Abigail Ranieri '23, Title IX Prevention Education Specialist (/Matt Burkhartt)
Title IX Prevention Education Specialist Abigail Ranieri ’23 is the newest member of the Title IX office.
“I didn’t realize just how helpful the Title IX office can be,” says Ranieri, a women’s and gender studies major who started working at the office as an intern during her senior year. “You can use Title IX’s resources without having to file a complaint or a formal report. They are advocates, and they offer counseling services for free.”
Ranieri also had the misconception that an incident report would always become an investigation. Instead, she says, any complainant to Title IX can start and stop whenever the complainant decides.
As an intern and now as a professional, Ranieri is responsible for the programming of Title IX Tuesdays, which are hosted conversations about subjects that include tabooed subject matter. The office covers a range of topics and aims to be inclusive. The goal of the conversations is to dispel myths and provide students with helpful information without judgment in a supportive environment.
“I’m very interested in promoting programs tailored to the LGBTQi+ community, such as the Title IX Tuesday talk Queer Sex-versations,” says Ranieri. She hopes to foster transparent conversations about even uncomfortable subject matter. If these conversations don’t happen, she says, negative cycles can continue.
“I want the Title IX office to be a space where students feel comfortable asking questions and learning about the resources available,” she says.
The Title IX’s office offers services from and , which are specific to sexual assault and domestic violence counseling, respectfully. In addition to a 24/7 crisis hotline, the two organizations also offer moral support and can advocate during an investigation, a hospital visit, or a relocation. These resources are available to employees as well as students.
“I’m proud to be a part of an office that students are comfortable going to, even to just study,” Ranieri says. She encourages the campus community to reach out to the Title IX office with questions or for more information.