Resident Assistant (RA) Position Descriptions
The 黑料网 Department of Residence Life, in partnership with our residents, cultivates an inclusive living and learning environment that sparks engagement, encourages and fosters well being, and inspires a feeling of belonging for all students who live in our community.
Residence Life administers selected co-curricular educational and assessment initiatives within the residential experience. Opportunities for student engagement and learning within the department include the living-learning communities and residential college houses, as well as student leadership and applied learning opportunities. Our trained Residence Life team members pursue ways to collaborate with Geneseo faculty and staff to support our residents as they pursue their individual educational and personal goals. By providing challenges to better themselves, demonstrating an ethic of individual care, and building a strong, vibrant campus community, we hope to make a long-lasting positive impact on the lives of our students.
Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
All Residence Life staff will participate in critical dialogue around DEI, anti-racism, and cultural humility. All training, educational initiatives, and occupancy management will incorporate these commitments and staff will espouse these values in their roles through programmatic and engagement efforts.
Commitment to Wellbeing
All Residence Life staff will work together to create a working and living environment that promotes individual agency and advocacy for all community members and empowers them to build a well-lived life. All training, educational initiatives, and occupancy management will incorporate these commitments and staff will espouse these values in their roles through programmatic and engagement efforts.
RA Position Descriptions
The Department of Residence Life has six different student staff positions. In addition to the traditional RA role, we have four specialty roles and a position for assisting the Saratoga Terrace Townhouses. All positions share responsibilities, values, and requirements of the RA role. The specialty positions and townhouse community organizer have additional responsibilities.
Application Information
The Department of Residence Life is looking to fill multiple positions within Residence Halls.
Applications are due in their entirety by January 26, 2025. Note: There is a single application for all positions.
To be considered complete, applications must include:
fully completed candidate information and required questions on the Google form application.
personal statement emailed to as a .pdf file by January 26, 2025.
applicants are required to write a 1 - 2 page personal statement addressing as many of the following prompts as are appropriate. The purpose of this section is to give the Department of Residence Life an idea of you and what interests, goals, and skills you will bring to the role.
- Why would you like to become a Resident Assistant (RA)? (Please consider the general purpose of RAs in the community: supporting our residential students, working on a team, and promoting the mission of the Department of Residence Life, etc.)
- Outside of academic or job responsibilities, what are passions/hobbies that are very important to you?
- What experiences, skills, and qualities do you possess that showcase who you are?
- As a resident, how have you yourself found belonging in the residence hall community this year?
- RAs are responsible for building community and connections; can you give a specific example of how you would do this in the residence hall as an RA?
- What does diversity, equity, and belonging mean to you? ()
- From your current knowledge of the RA position, what are some areas in which you would like to grow within the role, if selected?
- If you are interested in a specialty RA position, please explain your interest/knowledge of that position.
- contact Information for at least two references.
- interest for building, student population, and Living-Learning Communities (LLCs) where you may want to work.
Application Timeline
- Complete application by January 26, 2025
- Individual Interviews with Residence Life Staff (occurring February 3 - 12)
- Times will be scheduled by staff and shared with you in advance
- Networking with Department of Residence Life Professional Staff (February 6 & 7)
- You may select times for meeting w/ staff members on these days
- Group Process Workshop (February 13 & 14)
- Offers Extended Late March
- Residence Life Kickoff for Hired Applicants (First Week of May)
Duration of Position:
- August 8, 2025 - May 18, 2026 (after May Commencement) [subject to change based on the academic calendar]
- Resident Assistant (RA)
A Resident Assistant (RA) is a student leader who serves as a peer resource for our residential students. RAs are committed to fostering a sense of wellbeing for residents in their communities. They create opportunities for engagement and promote an inclusive environment for their residents. RAs display genuine empathy for others and are advocates for other students. They demonstrate an understanding of multiculturalism and a commitment to supporting a diverse community. RAs are role models and leaders in the Geneseo community.
RAs build connections, demonstrate pride, exhibit thoughtfulness, display creativity, and promote inclusivity.
RAs will demonstrate:
- Leadership potential through past experiences and recommendations
- Commitment to personal growth
- Engagement in their leadership role, meaning-making experiences, and peer learning
- Willingness to advocate for and be a source of support for other students
- Sensitivity and genuine concern for others that would compel one to form relationships with residents Integrity in decision-making and maturity in actions
- Program event planning skills to meet established goals
- Problem-solving skills and the ability to evaluate and respond to high pressure situations
- Effective communication skills and patience when working with students and colleagues
- Knowledge of 黑料网 and the Department of Residence Life policies and functions
Job Responsibilities
RAs report directly to the Area Coordinator or Residence Director of their building. RAs attend two mandatory training sessions prior to the start of class in August and January, In-Services, and a variety of development opportunities throughout the year. RAs are ambassadors of inclusivity and diversity. RAs assist their supervisor with the opening and closing of their Residence Hall which requires them to arrive early and depart late at breaks. RAs attend weekly staff meetings directed by their supervisor and participate in staff development. RAs are involved in event planning, both in the Residence Halls and in the College Union. RAs maintain an available, visible, and proactive presence in their community. RAs participate in Residence Life Duty:
- Sunday - Thursday
- Desk Shift: 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
- Rounds: 7:30 p.m., 10:00 p.m., 12:00 a.m.
- Duty Phone: 7:30 p.m. - 8:00 a.m. (return phone by 12:00 p.m.)
- Friday and Saturday
- Desk Shift: 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
- Rounds: 7:30 p.m., 10:00 p.m., 12:00 a.m., 2:00 a.m. (with Duty Partner)
- Duty Phone: 24 hours (this is different than weekday duty, RAs will have the phone on and must be responsive during the day and night while on duty Friday and Saturday.)
- Friday night duty will start at 7:30 p.m. and end on Saturday at 7:30 p.m.
- Saturday night duty will start at 7:30 p.m. and end on Sunday at 7:30 p.m.
- Sunday night duty will start at 7:30 p.m. and end on Monday at 7:30 a.m.
- RAs are not permitted to work or be committed to another task during their shift.
- RAs help their supervisor promote 鈥減ride in place鈥 by filing work orders and documenting concerns.
- RAs hold floor meetings and informal dialogues with their peers in an effort to disseminate information or to help resolve conflicts.
Compensation and Remuneration:
- $200.00 meal plan allocation per semester
- $250.00 stipend per semester
- Single room for the entire Academic Year (Fall and Spring Semesters)
Duration of Position:
- August 8, 2025 - May 18, 2026 (after May Commencement) [subject to change based on the academic calendar]
- Resident Assistant for International Student Engagement (RAISE)
The Department of Residence Life is looking to hire three (3) students to serve as RAISE to our international resident students in either Dante House, Steuben Hall, or Wyoming Hall (location may change) while also completing traditional Resident Assistant responsibilities*.
A Resident Assistant for International Student Engagement tailors their work to support and enrich the on-campus experience for international students. There are three RAISE staff members, one that lives in each campus village. The RAISE team engages with international students begins during international student orientation and is consistent throughout the semester. RAISE team members will have additional requirements that target touch on the needs and experiences international students encounter while also finding ways to bridge connections between international and domestic students.
In order to be considered for the position, you must complete the RAISE Application in its entirety and submit it by January 26, 2025. References must complete the Reference Form by February 13, 2025.
Incomplete submissions will not be considered. Each application received will be reviewed and evaluated by the RAISE Selection Committee and members of the Residence Life Staff. RAISE Applicants only need to complete the RA Application, but must indicate interest in the RAISE position.
Inclusive | Proud | Thoughtful | Creative | Connector
If you embody these values, the RAISE position might be for you! RAISEs possess strong leadership skills, foster the development of relationships, promote well-being to students, and demonstrate a commitment to multicultural education in not only their residential community, but across the 黑料网 campus.
Program Goal
The goal of the RAISE program is to provide our international students with an immediate campus connection in the residential community.
The RAISE is a student leader who lives in one of three Residence Halls with a significant population of international students. In addition to completing RA responsibilities, the RAISE will create engagement opportunities specifically for international students to link them with their peers. The RAISE has an interest in creating meaningful experiences for and will communicate important campus information and events to international students. RAISEs may have a passion for global issues, foreign cultures and languages, or study abroad and international education. The RAISE will attend specific training sessions and participate in International Student Orientation. The RAISE will complete all traditional RA duties. In addition, they will serve as a resource and campus connector to our international students, integrating them into the community and linking them with their peers.
Community Building and Engagement
Prior to Arrival
Creating a miniature biography and offering a photo to share with our international students will start the introductions early. Before they arrive, the international students will know someone with whom they can connect. The RAISEs will also write a letter to the international students in their area, welcoming them to 黑料网. If purchased, the RAISEs and fellow RAs, will make up beds with linens selected by the international students.Orientation
Upon their arrival, the RAISEs will be present in their Residence Hall waiting to offer a warm welcome to the international students and help them with their belongings. During International Student Orientation, RAISEs will accompany the students on entertaining trips and shopping excursions; they will also plan evening engagement events. Once Meet-Ups begin, the RAISEs will invite the international students and their residents to attend. This will begin the connection.Campus Life
After welcome weekend is over and classes begin, the RAISEs will continue to serve as a resource, advocate, and connector for our international students. Their community builders will focus on integrating the international student residents with other residents in the community. The RAISEs will send weekly messages to their residents advising them of upcoming events. They will post their availability for questions and concerns to their international student residents. Training will prepare the RAISEs to effectively question international students about their experience on campus and adjusting to life in the United States and 黑料网. They will also be prepared to identify indicators of concern from their residents and know how and where to refer them. The RAISE will communicate with their Area Coordinator/Residence Director about plans, needs, concerns, and other updates as they arise regarding their role. They will also serve as a liaison between Residence Life and International Student Services, and will attend required meetings several times throughout the year. As the semester and year progress, a relationship between the RAISEs and the international students will be forged that will enrich the lives of both.Training and Expectations
Training Overview
The RAISEs will join the international students at their orientation in late August. The RAISEs will be excused from RA Training to be present for a specific part of International Student Orientation. RAISEs will attend a seminar presented by a member of International Student Services. The seminar will focus on an exploration of American culture and values, development of cross-cultural skills, and an exploration of issues unique to international students living in a residence hall community. RAISEs will partner with a member of Student Life to facilitate a session at International Student Orientation.Expectations of RAISE
- RAISE will be the point of contact for each building concerning cross-cultural/international student issues
- ISSS/ Student Life RAISE Coordinator may reach out to offer information or to glean information from you
- RAISE will organize social and educational programming within the hall with a focus on international student outreach
- RAISE will post information about upcoming events weekly on Facebook/Google Site (campus wide, hall, floor, etc.)
- RAISE will check in with fellow RAs of the building regarding international students on individual floors RAISE will be aware of international students' courses
- RAISE will follow up with international students regarding registration (provide information about how to register)
- RAISE will begin contact with incoming international students the summer and winter breaks prior to the arrival of new international students via mailings and use of social media RAISE will check in with ISSS staff/Residence Life RAISE Coordinator twice a month during the first month of each semester and once a month thereafter (may need to reconsider) RAISE will provide social programming in the evening during International Student Orientation
- Examples: Campus Tour, Main Street Tour, Volleyball in the South Village, Geneseo Sunset in the Gazebo, Ice Cream Social
- RAISE will participate in assessing the impact of the RAISE program on the lives of our international resident students
* RAISE Applicants only need to complete the RAISE Application. Applicants may indicate interest in the RA Position via the RAISE Application.
Compensation and Renumeration
- $350.00 stipend per semester
- Single room for the entire Academic Year (Fall and Spring Semesters)
- $200.00 meal plan allocation per semester
Duration of Position:
- August 8, 2025 - May 18, 2026 (after May Commencement) [subject to change based on the academic calendar]
- Resident Assistant for Wellness (RAW)
The Residence Life Department is looking to hire three (3) students to serve as RAWs for the entire residential community and will reside in either Ontario Hall, Jones Hall, or Onondaga Hall (locations may change) while also completing traditional Resident Assistant responsibilities*. RAWs will receive additional training to support students who want to learn about wellness and living a healthy lifestyle. RAWs will also receive information on training and alcohol consumption and drug use and ways to limit the consumption of both, or even have a desire to live substance free. RAWs will work in close collaboration with the Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Program Office. Training will include motivational interviewing and BASICS.
In order to be considered for the position, you must complete the RAW Application in its entirety and submit it by January 26, 2025. References must complete the Reference Form by February 13, 2025.
Incomplete submissions will not be considered. Each application received will be reviewed and evaluated by the RAW Selection Committee and members of the Residence Life Staff. RAW Applicants only need to complete the RA Application, but must indicate interest in the RAW position.
Inclusive | Proud | Thoughtful | Creative | Connector
If you embody these values, the RAW position might be for you! RAWs possess strong leadership skills, foster the development of relationships, promote well-being to students, and demonstrate a commitment to multicultural education in not only their residential community, but across the 黑料网 campus.
Program Goal
The goal of the Resident Advisor for Wellness (RAW) program is to provide residents who want to discuss overall wellness and healthy lifestyle initiatives, as well as, alcohol and other drug concerns with an immediate confidential peer connection in the residence hall community. The over arching goal is harm reduction.
Explanation of the Position
Student Life is hiring three Resident Assistants (RA) to serve as RAWs for the entire residential community. RAWs will reside in Jones, Onondaga, and Ontario Residence Halls (locations may change). In addition to completing traditional RA responsibilities, RAWs will receive additional training to support students who want to learn more about wellness and living a healthy lifestyle.
RAWs will also receive information on training and alcohol consumption and drug use and ways to limit the consumption of both, or even have a desire to live substance free. RAWs will wok in close collaboration with the Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Program Office. Training will include motivational interviewing and BASICS.
RAW Applicants only need to complete the RAW Application. Applicants may indicate interest in the RA Position via the RAW Application.
Position Values
- RAWs are available, reliable, and accountable.
- RAWs fulfill responsibilities and meet deadlines and expectations.
- RAWs are empathetic active listeners who are accepting of difference, multi-culturally aware, and able to educate others on diverse topics.
- RAWs are not judgmental and are open to new ideas.
- RAWs use critical thinking skills, experience, and knowledge of policy to make decisions.
- RAWs are attentive to detail, role model ethical behavior, and recognize that they are part of a community larger than themselves.
- RAWs are confidential and work with integrity.
- RAWs are flexible and adaptable.
- RAWs manage time efficiently and are able to prioritize.
- RAWs are calm under pressure and are able to go with the flow to work with residents and complete tasks.
- RAWs exhibit prosocial behavior and take action.
- RAWs display enthusiasm when building community and supporting residents.
- RAWs are aware of resources and able to refer residents when necessary.
Educators, Resources, Role Models, and Leaders*
*Adapted from North Dakota State University LIVE REAL Mentor Program
- Teach residents about healthy lifestyle and wellbeing
- Be a compassionate and informed about alcohol and other drug use
- Incorporate information about alcohol and other dugs into floor meetings, programming, and bulletin boards
- Attend mandatory trainings and development to stay abreast of information about alcohol and other drugs
- Be mindful to not cross the line of attending behavior to counseling during interactions and discussions with residents
- Identify as a RAW to residents and visibly post information about the role
- Understand how and when to refer residents for professional help and support
- Be aware of campus and community resources to share with residents
- Be familiar with on and off campus events and communicate them to residents, especially substance-free entertainment options
- Be aware of important campus dates and happenings
- Stay connected and responsive to the AOD Office
Role Model
- Be welcoming, friendly, and open to honest dialogue about wellness, alcohol, and other drugs
- Create a safe judgment free safe for residents to discuss concerns or ask questions
- Act with integrity and be confidential
- Send a clear and consistent message that fosters and promotes wellbeing, safety, and positive choices to residents
- Reduce barriers that may prevent residents to obtain treatment
- Role model healthy lifestyle and provide opportunities for residents to engage in wellness activities
- Exhibit prosocial behavior and is not a bystander in alcohol or other drug related emergencies - stand up, take action, seek help, and document concerns
- Support residents who choose not to drink alcohol or decide to make low-risk decisions about consumption - sober driver, cab ride, etc.
- Challenge misinformation and humor that fuels misconception or perpetuates a culture of alcohol and other drug misuse
- Establish strong relationships with residents in order to help them manage risks
- Avoid reinforcing stereotypes about alcohol and other drug use
Job Responsibilities
- Meet weekly with the AC or RD of the building
- Meet weekly with RAW Program Coordinator
- Meet semesterly with Director of Residence Life or designee
- Communicate weekly with residents about wellness initiatives, alcohol and other drugs digitally, verbally, or through passive efforts
- Assist the RAW Program Coordinator with creating and disseminating information about alcohol and other drug use
- Connect residents with campus resources related to their particular needs, but also the AOD Program
- Ensure that residents are aware of the RAW role and services
- Direct Education programming and community building toward alcohol and other drug use awareness
- Attend RA Training in August and January
- Attend RA In-Services
- Participate in AOD Program trainings including, but not limited to motivational interviewing and BASICS
- Harm reduction strategies
- Attending and helping skills
- Ongoing development and resources provided by AOD Program Coordinator and Assistant Director of Residence Life
- AOD Advisory Group
- AOD Training
- Appropriate professional development
Compensation and Renumeration
- $350.00 stipend per semester
- Single room for the entire Academic Year (Fall and Spring Semesters)
- $200.00 meal plan allocation per semester
Duration of Position:
- August 8, 2025 - May 18, 2026 (after May Commencement) [subject to change based on the academic calendar]
- Transfer Student Mentor (TSM)
The Department of Residence Life is looking to hire three (3) students to serve as TSM to our transfer resident students in either Nassau Hall, Livingston Hall, or Erie Hall (location may change) while also completing traditional Resident Assistant responsibilities*. A TSM is a Resident Assistant who lives in one of three residence halls with a significant population of transfer students. In addition to completing RA responsibilities, the TSM will create engagement opportunities specifically for transfer students to link them to their peers in the Geneseo community. The TSM will create meaningful experiences for students and will communicate important campus information and events to transfer students assimilating to the Geneseo campus culture. Each Transfer Student Mentor will create passive and active educational opportunities in their residence halls to engage transfer students
In order to be considered for the position, you must complete the TSM Application in its entirety and submit it by January 26, 20254. All applicants will be required to submit a resume with their application. References must complete the Reference Form by February 13, 2025.
Incomplete submissions will not be considered. Each application received will be reviewed and evaluated by the TSM Selection Committee and members of the Residence Life Staff. TSM Applicants only need to complete the RA Application, but must indicate interest in the TSM position.
Values of a Transfer Student Mentor
Inclusive | Proud | Thoughtful | Creative | Connector
If you embody these values, the TSM position might be for you! TSMs possess strong leadership skills, foster the development of relationships, promote well-being to students, and demonstrate a commitment to multicultural education in not only their residential community, but across the 黑料网 campus.
Program Goal
The goal of the Transfer Student Mentor (TSM) program is to provide Geneseo鈥檚 fall and spring transfer students with immediate campus connections in their residential communities.
A Transfer Student Mentor (TSM) is a Resident Assistant who lives in one of three residence halls with a significant population of transfer students. In addition to completing RA responsibilities (see RA Position Description), the TSM will create engagement opportunities specifically for transfer students to link them to their peers in the Geneseo community. The TSM will create meaningful experiences for students and will communicate important campus information and events to transfer students assimilating to the Geneseo campus culture. Each Transfer Student Mentor will create passive and active educational opportunities in their residence halls to engage transfer students. During fall and spring semesters, they will hold office hours in the Transfer Resource Center to supplement the YouBelong series offered by the Office of New Student Programs. The TSM will attend specific training sessions and participate in orientation events and presentations for transfer students, such as the Transfer Student Picnic. Although preferred, Transfer Student Mentors do not necessarily need to be transfer students themselves.
Community Building and Engagement
Prior to Arrival
Before they arrive to campus, transfer students will know someone they can connect with at Geneseo. The TSMs will send a letter of introduction, mini biography, and headshot photo to transfer students living in their village, welcoming them to 黑料网 and highlighting some opening events during Weeks of Welcome. In addition, the TSMs will prepare bulletin boards displaying academic resources, student services resources, as well as a variety of outlets for involvement on campus.
Upon their arrival, the TSMs will prepare and execute one presentation during New Student Orientation in the fall and spring semesters. This presentation will be coordinated in conjunction with the Department of Student Liife and will focus on the impact of the Student Life (Campus Living) experience on the transfer student experience. During move-in weekends in the fall and spring, TSMs offer a warm welcome to the transfer students in their respective residence halls and villages.
Campus Life
Once classes commence, the TSMs will continue to serve as a resource, advocate, and connector for transfer students. Their educational initiatives will focus on integrating transfer student residents into the larger residential and college community. TSMs will send bi-weekly messages to their residents publicizing upcoming events in the halls, villages, and on campus of specific interest to them. They will advertise their availability on their room doors in case questions and concerns come up. They will also be prepared to identify indicators of concern and know how and where to refer residents, specifically acknowledging that transfer students鈥 most difficult transition will take place in the academic sphere. Transfer Student Mentors will communicate with their Area Coordinator about Residential Education plans, student needs, concerns, and other updates as they arise regarding their role. They will also serve as a liaison between Student Life and the Office of New Student Programs, and will attend two office hours a week in the Transfer Resource Center during the academic year. As the semester and year progress, a relationship between the TSMs and the transfer students will be forged that will enrich the lives of both.
Training and Expectations
Training Overview
The TSMs will join transfer students at orientation in late August and January. The TSMs may be excused from a session of RA Training to be present for a specific part of New Student Orientation. TSMs will also attend a training session that will focus on the academic, emotional, and social challenges unique to the transfer student experience as they assimilate into the culture of a new college.
- TSM will begin contact with incoming transfer students during the summer and winter breaks prior to the arrival of new transfer students via mailings and use of social media.
- TSMs will be aware of transfer students' class courses. TSMs will follow up with transfer students regarding registration (provide information about how to register).
- TSMs will be the point of contact for each village concerning transfer student concerns. TSMs will communicate any concerns with the Assistant Director of Student Life for Educational Initiatives.
- TSMs will organize social and educational programming within their halls and village with a focus on transfer student outreach. TSMs will post information about upcoming events weekly on social media (campus wide, hall, floor, etc.).
- TSMs will check in with fellow RAs in each building within their village regarding transfer students. They will also lead transfer student support groups in each village once a month.
- TSMs will collaborate with New Student Programs and Academic Advising engaging in YouBelong programming initiatives throughout the academic year. TSMs will also hold two office hours a week in the Transfer Student Resource Center.
- TSMs will check in with Campus Living TSM Coordinator once a month.
- TSMs will participate in assessing the impact of the TSM program on the lives of our transfer resident students at the conclusion of their service.
* TSM Applicants only need to complete the TSM Application. Applicants may indicate interest in the RA Position via the TSM Application.
Compensation and Renumeration
- $350.00 stipend per semester
- Single room for the entire Academic Year (Fall and Spring Semesters)
- $200.00 meal plan allocation per semester
Duration of Position:
- August 8, 2025 - May 18, 2026 (after May Commencement) [subject to change based on the academic calendar]
- Resident Assistant for Diversity and Inclusion Community Educator (RADICE)
In order to be considered for the position, you must complete the RADICE Application in its entirety and submit it by January 26, 2025. All applicants will be required to submit a resume with their application. References must complete the Reference Form by February 13, 2025.
Incomplete submissions will not be considered. Each application received will be reviewed and evaluated by the RADICE Selection Committee and members of the Residence Life Staff. RADICE Applicants only need to complete the RA Application, but must indicate interest in the RADICE position.
Program Goal
The goal of the Resident Assistant Diversity Inclusion Community Educator (RADICE) program is to provide opportunities to residents who wish to discuss or be educated in topics concerning Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) within the residence hall community. The overarching goal of the program would be DEIB promotion.
Explanation of Position
Resident Assistant Diversity Inclusion Community Educator (RADICE) is a student leader who serves as a peer mentor whose primary focus is fostering diversity and inclusion in the residence hall community. The person in this role will create opportunities for students to foster conversation and opportunities for engagement, as well as actively drive the positive change needed to create an inclusive environment. They would demonstrate an understanding of multiculturalism and a commitment to supporting a diverse community.
Position Values
RADICEs are culturally competent, meaning they seek new opportunities to learn more in terms of multiculturalism and inclusion. Their actions and behavior reflect their understanding of equity-minded practices.
RADICEs are pro-social and enthusiastic. They are able to actively engage others on topics of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion through community building programs and activities. RADICEs are a resource and are able to refer students to other resources accordingly.
RADICEs are available, reliable, and accountable. In addition to meeting deadlines and expectations, they are proactive in their work with students and staff.
RADICEs use their own experiences, their knowledge of policy, and their critical thinking skills to make decisions that benefit all members of their community. They are able to model ethical and inclusive behavior and recognize their role in the larger community. They are understanding of individuals and interpersonal relationships and how one鈥檚 experiences shape perceptions and understandings of interactions.
Educators, Resources, Role Models, and Leaders*
- Teach residents about DEI topics
- Incorporate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in bulletin boards, door decs, and programming
- Attend mandatory trainings to stay informed on DEI topics
- Continuously educate oneself about different cultures, races, religions, and identities.
- Promote Inclusion and Socially Responsible Citizenship as Values of the 黑料网 community
- Commit to understanding the effects of diverse backgrounds and one's own privilege when working with other students and staff members
- Create an atmosphere where residents can comfortably express concerns and/offer advice that can be instrumental in support
- Actively engage in diversity efforts
Role Model
- Be welcoming and open to having conversations about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Create a safe, judgment-free space for residents to discuss concerns or ask questions
- Act with integrity and be a private resource for students to approach when needed
- Establish strong relationships with residents in order to help them manage incidents of bias
- Avoid reinforcing stereotypes and bias surrounding diversity and marginalization
- Send a clear and consistent message that fosters and promotes wellbeing, safety, and positive choices to residents
- Reduce barriers that may prevent residents who are seeking to report incidents of bias
- Be aware of and promote on and off campus educational and experiential opportunities to students in the residence hall
- Stay connected and responsive with the Office of Diversity and Equity
- Identify as a RADICE and visibly post information about the role
- Understand how and when to connect students with other resources on campus pertaining to diversity
- Attend RA Training in August and January
- Attend RA In-Services
- DICE facilitation training
- On going development and resources provided by the ODE and Assistant Director of Residence Life
- Meet with ODE once a week
- The Student Team Lead and AC/RD in charge of (weekly) and robbie (monthly at least, same meeting time)
Job Responsibilities
- Meet weekly with the AC or RD of the building
- Meet weekly with Office of Diversity and Equity
- Meet monthly with the Associate Director of Residence Life
- Communicate weekly with residents about diversity, equity, and inclusion digitally, verbally, or through passive efforts
- Connect residents with campus resources related to their particular needs, but also the Office of Diversity and Equity
- Ensure that residents are aware of the RADICE role and services
- Direct Education programming and community building toward DEI awareness
RADICE Special Position Qualifications
- Applicants must be DICE facilitators or be willing to be trained
Compensation and Renumeration
- $350.00 stipend per semester
- Single room for the entire Academic Year (Fall and Spring Semesters)
- $200.00 meal plan allocation per semester
Duration of Position:
- August 8, 2025 - May 18, 2026 (after May Commencement) [subject to change based on the academic calendar]
- Community Assistant (CA)
The Department of Residence Life is seeking talented students to serve our residents as Community Assistants.
For the 2025 - 2025 academic year, Community Assistants will be hired for the Saratoga Terrace townhouse community and Steuben and Ontario Residence Halls. Community Assistants (CA) are Residence Life paraprofessional staff members who directly serve these independent communities and assist the department with facilities management, administrative tasks, and community development. The responsibilities of the CAs are building positive relationships with and among their residents. While the successful CA candidate is responsible for holding office hours, attending weekly meetings, filing work orders and responding to townhouse community phone calls, the emphasis for this position will be to ensure that townhouse residents are connected to each other and supported in their independent lifestyles.Incomplete submissions will not be considered. Each application received will be reviewed and evaluated by the RAW Selection Committee and members of the Residence Life Staff. CA Applicants only need to complete the RA Application, but must indicate interest in the CA position.
Job Responsibilities 鈥 CA-specific:
- introduce yourself at every resident within the first two weeks of each semester
- hold five office hours per week
- input and monitor residents鈥 work orders through the TMA system and investigate facilities issues as needed
- keep white board and bulletin boards updated with relevant information throughout the academic year
- hold the duty phone and respond to/redirect calls from students within 24 hours
- mediate conflicts as needed and as requested
- advise hall councils
- manage openings in August and January and closings in December and May
- facilitate check-in and check-out processes
- coordinate Housing Confirmations process in both Fall and Spring semesters
- learn how to use ID card access software and activate students鈥 ID cards during check-in processes
- host two events during each semester
- execute the educational plan directed toward learning for junior and senior students
Duty Requirements:
The CA will be expected to be on duty for full 24 hour periods each day of the week excluding Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring breaks. The CA is permitted to turn the duty phone ringer off during academic obligations and is permitted to leave campus with the duty phone, but if going out of town, the CA must hand off the duty phone to their partner CA. Voicemails must be answered within 24 hours.
The successful candidate will not be expected to keep the duty phone and respond to calls during College vacations (e.g., Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break) and as such must make arrangements to bring the duty phone to the Residence Life Main Office prior to closings.
Eligibility Requirements:- successful candidate has strong values associated with living on campus
- successful candidate must be living in on campus housing for the 2024-2025 academic year
- successful candidate must maintain both semester and overall Grade Point Average of at least 2.5
- successful candidate will not be permitted to student teach while serving as the CA
- successful candidate will not be permitted to serve in an SA executive position as the CA
- successful candidate must be able to commit to a full academic year and able to start August 10, 2024
- current RAs may not be considered for the position
Compensation and Remuneration:
- room rent waiver for both Fall and Spring semesters
- stipend of $350.00/semester
- meal plan credit of $200.00/semester
Duration of Position:- August 8, 2025 - May 18, 2026 (after May Commencement) [subject to change based on the academic calendar]
Qualifications for all Positions
- Applicants must have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA and be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits
- Applicants must report at least a 2.5 Fall 2024 GPA at the time of application
- Applicants must also receive at least a 2.5 GPA for the Spring 2025 semester
- Applicants must be in good conduct standing and not have current conduct sanctions
- Applicants must have completed one semester at 黑料网 by the end of the Spring 2025 semester
- Applicants must have lived in on-campus at least one semester at any college or university by the end of the Spring 2025 semester
- Applicants must not hold a full-time position elsewhere, be a student teacher, or hold a full-time internship
Desired candidates will demonstrate:
- Leadership potential through past experiences and recommendations
- Commitment to personal growth
- Willingness to advocate for and be a source of support for other students
- Sensitivity and genuine concern for others that would compel one to form relationships with assigned residents
- Integrity in decision-making and maturity in actions
- Program event planning skills to meet established goals
- Problem-solving skills and the ability to evaluate and respond to high pressure situations
- Effective communication skills and patience when working with students and colleagues
- Knowledge of 黑料网 and the Department of Student Life Campus Living policies and functions
Desired candidates will:
- Model DEIB for fellow RA staff and residents through conversations, intervention when needed, and role modeling
- Support and inspire programming, encourage attendance at College DEIB events, and celebrate and observe the diverse traditions, customs, and holidays of residents and fellow staff members
- Demonstrate cultural humility and sensitivity in responding to incidents, concerns, and in conversation
Conditions of Employment
- Period of Employment: August 8, 2025 - May 18, 2026 (after May Commencement) [subject to change based on the academic calendar]
- New RA Class: RAs must also register for the RA Class INTD 240
- Student Staff members may not register for more than 18 credits without permission from the Director of Residence Life
- Academic Standing: Student Staff members must maintain both a cumulative and semester GPA of 2.5
- Conduct: Employment is contingent upon maintaining good conduct standing; conduct history is reviewed prior to hire
- Department Initiatives: Attendance at RA Training, RA Selection, RA Class, Committee Meetings, and Residence Hall opening and closing is mandatory
- Student Teaching: Student Staff members are not permitted to student teach
- May not hold an executive board position with Student Association while serving as RA
The positions that are not eligible for employment as student staff employees in the Department of Residence Life (because both positions are intense and require a high rate of attention and commitment) are SA President, Director of Business Affairs, SA Vice President, and Director of Inter Residence Affairs.
Regarding other SA Executive positions, as long as their commitment to SA is less than 10 hours per week, they can be RAs.
- Must be enrolled in at least 12 credits, but no more than 18 credits without department approval
- Employment: Student Staff members are not permitted to work more than 15 hours per week outside of their position with Residence Life
Application Link