NON-SUNY college/university.

Read this Consortium Agreement Information before completing a Consortium Agreement Request Form. A school is not required to approve or accept a Consortium Agreement Request. If the school refuses to accept the agreement, we will not be able to award financial aid to assist with the credits taken at the non-SUNY institution. 

How much is a summer course?

Summer Tuition & Fee Information