
The Revd Canon Dr Nicholas Thistlethwaite


M.A. History (Cambridge)

M.A. Divinity (Oxford)

Ph.D. Music (Cambridge)

Research interests

The history, construction and use of pipe organs in Western culture. The history and repertoires of English choral foundations, especially since the Reformation.  The architecture, furnishings and liturgical arrangement of church buildings.

Teaching Interests

The history of church music and choral foundations in England. 

Awards and prizes

Medal of the Royal College of Organists for contributions to musical scholarship (2015)

Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries (2018)

Hon. Member of the Royal School of Church Music (2020)


The making of the Victorian organ (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990)

Joint editor, The Cambridge Companion to the Organ (Cambridge, 1998)

The organs of Cambridge, 2nd edition (Oxford, Positif Press, 2008)

Organ Building in Georgian and Victorian England (Woodbridge, Boydell, 2020)

The organs of York Minster, 1236-2021 (Oxford, Positif Press, 2021)

Other interests

Theatre and opera; architectural history; the countryside