Geneseo Subject Pool FAQ
Logging in and Signing up for Studies
- How can I login to the subject signup system?
Go to the website at . Enter your user ID and password. Your user id is the same as your Geneseo College email address. You can also always find a link to the system from the Psychology Department home page at .
- What should I do if I forgot or lost my password?
At the login screen, click on the link below the question: Lost your password? You will be prompted to enter your user ID. Once entered, an email will be immediately sent to you with your password.
- Can I change my password to one that is easier to remember?
Yes, after logging in, go to My Profile. You can change your password by entering your old one and your new one.
- Can I change the email address that the system uses to send me messages?
Yes, after logging in, go to My Profile. You can enter an alternate email address.
- When I login for the first time, the system asks me to choose a course. I am enrolled in more than one of the courses listed. Which one should I select?
It does not matter which one you select as long as it is a course that you are enrolled in. It is very important that you register the other eligible courses you are enrolled in before you sign up for studies. See question 12 for information on how to register for all of your eligible courses.
- When I login for the first time, I am not asked to choose a course. Why is that and what should I do?
This would indicate that you have never been registered in the system before. If you are enrolled in more than one eligible course, you should register your enrollment in those courses in the system before you sign up for any studies. See Question 12 for information on how to register for all of your eligible courses.
- How do I sign up for a study?
Login and click on Studies. Select a study from the list and click on Timeslots Available. Follow the instructions for signing up for an appointment. When you sign up for a study, you can select which class you want your research credit(s) assigned to. If you are enrolled in more than one eligible class (see question 11). After signing up, you will receive an email confirming your signup and one reminding you of your appointment 24 hours before it is scheduled.
- After signing up for a study, I have discovered that I cannot attend it. Should I cancel my signup? How much notice must I provide of my cancellation?
Yes, you should cancel the appointment if you can give more than 24 hours notice. You cannot cancel a signup when the appointment is less than 24 hours away. Cancellation will open up your appointment to others who could attend. Both the researcher and other students will appreciate your cancellation.
- How do I cancel a signup?
After logging in, click on My Schedule/Credits. Find the study you wish to cancel out of. At the far right of its listing, there will be a button that you can click to cancel your appointment.
- What will happen if I miss an appointment?
No credit will be granted for missed research appointments. If you miss five appointments, your access to the on line sign up system will be blocked for the remainder of the semester. To avoid having this happen to you, please cancel appointments that you know you cannot attend in a timely manner.
Managing Your Course Enrollments and Your Research Credits
- How do I find out which course my research credits will be assigned to?
After logging in, click on My Profile. The final entry in the profile box will show the course(s) you are registered in the system with. If there is only one course listed, all of your research credits will be assigned to that course. If there is more than one course listed, your research credits will be assigned to the course you designate when you sign up for a study.
- If I am enrolled in more than one course eligible for extra credit is there a way for the system to recognize that I am enrolled in all of them?
Yes, see question 12 for instructions on how to register for more than one course. It is very important to designate all of your courses prior to signing up for studies.
- How do I change or add courses that I am enrolled in?
After logging in and clicking on My Profile. Click on the link labeled Change Courses. Follow the instructions. You may select all of the courses that you are enrolled in by holding down the Ctrl or Apple key while selecting choices from the pull down menu. It is advisable to register for all the eligible courses that you are enrolled in.
- Can research credits be assigned to more than one course?
No, the system is designed so that research credits can be counted toward one course only. If you have registered in the system for more than one course, you can choose which course to assign credits to when you sign up for a study.
- Can I reassign research credits from one course to another after they have been issued?
Yes, after completing the study and credit has been granted, login and click on My Schedule/Credits. For each study that credit has been granted in, you can reassign it to another course.
- I would like to reassign my research credits to a different course, but the system does not permit me to do this. What should I do?
Once you have begun receiving credits, only the courses that you were registered for (see question 11) are allowable choices. Once you have received credit, you can not change or add to the courses you are registered to.