Unclassified Employee Medical Insurances and Retirement
The information below pertains to UUP (United University Professionals) and MC (Management Confidential) employees.
Medical Insurance
- - New Employees experience a waiting period before their health, dental & vision coverages begins. Click on your respective bargaining unit benefit summary for information.
- Health Insurance Programs
- Dental/Vision Programs & Union Benefit Trust Funds
- Forms - visit: /hr/forms
- Required NYSHIP Proofs for Health Insurance Coverage
Retirement Programs
New York State offers several retirement programs. Some plans are a defined benefit program and others are a defined contribution program. In this section, you will find detailed information of the plans available to you. New Full-time employees must enroll in a retirement program and you must choose your plan within 30 days of your hire date. This decision is irrevocable. If you do not make an election you will default into the appropriate New York State Benefit Program (Employees' Retirement System or Teachers' Retirement System).