Zero Tolerance of Threats/Violence Policy

Approved By:
Effective Date:
Revised Date:
Human Resources
Policy Owner:
Assistant Vice President for Human Resources
Office Number:



Policy Statement




It is the policy of the State University of New York – College at Geneseo to provide an environment in which there is zero tolerance of threats or violence to faculty, staff, students, and facilities.

In addition, the possession or use on campus of firearms, knives (except non-spring pocket knives), or other weapons, explosives, or fireworks is prohibited. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action seeking their dismissal from State service or student enrollment and possible criminal charges.

Violence Defined

Violence is the use of threat of force.

Examples include:

  1. Stalking
  2. Robbery
  3. Slapping, kicking, punching
  4. Using weapons
  5. Bombing
  6. Arson
  7. Destroying property
  8. Rape
  9. Kidnapping
  10. Suicide
  11. Murder
  12. Threats to do the above


Violence prevention depends upon the awareness of faculty, staff, and students; training; compliance with appropriate policies and procedures; and finally effective and timely responses to early warning signs and threats.

  1. Faculty and staff are required to report all threats or violent incidents to their supervisor or directly to the assistant vice president for human resources in Erwin Hall 219, phone 585-245-5616. Students should report all threats or violent incidents to their resident director or directly to the dean of students in Erwin 221 or by phone at 585-245-5706. In situations where a person believes they or others are in immediate danger, University Police Department in Schrader Hall 20, (phone 585-245-5651) should be contacted at once.
  2. All threats and violent incidents will be reviewed by the Threat Management Team. Threats and violent incidents will be investigated promptly by the dean of students or assistant vice president for human resources. In some cases, the University Police Department may be requested to assist in the investigation.
  3. There will be fair treatment of employees and students involved in threat/violent incidents. Where appropriate, referral to EAP or other organizations established to assist individuals experiencing personal or family crisis situations will occur.
  4. Incidents involving threatening or violent behavior may be subject to disciplinary action accordance with the appropriate bargaining unit agreement or student code of conduct.

The College is committed to providing a safe academic and work environment for everyone at Geneseo.

Frequency of Review and Update


Periodic Review Completed:  


Signed By  
Julie Briggs

Julie Briggs
Assistant Vice President for Human Resources

Date of Approval