Institutional Research Discovery Dashboards

Getting Started

Click on the dashboard links below to open in Microsoft PowerBI. If prompted, click "Sign-In" to use your Geneseo username and password to access internal dashboards.

Each dashboard is fully interactive. You can use filters across the top and/or click on elements (e.g., bars within a bar graph, text within a table) to cross-filter among the other visuals within a dashboard. Feel free to explore!

Dashboard Orientation Video
public 11/21/24 each Fall
enrollment management 3/2/25 weekly
faculty, staff 1/14/25 annually
public 12/10/24 annually
Outcome Measures
faculty, staff 2/7/25 fall terms
faculty, staff 10/17/24 fall terms
faculty, staff, students 9/6/24 annually
faculty, staff, students 11/9/24 annually
Department/Program Profiles and Information for Chairs
faculty, staff 1/18/25 semesterly
department chairs 1/7/25 semesterly
department chairs 1/29/25 pre-/post-registration
faculty, staff 1/15/25 semesterly
faculty, staff 1/23/25 semesterly
  faculty, staff 10/12/23  
faculty 12/11/24 semesterly
Census Data (Fall 2013 - Fall 2024)
faculty, staff 10/17/24 semesterly
faculty, staff 10/17/24 semesterly
faculty, staff, students 2/7/25 weekly
faculty, staff, students 2/7/25 weekly
faculty, staff 2/7/25 weekly
faculty, staff 2/7/25 weekly
Registration, Waitlists, and Course Enrollment
faculty, staff 3/10/25 weekly
faculty, staff 1/13/25 semesterly
faculty, staff, students   daily
Advising Office   daily
faculty, staff 1/13/25 semesterly
SUNY Enrollment Trend Data (Fall 2002 - Fall 2024)
faculty, staff 1/10/25 annually