Students to Present Research at Letchworth State Park Event

Geography Department faculty member Jim Kernan

Geography faculty member Jim Kernan lectures at the Humphrey Nature Center in Letchworth State Park, where three students will be presenting their research at a poster session March 4 at 1 p.m.

GENESEO, N.Y. – Students will be showcasing their research this Sunday (March 4) at 1 p.m. at a poster session for the general public at the in Letchworth State Park, part of the Letchworth Winter Lecture Series.

“Studies on Conservation and Natural History” will feature three student presentations (two in geography and one in biology) followed by a question and answer session. Jim Kernan, associate professor of geography, will introduce the session and participate in the discussion.

Geneseo has an educational partnership with Letchworth for students and faculty to continue year-round teaching and research with the park. The nature center opened in July 2016.






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