Reece Torres

Bailey 212
(585) 245-6529

Reece Torres joined the Sociology Department faculty in 2023 as a SUNY PRODiG fellow.

Reece Torres

Office hours

: M&W 10:00am-11:00am or by appointment

Curriculum Vitae


  • 2024 Ph.D., Sociology, Syracuse University
    鈥 Dissertation: Leaning In: Diversity Work and Campus Culture at a Quaker Prep School
    鈥 Committee: Edwin Ackerman, Barbara Applebaum, Dawn Dow, Sean Drake, Prema Kurien (Chair)

    2014 M.A., Sociology, Syracuse University

    2012 B.A., Sociology and Africana Studies (Cum Laude), Dickinson College


  • Hoy, Aaron, Marcus Bell, Selene Cammer-Bechtold and Mauricio T. Torres. 2018. "Neoliberalism and the sometimes-reluctant dissent of working-class graduate students.鈥 in On the Borders of the Academy: Challenges and Strategies for First Generation Graduate Students and Faculty., edited by A. Standlee. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Graduate School Press

  • Torres, Mauricio T., Mary Cannito-Coville and Dalia Rodriguez. 2017. "Trayvon Revisited: Race, Fear, and Affect in the Death of Trayvon Martin." Sociological Forum 32(S1):1112-1126. doi: 10.1111/socf.12369.


  • Elite education
  • Social justice
  • Wrestling


  • SOCL 102: Intro Soc Prob & Public Policy

    Contemporary social problems, including macro-problems (e.g., the economy, politics, inequality), micro-problems (e.g., crime, health care), and the relationship between the two are studied. Emphasis is on understanding both causes and symptoms of contemporary social problems.

  • SOCL 365: Contemporary Sociological Thry

    The course introduces students to the main traditions in sociological theory that developed in the 20th century. Students will evaluate functionalist theory, conflict theories, and microsociological theories.