Professor Baldwin has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 1990. Originally holding a position in computer science, he joined the mathematics department in 2013.
My Complete CV

Office Hours
Any time Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., unless I'm already committed to something. See for details of when I'm free.
Curriculum Vitae
B.Sc., 1980, Yale University
M.Sc., 1981, Yale University
Ph.D., 1985, Yale University
CS Curricular Innovations with a Liberal Arts Philosophy. Teresco, J. D., A. Tartaro, A. Holland-Minkley, G. Braught, J. Barnard, and D. Baldwin, SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Mar. 2022.
. Douglas Baldwin, Amanda Holland-Minkley, and Grant Braught, ACM Inroads, June 2019.
Fast Ray-Triangle Intersections by Coordinate Transformation. D. Baldwin and M. Weber, Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques, 5:3 2016
Can We "Flip" Non-Major Programming Courses Yet? Douglas Baldwin, Proceedings of the 46th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2015
The Roles of Mathematics in Computer Science. Douglas Baldwin, Henry M. Walker, Peter B. Henderson, ACM Inroads, 2013
Is Computer Science a Relevant Academic Discipline for the 21st Century? Douglas Baldwin, IEEE Computer, 2011
Case Studies of Liberal Arts Computer Science Programs. Douglas Baldwin, Alyce Brady, Andrea Danyluk, Joel Adams, Andrea Lawrence, ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 2010
Surface Reconstruction from Constructive Solid Geometry for Interactive Visualization. Douglas Baldwin, Third International Symposium on Visual Computing (Springer: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4841), 2007
Algorithms and Data Structures: The Science of Computing Douglas Baldwin and Greg Scragg, Charles River Media, 2004.
. Doug Baldwin, Proceedings of the 34th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2003
. Douglas Baldwin, Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Mar. 1996.
Research Interests
My main research interests are in computer graphics, particularly procedural modelling of natural objects (e.g., terrains, plants, etc.) I am currently beginning a project aimed at studying what if any mathematical and algorithmic models can describe crystal aggregates in computer graphics. Other interests include the role of mathematics in computer science, programming languages and methods, and open educational resources.
MATH 104: Mathematical Ideas
Designed for the liberal arts student, this course investigates the meaning and methods of mathematics. By viewing mathematics as a search for patterns, a way of thinking, and a part of our cultural heritage, it emphasizes the various roles of mathematics. Mathematical ideas from geometry, number theory, and algebra are presented that support the proposition that mathematics is much more than just a collection of techniques for obtaining answers with standard problems. Offered spring, odd years
MATH 223: Calculus III
Vector calculus, functions of several variables, partial derivatives, multiple integrals, space analytic geometry, and line integrals.
WRTG 105: Wrtg: Secrets & Secret Codes
Writing Seminar lays the foundation for students to participate insightfully in both written and oral academic conversations. The course focuses on three modes of written and oral communication: communication as an ongoing persuasive dialogue with multiple audiences, communication with a reflective self, and communication with a dynamic evolving text. The course also introduces elements of information literacy and critical thinking needed to develop and evaluate academic conversation. Writing Seminar is typically taken by new students in their first two semesters, often as the introduction to general education, to our library, and to academic support services as sites of collaboration rather than remediation. As many new students' only seminar-style class, Writing Seminar can help lay the foundations of not only academic but also social success.