ࡱ> #` 9bjbjmm .x10>0>0>0>>l4?4?4?4?4?4?4?4?acccccc$hnM4?4?MM4?4?rrrM4?4?arMarr|4?(? `_0>Vka0-nHqBn$%n9(4?CLrGI4?4?4?r 4?4?4?MMMM!l7l7<T Doughty Collection: Books Ampelius, Lucius. Lucii Amperlii liber memoralis. Edited by E. Woelfflin. Lipsiae : B.G. Teubner, 1863. Bound with 54, 58, 76, 79 Augustinus, Aurelius. De civitate dei libri XXII. Vol. 1 & 2. Edited by B. Dombart. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1863. Bellmans, C. M. Samlade skrifter. Vol. 1 & 2. Gotheborg : C. Backmans & N. J. Gumperts, 1836-1837. Bellotti, Felice. Tragedie di Sofocle. 2nd ed. Firenze : G. Barbera, 1880. Bellotti, Felice. Tragedie di Euripide. Vol. 1, 2 & 3. Firenze : G. Barbera, 1875. Bible. Dutch. Biblia : dat is de gantsche heylige schrifture des ouden en nieuwen testaments. Amsterdam : Nerderlandsche Bijbel-Compagnie, 1840. Bible. English. The Holy Bible : containing the old and new testaments. London : Geroge Byre and William Spottiswoode, 1876. Bible. [Old Testament. Hebrew]. 1906. Bible. Old Testament. Selections. Latin. Proberbia : Ecclesiastes, et cantica canticorum salomonis. Antverpiae : Christophori Plantini, 1564. Bound with 10 Bible. Old Testament. Psalms. Latin. Psalmorum liber. Antverpiae : Christophori Plantini, 1564. Bound with 9 Bible. New Testement. Dutch. Het Nieuwe Testamen, of alle boeken des nieuwen verbonds onzes heeren Jezus Christus . Amsterdam : 1847. Bible. New Testament. German. Das Neue Testament. Coln : S.N., 1865. Bible. New Testament. Greek. Tes Kaines Diathekes hapanta. Cologne: W. Hassel, 1865. Bible. New Testament. Greek. Novum Testamentum Graece. Coloniae Agrippinae : sumptibus societatis bibliophilorium Britannicae & externae, 1865. Bible. Latin. Novum Testamentum latine. Translated by Theodoro Beza. Berolini : Sumptibus societatis bibliophilorum Britannicae et externae, 1865. Bible. New Testament. Norweigen. Jesus Christi nye testamente. Stavanger : Reilland, 1839. Bible. New Testament. Welsh. Testament Newydd. London : 1862. Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen. The celebrated romance of the stealing of the mare : translated from the original by Lady Anne Blunt, done into verse by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt. London : Reeves and Turner, 1892. Bosworth, Joseph. (ed.). King Alfreds Anglo-Saxon version of Orosius. London : 1859. Byzantius, CH. D. & Coromelas, Andre. (eds.). Dictionnaire Grec-Francais et Francais-Grec. 2nd ed. Athenes : Imprimerie Dandre Cormelas, 1856. Caesar, Julius. C. Iuli. Caesaris Commentari cum A. Hirti aliorumque supplementis. Vol. 1. Edited by Bernardus Dinter. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1864. Calisch en Bellenger. Nieuwe leiddraad tot hedendaagsche gesprekken in de nederlandsche en fransche talen. Berlyn : Boekhandel van B. Behr, 1868. Castalionis et al. (trans.). Sibyllinorum oraculorum libri VIII. Basileae : 1555. Catullus, Q. Valerius. Veronensis. Edited by A. Rossbach. 2nd ed. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1867. Bound with 62, 67 Chassang, A. (ed.). Dictionnaire Grec-Francais : redige sur un plan nouveau. Paris : Garnier Frres, 1865. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Marcus Tullius Ciceronis De officiis libri tres. Edited by Reinholdus Klotz. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1861. Bound with 27, 28 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Marcus Tullius Ciceronis Cato maior de senectute, laelius de amicitia, paradoxa. Edited by R. Klotz. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1868. Bound with 26,28 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Marcus Tullius Ciceronis De finibus bonorum et malorum, libri quinque. Edited by R. Klotz. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1858. Bound with 26, 27, Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Marcus Tullius Ciceronis Scripta quae manserunt omnia. Vol. I, Pt. III, Vol. II, Pt. III, Vol. III, Pt. IV. Edited by R. Klotz. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1855-1865. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Marcus Tullius Ciceronis Academicorum ad M. Varronem, libri duo. Edited by R. Klotz. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1854. Bound with 31, 32, 33, 34 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Marcus Tullius Ciceronis Librorum de re publica sex quae supersunt. Edited by R. Klotz. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1855. Bound with 30, 32, 33, 34 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Marcus Tullius Ciceronis De legibus libritres. Edited by R. Klotz. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1855. Bound with 30, 31, 33, 34 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Marcus Tullius Ciceronis De divinatione libri de fato quae manserunt. Edited by R. Klotz. Lipsaie : B. G. Teubner, 1855. Bound with 30, 31, 32, 34 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Marcus Tullius Ciceronis De natura deorum libri tres. Edited by R. Klotz. Lipsaie : B. G. Teubner, 1865. Bound with 30, 31, 32, 33, Cicero, Marcus Tullius. M. Tullius Ciceronis De Claris Oratoribus liber qui dicitur Brutus. Edited by R. Klotz. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1865. Bound with 36, 37, 38, 39 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. M. Tullius Ciceronis De oratore libri tres. Edited by R. Klotz. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1863. Bound with 35, 37, 38, 39 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. M. Tullius Ciceronis Topica, partitiones oratoriae, de optimo genere oratorum. Edited by R. Klotz. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1851. Bound with 35, 36, 38, 39 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. M. Tullius Ciceronis Rhetoricorum ad C. Herennium libri IV. Edited by R. Klotz. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1851. Bound with 35, 36, 37, 39 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. M. Tullius Ciceronis Rhetoricorum libri duo qui sunt de inventione rhetorica. Edited by R. Klotz. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1851. Bound with 35, 36, 37, 38 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Marcus Tullius Ciceronis Orationes Selectae XIX. Edited by R. Klotz. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1868. Confucius. Confucius et Mencius: les quatre livres de philosophie morale et politique de la chine. Edited by M. G. Pauthier. Paris : Charpentier, 1862. Coulton, G. G. (trans.). Pearl : a fourteenth-century poem. 2nd ed. London : David Nutt, 1907. Curtus, Q. Rufus. De gestis Alexandri Magni : Regis macedonum, libri qui supersunt octo. Edited by Henry Edward Foss. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1864. Bound with 68 Davenport, John & Comelati, Guglielmo. (eds.). A new dictionary of the Italian & English languages, based upon that of Baretti. Vol 1, Italian and English. London : S.N., 1854. De Wailly, Alfred. (ed.). Nouveau dictionnaire Francais-Latin. Paris : Charles Delagrave, 1874. Dictionary. Dutch to English [Incomplete] Doughty, Charles. Mansoul : or the riddle of the world. London : Jonathan Cape & the Medici Society LTD., 1923. Presentation copy with hand written alterations. Doughty, C. M. On the Jostedal-brae Glaciers in Norway : with some general remarks. London : Edward Stanford, 1866. Doughty, Charles M. Poem for The Brothers House: in honour of the brothers Augustus and Richard N. Dilberoglue. 13th December 1924. Opened by the Prince of Wales and addressed 119 Kennington Park Road, London Douglas, Gawin. (trans.). Virgils Aeneis : translated into Scottish verse. Edinburgh : Andrew Symson and Robert Freebrain, 1710. Dubner, Fred. & Hurdebise, A.-C. Grammaire elementaire & praqtique de la langue Grecque. 4th ed. Mons : Hector Manceaux, 1871. Erasmus. Des Erasmi Roterodami colloquia : ex doctorum virorum emendatione cum notis selectis. Amsterdam : Jac A. Wetstein, 1754. Erasmus. Enchiridion militis christiani, saluberrimis praeceptis refertum. Cantabrigiae : Hayes, 1685. Eutropius. Breviarium Historiae Romanae. Edited by C. G. Baumgarten-Crusius & H. R. Dietsch. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1865. Bound with 1, 58, 76, 79 Fairley, Barker. Charles Doughty (1843-1926). University of Toronto Quarterly, Vol XIII, No. 1, (1943). Fanfani, Da Pietro. (ed.). Vocabolario della lingua Italiana. 2nd ed. Firenze : Felice Le Monnier, 1865. Fiorentino, Lorenzo Franciosini. (ed.). Vocabulario Italiano, e Spanglo. Vol. 1 & 2. Roma : Ruffinelli & Manni, 1620. Florus. Juli Flori epitomae de tito livio bellorum omnium annorum dcc. Edited by C. Halm. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1863. Bound with 1, 54, 76, 79 Franceson, C.F. (ed.). Neuvo Diccionario de la lenguas Espanola y Alemana. Leipsique : Frederico Fleischer. Gantrelle, J. (ed.). Nouvelle grammaire de la Langue Latine. 8th ed. Gand : Lebrun-Devigne. Geelmanden, J. Engelsk ordbog : udarbejdet fornemmelig efter, B. H Smarts pronouncing dictionary of the English language. Christiania : P.E. Mallings, 1855. Gradi, Temistocle. Le commedie di Terenzio. Livorno : Francesco Vigo, 1876. Bound with 24, 67 Gunther, F. W. Den lille Amerikaner. Christiana : Feilberg & Landmarks, 1861. Halm, Carlous. Cornelii Taciti : libri qui supersunt. Vol. 1, annales continens. Lipsiae : B. G. Teurbneri, 1849. r. Liliade di omero. Translated by Vincenzo Monti. Firenze : G. Barbera, 1873. r. Odissea di Omero. Vol. 1 & 2 . Translated by Paolo Maspero. Fierenze: Successori le monnier, 1871. Horace. Q. Horatius Flaccus Opera Omnia. Edited by J. Jahn & T. Schmid. 6th ed. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1865. Bound with 24, 62 Justinus. Trogi Pompei : historiarum philippicarum epiotma. Edited by J. Jeep. Editio minor. Lipsiae : B. G Teubner, 1868. Bound with 43 Latimer. Sermons. London : Thomas Cotes for the companie of stationers, 1635. Leopardi, Giacomo. Canti di Giacomo Leopardi. Corr. ed. Napoli : Presso Saverio Starita, 1835. Letters from members of and Caius College: Sydney Cockerall, E. Roberts (master) and the master in 1921 (signature illegible) to Charles Doughty. Lucretius, T. Catus. De rerum natura libri sex. Edited by J. Bernaysius. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1863. Bound with 81, 92, 95 Luke. An soisgeul do reir Naomh Lucias : ceatuighthe agus deasuighthe go nuadh. Lunndiun : 1886. Mandosio, Carlo. (ed.). Vocabolario Italiano-Latino e Latino-Italiano. Firenze : G. Barbera, 1869. Muller, Carlo Ottofredo. Istoria della letteratura greca. Vol. 1 & 2. Firenze : Felice le Monnier, 1858-1859. Nepos, Cornelius. Liber de excellentibus ducibus externarumcum vitis catonis et attici ... . Edited by Rudolfus Dietsch. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1869. Bound with 1, 54, 58, 79 Ovid, P. Naso. Opera : amores, epistulae, de medic, fac, ars amat, remedia amoris. Vol. 1 & 2. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1855-1870. Ovid. Ovidius Naso.Edited by R. Merkelil. Lipsiae : B.G. Teubneri, 1870. Paterculus. M. Vellei Paterculi ex historiae romanae ad M. Vincium cos libris duobus quae supersunt. Edited by F. Haase. 2nd ed. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1863. Bound with 1, 54, 58, 76 Pavissich, Alois Casar. Konversazions-Taschenbuch der Italienischen and Deutschen sprache. 15th ed. Wien : Rudolf Lechner, 1867. Phaedrus. Fabulae Aesopiae : quum veteres tum novae atque restitutae. Edited by Christianus Timotheus Dressler. Lipsiae : B. G. Teubner, 1866. Bound with 72, 92, 95 Pliny. C. Plini Caecili Secundi Epistularum libri novum : epistularum ad traianum liber panegyricus. Edited by H. Keil. Lipsiae : B. G Teubner, 1865. Quicherat, Louis & Daveluy, A. Dictionnaire Latin-Francais : avec un vocabulaire des noms geographiques, mythologiques, et historiques. Vol. 1 & 2. 23rd ed. Paris : Hachette, 1869. Rask, R. Friesche Spraakleer. Leeuwarden : H. C. Schetsberg, 1832. [The Romaunt of the Rose and other works of Chaucer and English poets. P. 199-660. Bound in 2 v. 3rd ed. Speghts, 1687.] Roth, Carlous Ludovicus. C. Suetoni Tranquilli : quae supersunt omnia. Lipsiae : B.G. Teubner, 1865. Sannazzaro, Jacopo. Arcadia : colla di lui vita scritta dal consigliere Giambatista Corniani. Firenze : 1826. Steiner, Herbert. Charles Montagu Doughty. C1945. Stockfleth, Nils Vibe. Dagbog, ober, mine Misfionsreifer i Finmarken. Christiania : 1860. Teocriton et al. Poeti Greci Minori, tradotti da varii. Firenze : G. Barbera, 1869. Terentius, P. Sex, per Phillipum Melanchthonem restitutae... . Lugduni : 1532. Tibullus, Albius. Libri Quattuor. Edited by L. Mueller. Lipsiae: B. G. Teubner, 1870 Bound with 72, 81, 95 Tregelles, S. P. Hebrew reading lessons. 14th ed. London : S. Bagster and sons limited, 1906. Vella, Da. F. Dizionario protatile dele lingue Maltese, Italiana, Inglese. Livorno : Stamperia Delgi, 1843. Virgil. Bucolica et Georgica. Edited by J.C. Jahn. 4th ed. Lipsiae: B. G. Teubner, 1866. Bound with 72, 81, 92, Vocabulaire Francais-Arabe : par un missionaire de la Cie de Jesus. Beyrouth : Imprimerie Catholique, 1867. Vries, M. DE. & Te Winkel, L. A. (eds.). Callewaerts Nederlandsch-Fransch woordenboek. 2nd ed. Brussel : Drukkerij van Gebroders Callewaert, 1870. Wotton, Henry. Reliquiae Wottonianae: or, a collection of lives, letters, poems with characters of sundry personages not before printed. 3rd ed. London : R. Marriott, F. Tyton, T. Collins & Ford, 1672. Two books of Arabic, one with accompanying notes that identify it as Diwan (collected poems) of Husain al-din Isa ibn sanjar. [18th century?] . -LMZcd  " 4 @ A i v  % v û߻÷xpi h;h$h;h$6 h;hh;h6 h}6h;h(_DH*h;h(_D6 h;h(_D h 6h;hCMb  #-08WXprst')*BVW}ȺȲȺȲȺȲȺȲ h;h h;hl h;hk 6 h;h h;hl h;hk h;h"VGh0P8h;h"VG6h;h($6h;hhE"6 h;h($ h;hhE"@12<=Gdefg ab| PQgn뺞ȏxth:Q h;hI1Ih;h#N#O#P#Y#########$4$5$7$I$M$N$O$`$|$$$$$$$ȱȥȥȞzsl h;h= h;h6rh;h($6 h;h($ h;h h;h: h;hl h;h5g;h0P8h;hk 6h;h]6h;h(_D6 h;h(_D h;hk h:Qh;h,T,gd($ & Fgd=gd=gd5g;gd^gd5g; & Fgd gd,S,T,[,,,,,,--4-9-X-`--------..#.2.릞֗{ h;hx7h;hx76h;hk 6 h}6 h;h h;h(_D6 h;h(_DhAbh;h($6 h;h($ h;h= h;hI1Ih;h... / /////H0^gdgd  & Fgd!gd! & Fgd9h^hgd9gdk ^gdLrgd5g;gd.B.M.u.......... / //p/q/////////"0$0&0H0I0S000000000˹~ˍwp h;hP h;hx7 hAbhAbh;h($6 h;h($ h;h h;h: h;hh;h H*h;h 6 h;h h;h!h:QhAbh;h96 h}6h;hk 6 h;h9 h;hk h;hLr h;hl*H0I00000111?2@22222c3d33344`4a444gd5[5g5i5q5r5s5555556>6?6ӽ鞚铚錅~w~wowgwow` h;hh;h6?6666677778889`gdlgdCS^gd5g;gdk gd$T$U$$$%%%%#&$&=&>&&& ' '''''H(I((((()))?*@*****c+d+++,,`,a,,,--[-\-r-s--->.?.....////0001111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!vw()OPNO\]+,BC  bc   p q Q R + , ? @ 67QRz{45WXrst)*fgPQM~z{LMOP45NO!",-E F !!x!y!!!!!x"y"""""8#9###=$>$T$U$$$%%%%#&$&=&>&&& ' '''''H(I((((()))?*@*****c+d+++,,`,a,,,--[-\-r-s--->.?.....////000111111100 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0@000 0 @000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 0000 0000 0000 00 0000 0000 0000 0 000 0!000 0"000 0#0000 0$000 0%000 0&000 0'0 0(0 0)0 0*000 0+0 0,0 0-0 0.00 0/0 00000 010 020 030 040 05000 060 070 080 09000 0:0 0;00 0<0 0=000 0>0 0?0 0@0 0A0 0B000 0C000 0D0 0E0 0F0 0G000 0H0 0I0 0J0 0K000 0L0 0M0 0N000 0O0 0P000 0Q00 0R0 0S0 0T0 0U0 0V0 0W0 0X0 0Y0 0Z0 0[000 0\0 0]0 0^000 0_0 0`0 0a0 0b0000000 Q R @ *M~zON!",-""##%>&'(*c+d++,,,--->.100bB?00200200.00.00l00&00$00'00$0 0'0000YtD?00V00;00900 0)00000 8+00 0 0 000$04%Lt?0$030$010020000000/010u?0/00002000)000 @0(0-0 0C00P0000O00Q0RtK?0Q000+00000A00e0 00000F0Gx?0F0 00 "$'L*2.03?699 #$&()+-.024679; C{ %(T,H0499!"%'*,/1358:9TB+D\cd+d\d+ed+e\e+e+f+f\f+gf+g\g+hg+\h+h+h+\ii+ii+\jj+jj+k+\k+kk+\ll+l+ml+\m+mm+\nn+n+n+o+o\o+po+\pp+p+q+\q«qëqīr+rū\r+r+\sƫsǫs+s+t+\tȫtɫt+\uʫu+u˫u+\v̫vͫvΫvϫw+wЫ\wѫw+\xҫxWwwgg33SSccn3 3 ||::',,}}s ""#^#^#d#$a%&*&*^*^*x+x++L,,--.F0F01      !"#$%'&()*+-,./0123465789:;<=>?@BACDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRScnn99YYlqq8 8 @@&++55~  ""#c#k#k#%h%+*+*h*h*+++W,,--$.L0L01      !"#$%'&()*+-,./0123465789:;<=>?@BACDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSBH*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagscountry-region8S*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsCity=>*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceName=3*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType:9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsStreet;:*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsaddress9T*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace  TTTSTSTSTTSSTSTSTSTTSHSTSTSTSTTSSTSTS>T>HTST:9SSTSTSTT3>TTTSTTSTTT>3TTSTSTSTTTTSTTST#%+-23;<ABKZcelt{ #*+3AJPXaiw%+.18@AHISZ_cj y"$.1=>Fhq~ ILMST]^e "'(34:JRSWYadmnxy+1JQRXJQclw   ( - . 8 9 E Y b c i k r {  ) ; G H R S X _ g ~       ! ; B a h q x y    % ) 2 4 ; ? 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