Continuing Registration for Student Organizations

Each year, all registered student organizations must complete the continuing registration process during the fall semester of each academic year in order to keep their college registration status. 

Completing this process in its entirety will permit your organization to continue the benefits of registered organizations. Failure to complete any step of the process will result in suspension or revocation of the organization's college registration. 

The continuing registration process is to be completed entirely online.

How to Complete Continuing Registration

First, review the to find out which steps we're missing from your organization.

Continuing Registration Deadline: October 6, 2023

The five steps of continuing registration are listed below. These steps do not need to be completed in this order.

  1. Complete the .
    • Upload a copy of your constitution to the continuing registration form. If you do not have a copy of your constitution, please email the Coordinator of Student Life Activities and Late Night Programs, You will need to upload your constitution in order to submit the form.
  2. Your advisor must submit an - Your advisor must submit this form. You cannot submit it for them. Registration is not complete without it.
  3. Complete the online Student Organization Officer Training course (which will go live after the first week of classes). To enroll, please use the following link: . Once enrolled, the course should populate onto your Brightspace Dashboard along with your other courses. We highly encourage every executive board member enroll in this course and review the information. In order to receive credit for this course for the continuing registration process, the president must review the material and receive an 80% or higher on the final assessment.
  4. Kognito Training: All student organization presidents are REQUIRED to complete this training. In order to receive credit for the training, please If you have completed the training already, you can access your certificate by logging into your Kognito account. You do not need to retake the training.
  5.  Complete for the previous academic year. If you were not in a leadership position for the previous academic year, please complete the form to the best of your ability. Use the help of your executive board members. If possible, please reach out to your predecessor.

*To avoid suspension, all continuing registration materials must be completed and submitted by the deadline.

Note: Greek social fraternities and sororities must maintain registration by the Inter-Greek Council (as well as completing the above procedures) in order to continue registration by the college.

If you have any questions about the continuing registration process, please contact the Coordinator of Student Life Activities and Late Night Programs, Madi Jansen, at