Carley Salerno '23 ( photo/Matt Burkhartt)
Early on, Carley Salerno ’23, a native of Averill Park, NY, realized offered the academic rigor she was seeking in a college. As a double major in French and political science, Salerno found she was struggling in a French 301 class. A visit with Beverly Evans, department chair in Global Languages and Cultures and Distinguished Teaching Professor of French, helped clarify things for her.
“I asked her ‘What can I be doing better?’ and she gave me all of these resources to help me,” says Salerno. “I realized that her strictness was pushing me to be better. She knows how much potential all her students have, and she does not hesitate to push you to achieve it.”
Salerno plans to become an attorney specializing in international law, and Geneseo provided opportunities that helped focus her college experience with that career goal in mind. She is enrolled in the college’s pre-law advisory program, participates in the college’s Mock Trial Club, and arranged a summer internship through the , which prepares students for careers in any field using a global affairs perspective.
“I joined our mock trial team during my first semester, and I was a lower-level attorney because I was brand new to the program,” she recalls. “But my sophomore year I was promoted to closing attorney. Just being given that opportunity to lead, even when I wasn’t sure I was ready to, and seeing how I was able to adapt, learn, and be what my team needed me to be in that position was really transformative.”
Salerno plans to spend two months studying at the American University of Paris after graduation, fully funded by a nationally competitive scholarship from the (she's a member of Geneseo's Mu Iota chapter). She'll then begin a full-time job in New York City with the nonprofit Asia Initiatives, the same organization for which she interned. Of course, she will eventually be applying to law school, and she knows she will be able to count on guidance and support from Geneseo faculty and staff.
“Not only did Geneseo help me to prepare for what’s after graduation, they’re going to continue to help me as I work full time and prepare for law school,” says Salerno. “I’m really grateful.”