James Kimball

Lecturer of Music and Conductor of String Band
Brodie 126
James Kimball in a room full of instruments.

Curriculum Vitae


  • M.A., Wesleyan University

  • B.M.E., Cornell University


  • Geneseo String Band



  • MUSC 100: Topic: Music in America

    The general subtitles offered under the heading Understanding Music will share a common aim of developing perceptive listening and basic analytical skills through exposure to a specific body of music literature, delineated either by style (e.g., jazz or rock) or topic (e.g., The Romantic Spirit, Film Music or a survey of Musical Styles). Each course will begin with an introduction to the musical elements, branching out to consider how these elements function with the specific musical repertory. It will be equally important to consider the role the music, in turn, plays within the ideological, cultural, and political contexts of its time. Attendance at musical performances will be required.

  • MUSC 123: Music of World's Peoples

    An introduction to the great diversity of music throughout the world. The course will examine the historical backgrounds, social functions, and general technical characteristics of music and musical instruments in Africa, native America, Asia, and Europe. Class members will have opportunities to participate actively in musical traditions being studied. Attendance at representative musical performances will be required.

  • MUSC 123: Music of the World's Peoples

    An introduction to the great diversity of music throughout the world. The course will examine the historical backgrounds, social functions, and general technical characteristics of music and musical instruments in Africa, native America, Asia, and Europe. Class members will have opportunities to participate actively in musical traditions being studied. Attendance at representative musical performances will be required.

  • MUSC 338: Folk Music in New York State

    An ethnomusicological study of folk music and selected ethnic, popular, and classical traditions in New York State. The course will examine both historical and present day examples and will emphasize the extraordinary variety of musical traditions found within the state. Attendance at off-campus musical events and individual fieldwork will be required.