Psychology Department Senior Awards

I. Overview

The purpose of the program is to recognize outstanding senior psychology majors who excel in one or more of the following specific domains: scholarly achievement, community service, research contribution, department leadership, and promoting diversity/equity/inclusion. One achievement award in each of these domains is given to a student with an excellent record in that specific area. In addition, the Horylev-Tesch Outstanding Senior Award is given to a student who excels in multiple areas within these domains. These awards are presented in the spring semester and are noted on the graduate program. The department's Student Affairs Committee (SAC) administers the senior awards program.


The submission deadline will be Sunday, March 16th at 5pm. To apply complete the . Faculty will take suggestions into account but ultimately will consider students for all awards that are suitable for them.

II. The Awards

Edward Curry Outstanding Scholarly Achievement Award 

This award recognizes a senior student whose college career has been characterized by unusually strong academic achievement. To be considered for this award, a senior must provide evidence of:

  • a strong GPA (at least a 3.8 in psychology, and at least a 3.5 overall)
  • a transcript reflecting a challenging curriculum within the major(s) and minor(s)

Outstanding Research Contribution Award 

This award recognizes a senior student who has demonstrated a strong commitment to research. To be considered for this award, a senior must provide evidence of:

  • extensive participation in research under faculty guidance
  • a meaningful contribution to a research project (e.g., authorship on a paper or conference presentation/poster; supervision of a lab or research team)
  • a credible academic record (overall GPA of a least 3.25)

Donald DeMott Outstanding Community Service Award 

This award recognizes a senior student whose college career has been characterized by an unusually strong commitment to volunteer work, and who has made a significant contribution to the efforts of a volunteer organization. To be considered for this award, a senior must provide evidence of:

  • sustained service to one or more volunteer efforts
  • one or more significant contributions to volunteer efforts
  • a credible academic record (overall GPA of at least 3.25)

Outstanding Student Leadership Award 

This award recognizes a senior student whose college career has been characterized by leadership in the psychology department at Geneseo. To be considered for this award, a senior must provide evidence of:

  • leadership in the department
  • one or more contributions to the department (examples might include being a teaching assistant, serving as a department intern or in leadership positions in student organizations such as the Psychology Club or Psi Chi)
  • a credible academic record (overall GPA of at least 3.25)

Margaret W. Matlin Award for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

This award recognizes a senior student who has gone above and beyond to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Geneseo Psychology Department or Geneseo community more generally, through service, work, research/scholarship, or teaching.

Horylev-Tesch Outstanding Senior Award 

This award recognizes a senior student who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in multiple areas in which awards are given (scholarly achievement, research, community service, departmental leadership, promoting diversity/equity/inclusion). To be eligible for this award a student must be a senior who meets the eligibility requirements for each of the specific areas in the awards program.

III. Application Process

Application Procedures and Materials

To apply for one or more awards, students must complete the , provide the names of two full-time Geneseo faculty members who are familiar with you (letters of recommendation are not required), a reference letter from an internship or work-related supervisor (optional), and must give the department permission to verify your transcript and GPA. Application materials must be received before 5 pm on Sunday, March 16th.

May graduates must apply during their last semester at Geneseo. December graduates can choose to apply either (but not both) the spring semester before or after they graduate. 

Faculty will consider students for relevant awards. 

IV. Selection of Award Recipients

Award winners are chosen by a vote of the full-time faculty. The faculty may vote not to grant one or more of the awards in a particular year if student achievement is not truly outstanding for that year. No student will receive more than one award, with the exception of the Horylev-Tesch Outstanding Senior Award which may be presented in combination with any of the other five awards. The faculty may vote to declare co-winners of any of the awards.