ࡱ> fie Gbjbj .b?&&&&\&%6J<-w%y%y%y%y%y%y%$&)%%%$$$w%$w%$$$` ,$c%%0%$Z* Z*$$"Z*$$%%"%Z* :  Internal Control Vulnerability Assessment FY 2016-2017 PLEASE NOTE Your input on the following survey is very important to the College: Take your time, use the helpful links provided and save your responses as you go. If you have any questions call me, Brice Weigman, at 5606 or email  HYPERLINK "mailto:Weigman@geneseo.edu" Weigman@geneseo.edu . Please send the completed assessment to me by March 15, 2017 and save a copy for your record so you can use the links as needed. T H A N K S Unit:______________________________________________________ Manager Responding:________________________________________  A. Management Environment In your Unit... 1.) Do you establish high expectations for honesty, integrity and conformity to institutional policies and procedures? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 2.) Do you establish clear lines of authority? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 3.) Do you hold regular staff meetings? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 4.) Are you accessible to your staff and others? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 5.) Do you provide guidance and training when necessary? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 6.) Comments related to Management Environment:  B. Organizational Structure 7.) Does the unit you direct have a current organizational chart? If so, please send to, 325 Doty Hall. Yes No 8.) Does sufficient flexibility exist in your unit's structure to deal with changing circumstances? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 9.) Is there a succession plan established for your unit? Yes No 10.) Has your unit undergone a reorganization/significant functional change in the last two years? (If yes, please explain in the comments section below) Yes No 11.) Do you expect your unit to experience significant change in the next two years?(If yes, please explain in the comments section below) Yes No 12.) Comments related to Organizational Structure:  C. Personnel 13.) Does your unit have an adequate number of employees to accomplish its assigned duties? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 14.) Are employees in your unit, including managers, properly trained to perform the duties of their positions? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 15.) Are employees, including managers, cross-trained? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 16.) Are accurate and up to date position descriptions available? Yes No 17.) Do you encourage staff development and continued professional training? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 18.) Do you provide periodic feedback about an employees performance? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 19.) Are employees held accountable for performance and results achieved? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 20.) Has there been excessive employee turnover within your unit in the past 24 months? Yes No 21.) Do your unit's employees regularly complete timesheets/ monthly leave records/ absence from class forms, etc. as required? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 22.) Are the timesheets/monthly leave records/absence from class forms, etc. reviewed for accuracy and compliance by the appropriate supervisor? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 23.) Are key personnel aware of federal, state, SUNY and College regulations and/or policies as they relate to your unit? (HYPERLINK "http://system.suny.edu/compliance/topics/information-management/" \t "_new"HIPPA/HYPERLINK "http://system.suny.edu/compliance/topics/accessibility/" \t "_new"ADA/HYPERLINK "http://system.suny.edu/compliance/topics/equity/" \t "_new"Affirmative Action/HYPERLINK "http://system.suny.edu/compliance/topics/information-management/" \t "_new"FERPA/HYPERLINK "http://system.suny.edu/compliance/topics/equity/" \t "_new"Discrimination/HYPERLINK "http://system.suny.edu/compliance/topics/employee-hr-compliance/" \t "_new"Employee Relations, HYPERLINK "http://www.geneseo.edu/admin_finance/policies_procedures"College Policies at a Glance etc.) Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 24.) Are employees (as applicable) familiar with HYPERLINK "http://system.suny.edu/internal-controls/resources/new-york-state-ethics/" \t "_new"Public Officers Law (See #0590) encouraging ethical behavior and preventing conflicts of interest in state government? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 25.) Comments related to Personnel:  D. Delegation and Communication Authority 26.) Do the unit employees have a clear understanding of the mission, goals & objectives of the unit? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 27.) Are employees aware of their individual responsibilities? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 28.) In administrative functions, are responsibilities divided so that no single individual controls all phases of a critical transaction? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 29.) Comments related to Delegation and Communication Authority:  E. Policies and Procedures 30.) Does your unit have a HYPERLINK "http://www.geneseo.edu/internal_controls/glossary" \t "_new"Business Continuity Plan in place? Yes No 31.) Are the existing policies and procedures for your unit adequate to ensure the integrity of operations? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 32.) Are the existing policies and procedures for your unit adequate to ensure the proper use of resources? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 33.) Are policies and procedures for your unit documented? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 34.) Are the policies and procedures for the unit reviewed and updated periodically? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 35.) Are your units operational policies and procedures easy to understand? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 36.) Do your procedures include enough detail for all systems and functions such that your unit could continue to operate should key employees leave? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 37.) Are employees updated on new policies and procedures as they become available? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 38.) Comments related to Policies and Procedures:  F. Organizational Checks and Balances 39.) Has any area of your unit been audited or reviewed by an independent body within the last 3 years? (Please identify the type of review in the comment section below) Yes No 40.) Were any findings of past audits, reviews or evaluations reported as significant or material? Yes No 41.) Were audit, review and evaluation findings and all exceptions addressed in a timely manner (if "No", please explain in comments)? Yes No 42.) Comments related to Organizational Checks and Balances:  G. Budgeting and Monitoring 43.) Do key personnel in your unit understand how your departmental budget is developed, utilized and monitored? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 44.) Does your unit operate within an approved spending plan? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 45.) Do key personnel review approved budget reports that show budget to actual comparisons on a regular basis? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 46.) Comments related to Budgeting and Monitoring:  H. Procurement 47.) Are key personnel aware of current purchasing guidelines including the competitive bid or quote process? See also  HYPERLINK "http://system.suny.edu/compliance/topics/information-management/project-sunlight/" NYS Project Sunlight Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 48.) Do key personnel review the budget to ensure that allocations are adequate for purchasing prior to submitting a purchase requisition? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 49.) Do key personnel (in your unit) responsible for purchasing have a Corporate Purchasing (procurement) Card? Yes No 50.) If so, are they familiar with the cards transaction limits, non-allowable expenses and certification procedures? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 51.) If so, is the procurement card routinely used for purchases within the approved limit (currently $2500)? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 52.) Does your unit utilize on-line procurement options (ie: Staples, Grainger, SUNY electronic PO)? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 53.) Comments related to Procurement:  I. Property Control 54.) Do you have or know how to obtain an authorization form to contact Property Control for any equipment taken off campus by staff in your unit? Yes No 55.) Are key personnel familiar with the Colleges HYPERLINK "/property_control/policies__procedures" \t "_new"Property Control Procedures? Yes No 56.) Does your unit follow the Colleges property control procedures? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 57.) Does your unit receive annual inventory updates from Property Control? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 58.) Does someone in your area verify the existence and location of all items on the inventory? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 59.) Are procedures in place to minimize differences between physically inspected items and inventory records? Yes No 60.) Do you inform Property Control when equipment recorded in the property control system is relocated? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 61.) Does your unit own individual pieces of equipment or other property valued at more than $15,000? Yes No 62.) If so, is the equipment safeguarded against fire, theft, water damage, etc.? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 63.) Comments related to Property Control:  J. Impact Outside of the College 64.) Does your unit have significant interaction with the public or external entities? Yes No 65.) Have there been significant changes in staff size, funding, functions, systems, key positions and/or responsibilities in your unit, which might reflect negatively on your department or the College?(If yes, please explain in the comments section) Yes No 66.) Are key personnel in your unit aware of how to manage negative publicity? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 67.) Comments related to Impact Outside of the College:  K. Cash Activities 68.) Do any of your unit activities involve the handling of cash collections (petty cash/stipends/meal allowances, etc.)? Yes No 69.) If so, are there clearly stated procedures in place to properly control the handling and control of cash collections? Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 70.) If so, are funds deposited in the bursars office in a timely manner? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 71.) If so, is there proper segregation of duties with regard to billing, cash collections, and deposit reconciliation activities? Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 72.) If so, is cash on hand properly secured from theft, fire, flood, etc.? Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 73.) Do any of your units activities involve the handling of disbursements? Yes No 74.) If so, are cash disbursements (including petty cash, stipends, meal allowances, etc) handled in such a manner to ensure proper funds and accounts are charged? Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 75.) If so, are procedures in place to insure that disbursements are used for authorized purposes only? Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 76.) If so, is the responsibility for disbursements assigned to specific personnel? Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 77.) If so, are controls in place to prevent duplicate payments? Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 78.) Comments related to Cash Activities:  L. Travel 79.) Are key personnel familiar with the HYPERLINK "http://www.geneseo.edu/travel" \t "_new"College's travel guidelines and HYPERLINK "http://www.geneseo.edu/travel/nys_resources" \t "_new"New York State's travel rules and regulations including out-of-state travel? Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 80.) Do key personnel have a thorough understanding of the airline travel and the HYPERLINK "http://www.geneseo.edu/travel/links" \t "_new"Business Travel forms and links and approval process? Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 81.) Are key personnel familiar with the approval process for over-the-maximum travel requests? Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 82.) Comments related to Travel:  M. Information Technology 83.) Does your unit have a HYPERLINK "http://www.geneseo.edu/internal_controls/glossary" \t "_new"disaster recovery plan in place? Yes No 84.) Are controls in place to ensure that only authorized employees can enter data in on-line systems? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 85.) Do controls exist to ensure the reliability and accuracy of data output? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 86.) Are procedures in place to insure that important electronic information is backed up regularly? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 87.) Are all unit employees familiar with the desk and cell phone policy and procedures? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 88.) Comments Information Technology:  N. Supplies/Materials 89.) Have control procedures been established to ensure that state supplies/materials are used only for authorized purposes. Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 90.) Are procedures in place to insure that appropriate quantities of supplies/materials are maintained and safeguarded? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 91.) Does your unit handle hazardous materials? Yes No 92.) If so, are policies and procedures in place to ensure proper handling of those materials? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 93.) Comments related to Supplies/Materials:  O. Documents & Records 94.) Does your unit handle documents or records (including student records) containing confidential information or financial data? Yes No 95.) If so, are these documents or records safeguarded against unauthorized access? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 96.) If so, are these documents or records shredded or destroyed when they are no longer needed? HYPERLINK "http://system.suny.edu/compliance/topics/records/" \t "_new"SUNY records management and retention guidelines Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 97.) If so, are irreplaceable documents or records safeguarded against fire, theft, flood, etc.? Always Usually Occasionally Never N/A Unable to Evaluate 98.) Comments related to Documents & Records: Thank you for completing this survey. Your input is critical to understanding the presence of controls on our campus in actual day to day operations. Such controls make us the very best stewards we can be and are designed to protect people, property, reputation and our jobs. To help us serve you better, please take a few moments to answer the following questions. Please provide enough detail in your answer that will help us as we work to improve this survey for future responders. Did you find this survey helpful for evaluating your unit? What was the most useful part of the survey? How can we improve this survey (please be specific)? Was the length of the survey reasonable? Was the survey easy for you to understand? <=>ABCDEP    / 0 X Y l m n q   ƵƘwog_N h[EhC"5B*CJaJphhC"CJaJhh*CJaJh+CJaJh%hl0JCJaJjhlCJUaJh[ECJaJhlCJaJhlh N5CJaJhC"5CJaJ h[Eh N5B*CJaJphh NCJaJhh NCJ4hh.BCJ aJhC"CJ aJhhzCJ aJhh NCJ aJD Y [ w 68F!!" $ $'$,&.&\$gd Ngd Ngd Ngd N$a$gd " & ' ] ` g r s ? { H x ( W X Y Z [ v w x Ldn456̾̾簨簞簖瞌hH0JCJaJjh NUh N0JCJaJjh NUh Nh+0JCJaJ *htZhtZ0JCJaJ *htZh N0JCJaJhtZh N0JCJaJh NCJaJ h[Eh[E5B*CJaJph5678EFGM<FP,689456HIJKɸӫɚӫɉӫ!jhH0JCJUaJ!jhH0JCJUaJh N0J5CJ\aJ!jhH0JCJUaJhH0JCJaJjh N0JCJUaJh N0JCJaJh NCJaJh Nj8h NU1Z[\noqr࿮ओshRsGshpF0J5CJaJ*jhpFhpF0J5CJUaJhpF0J5CJaJ$jhpFhpF0J5CJUaJhn0J5CJ\aJ!jhn0JCJUaJhn0JCJaJ!jhH0JCJUaJhH0JCJaJh N0JCJaJh N0J5CJ\aJjh N0JCJUaJ!jhH0JCJUaJIJ"^QU  TUVijyijΦ䢚䢒ΈwΦ!jv hPN/0JCJUaJhPN/0JCJaJj h NUj> h NUh Nh N0J5CJ\aJ!j hk0JCJUaJhk0JCJaJjh N0JCJUaJhPN/CJaJh NCJaJh N0JCJaJhpF0JCJaJ.* G# _ 1!!!!!!!!"""""1#;###$$ $ $ $&$'$($$$%M%%%*&+&,&-&.&<&=&>&&&&''','-'i''/((Ⱥȩhtht0JCJaJ!jEht0JCJUaJjht0JCJUaJht0JCJaJj h NUj h NUjq h NUh Nh N0JCJaJh NCJaJ=.&=&***0080`2b2u299R<l<Z????BBE3F4FGGgdpFgd\agd Ngd Ngd N(()Z))*g**********s+}+++,,,!,",$,.,s,,,6---?.I...R/\///0000070809000111'2^2_2`2a2b2t2u2ʹԬjh NUj!h NUh N0J5CJ\aJ!jhPN/0JCJUaJhPN/0JCJaJjh N0JCJUaJjrh NUh Nh N0JCJaJh NCJaJ=u2v222s33 4G445b555666^777M888999999:9;9n9o9p99999999::":p::::::;ʹԬʛԬʊ}hPN/0J5CJ\aJ!jhPN/0JCJUaJ!jhPN/0JCJUaJh N0J5CJ\aJ!jhPN/0JCJUaJhPN/0JCJaJjh N0JCJUaJh NjYh NUh N0JCJaJh NCJaJ1;;4;;;/<O<P<Q<R<k<l<<<<<<<<<<b==='>>>?Y?Z????????@Q@@A4A>AAABBBBBBBBB9CCɸߣӛߓjh NUj-h NUh\aCJaJh N0J5CJ\aJ!j2hG0JCJUaJhG0JCJaJh Njh NUh NCJaJh N0JCJaJjh N0JCJUaJ7CCCCCCDDQDDDEEEBEEEF F'F+F/F0F3F4FGG嵫{i{W{W{i{ODh N5CJ\aJhoCJaJ#hehpF5>*B*CJaJphl #hehDE5>*B*CJaJphl #heho5>*B*CJaJphl #heh N5>*B*CJaJphl h Nj`h NUh N0JCJaJh NCJaJhU?0J5CJ\aJ!jehU?0JCJUaJhU?0JCJaJjhU?0JCJUaJhU?hU?0JCJaJGAGCGoGqGGGGGGGGhDhpF0JCJaJh NCJaJh N0JCJaJ ,1h/ =!"#$% Dd!<P  3 3"((Dd!<P  3 3"((Dd!<P  3 3"((DyK _newyK http://system.suny.edu/compliance/topics/information-management/yX;H,]ą'cDyK _newyK http://system.suny.edu/compliance/topics/accessibility/yX;H,]ą'cDyK _newyK zhttp://system.suny.edu/compliance/topics/equity/yX;H,]ą'cDyK _newyK http://system.suny.edu/compliance/topics/information-management/yX;H,]ą'cDyK _newyK zhttp://system.suny.edu/compliance/topics/equity/yX;H,]ą'cDyK _newyK http://system.suny.edu/compliance/topics/employee-hr-compliance/yX;H,]ą'cDyK yK http://www.geneseo.edu/admin_finance/policies_proceduresyX;H,]ą'c+DyK _newyK http://system.suny.edu/internal-controls/resources/new-york-state-ethics/yX;H,]ą'cDd!<P  3 3"((Dd!<P  3 3"((DyK _newyK |http://www.geneseo.edu/internal_controls/glossaryyX;H,]ą'cDd!<P  3 3"((Dd!<P  3 3"((Dd!<P  3 3"((-DyK yK http://system.suny.edu/compliance/topics/information-management/project-sunlight/yX;H,]ą'cDd!<P   3 3"((DyK _newyK https://www.geneseo.edu/property_control/policies__proceduresyX;H,]ą'cDd!<P   3 3"(( Dd!<P   3 3"(( Dd!<P   3 3"(( DyK _newyK Thttp://www.geneseo.edu/travelyX;H,]ą'cDyK _newyK phttp://www.geneseo.edu/travel/nys_resourcesyX;H,]ą'cDyK _newyK `http://www.geneseo.edu/travel/linksyX;H,]ą'cDd!<P   3 3"(( DyK _newyK |http://www.geneseo.edu/internal_controls/glossaryyX;H,]ą'cDd!<P  3 3"(( Dd!<P  3 3"((DyK _newyK |http://system.suny.edu/compliance/topics/records/yX;H,]ą'cDd!<P  3 3"((^ 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH N@"N  N Heading 2dd@&[$\$5CJ$\aJ$DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List *W`*  NStrong5\B^@B N Normal (Web)dd[$\$4U`4 N Hyperlink >*phFV`!F H0FollowedHyperlink >*B*phPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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