Martha Sholl teaches bassoon at Geneseo.

Curriculum Vitae
Geneseo Wind Quintet
MUSC 142: Woodwinds Gen: Saxophone
Instruction in flute, clarinet, saxophone, oboe, or bassoon intended for the general student.
MUSC 142: Woodwinds: Clarinet
Instruction in flute, clarinet, saxophone, oboe, or bassoon intended for the general student.
MUSC 142: Woodwinds Gen: Bassoon
Instruction in flute, clarinet, saxophone, oboe, or bassoon intended for the general student.
MUSC 152: Woodwinds Perf: Bassoon
Instruction in selected woodwind instruments designed for those admitted to the Performance Option-Woodwind.
MUSC 152: Woodwinds Perf: Clarinet
Instruction in selected woodwind instruments designed for those admitted to the Performance Option-Woodwind.
MUSC 152: Woodwinds Perf: Saxophone
Instruction in selected woodwind instruments designed for those admitted to the Performance Option-Woodwind.
MUSC 242: Woodwinds Gen: Clarinet
A continuation of MUSC 142.
MUSC 242: Woodwinds Gen: Bassoon
A continuation of MUSC 142.
MUSC 242: Woodwinds Gen: Saxophone
A continuation of MUSC 142.
MUSC 252: Woodwinds Perf: Bassoon
A continuation of MUSC 152.
MUSC 252: Woodwinds Perf: Saxophone
A continuation of MUSC 152.
MUSC 252: Woodwinds Perf: Clarinet
A continuation of MUSC 152.
MUSC 342: Woodwinds Gen: Saxophone
A continuation of MUSC 242.
MUSC 342: Woodwinds Gen: Clarinet
A continuation of MUSC 242.
MUSC 342: Woodwinds Gen: Bassoon
A continuation of MUSC 242.
MUSC 352: Woodwinds Perf: Saxophone
A continuation of MUSC 252.
MUSC 352: Woodwinds Perf: Clarinet
A continuation of MUSC 252.
MUSC 352: Woodwinds Perf: Bassoon
A continuation of MUSC 252.
MUSC 452: Woodwinds Perf: Bassoon
A continuation of MUSC 352.
MUSC 452: Woodwinds Perf: Saxophone
A continuation of MUSC 352.
MUSC 452: Woodwinds Perf: Clarinet
A continuation of MUSC 352.
MUSC 459: Senior Recital
Required of all music majors in the music performance option, to be taken in the senior year in preparation for a 1-hour recital of representative works studied, selected in consultation with the studio teacher, demonstrating knowledge of varied musical styles as well as professional standards of technique, musicality, and interpretation.