Geneseo Senior Spotlight: Alexandra Hicks

Headshot of Alexandra Hicks '21.

Alexandra Hicks '21 (/Carole Volpe '91)

Alexandra Hicks ‘21, an anthropology major with a concentration in forensics, says her experience at Geneseo taught her about making a difference in the world.

Hicks’ mother was diagnosed with breast cancer when Hicks was young. As the child of a cancer survivor, Hicks gravitated towards Geneseo’s Colleges Against Cancer club and .

Hicks got involved with the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life in high school and was excited to learn about Geneseo’s American Cancer Society on Campus club. “One major thing that drew me to Geneseo when applying was that it is one of the few colleges that I was considering that was involved in Relay for Life.”

Throughout her work with Colleges Against Cancer, Hicks held two positions: mission & advocacy and fundraising. “Relay is very close to my heart,” she says. “I want to fight for people who are going through it. Even survivors still need help.”

“Along with Geneseo’s involvement with Relay for Life, my family had a big impact on my choice to go to Geneseo and my major and concentration choices,” Hicks says.

Hicks attributes her success at Geneseo to the Department of Anthropology. She started as a biology major but switched early on. “I realized that forensic anthropology was what I wanted to do,” Hicks says. She adds that the transition was easy thanks to the welcoming environment of the anthropology department.

She also appreciates that the intimate feel of the department allowed her to work closely with its professors. Lecturer Kristie Krumrine, for example, had a positive effect on Hicks and her work. “She has been a wonderful professor and has opened so many doors for me; she is one of the reasons why I love forensic anthropology,” Hicks says. 

Hicks maintained her campus involvement by refereeing for school intramurals and as a member of Geneseo’s chapter of Delta Phi Epsilon. “Delta Phi Epsilon allowed me to get more involved on campus and within the community with volunteer work and working with philanthropies.”

Hicks’ post-graduation plans include participating in forensic research, getting a few internships with medical examiners under her belt, traveling, and eventually attending graduate school.

As for COVID-19, Hicks is grateful for the experiences that Geneseo gave her both before and during the pandemic. “I think COVID has affected all of us in different ways. But for me, it helped me look on the bright side of things,” she shares. “I think back to things like sitting in a classroom lecture hall or enjoying hanging out on the green with a bunch of friends. COVID reminded me not to take advantage of the little things.”

Hicks is happy to have had the experiences Geneseo afforded her. Through her involvement with her academics, school organizations, and being an active member of the campus community, she feels she made the most of her time here.

“I am very grateful to have met some of the most amazing people at Geneseo,” she says. “Geneseo helped me grow as a person in so many different ways—I am very thankful for my time at the College.”


Sarah Channels
College Communications & Marketing Intern