Geneseo Employment Recommendation Form Instructions
The Geneseo Employment Recommendation (GER) form is a personnel action tool that is used to recommend appointments and status changes for prospective and current employees for approval from the appropriate authority. The information provided below will assist you in completing this form. To access the GER form, visit human resources forms.

Appointing Authority
The President, using the authority granted by the , is the appointing authority for the unclassified service (faculty and professional staff).
The , under the authority granted to it by the New York Civil Service Law and the Civil Service Rules for State Service, is the ultimate appointing authority for positions in the classified service.
The President has delegated authority for some appointments to the appropriate Cabinet-level Administrators and the AVP for Human Resources for classified service appointments.
To avoid problems communication with candidates, prior to approval of an appointment by the appropriate delegated authority, must include enough caveats to ensure that candidates do not interpret it as an offer of appointment.
The appointing authority or the appointing authority's designee must sign the approval section of the GER form. Human Resources & Payroll Services do not have the authority to appoint or change status of employee's without approval.
GER Completion Guide
Index: Titles are in order of how they appear on the GER form.
Posting #
Enter the corresponding posting number here if you are completing a GER as a result of a position approved in the Online Employment System (OES). Entering this number assists Human Resources with matching appointment recommendations with positions in the OES that have been filled and can be closed.
Select Transaction (Drop Down Menu)
Click on this drop-down menu to select the transaction type of the recommendation you are making.
PP is Pay Period
Enter the pay period number that corresponds with your payroll effective date of appointment/status change.
Use these -- Payroll Calendars
Salutation, First Name, MI, Last Name
- Enter the employee's full legal name including salutation (Dr., Ms., Mr., Mx., etc.), first name, middle name or initial, last name, and name suffix (Jr., III, etc.).
- The name entered on the GER form should be the employee's legal name as it appears on the employee's social security card.
Essential Services
Check this box if the employee will be designated as essential services personnel. Essential Services Policy
Revised GER
Check this box if you have previously sent a GER form to Human Resources and you have a revision that has to be made to the recommended appointment or status change. By checking this box, you alert us that we have already received a GER form and you are amending the original.
Department Head, Dean & Chair (DDC) Listserv
Check this box if the employee is a department head, dean or department chair and should be added to the DDC Listserv.
Search Waiver
Check this box if you are recommending that this appointment be filled via a search waiver. A completed, approved search waiver form must be attached to the GER form. Procedure and form can be found at /diversity-equity/job-search-resources.
Legal Address
Enter the employee's street, city, state and zip code.
Campus Building
Enter the employee's campus building using this list: Campus Building Names.
Enter the room number for the employee. If at the time of hire, this information is unknown, default this field to the department's campus address.
Office Phone/Primary Phone
Enter the campus phone number in the office phone field. If this is not known yet, please default to the department's main campus phone number. Enter the primary phone number as the best phone number for the employee.
Retired Public Employee?
If you are re-employing a retiree, please check yes. Under the Re-employment of Retired Public Employees, retirees re-employed by the same employer from which they retired are subject to an earnings limitation. By checking this box, you are alerting us to a potential NYS retiree who may need to comply with Section 211/212 of the Retirement and Social Security Law. If the employee you are hiring is a retired employee from another state agency or public retirement system, please check yes. If the employee is retired from another state agency, please indicate the employee's date of retirement from that agency.
Current/Previous vs. New Columns
This section on the form gives us the terms and conditions of the recommended employment.
In the Current/Previous column, indicate the current information in the fields for any current or returning employee. In the New column, for current employees, only complete the fields that are changing. For example, if you are recommending a term renewal it would look like this:
Example of an Academic Term Renewal. Only enter information that is CHANGING in the New Column.
Example of a brand NEW employee (NEW Faculty TERM Appointment)
Payroll Effective Date (b.o.b.)
The Payroll Effective Date (b.o.b.) is the beginning of business date that is used to start the employee on the payroll.
Payroll End Date (c.o.b.)
The Payroll End Date (c.o.b.) is the close of business date that is used to identify the last date the employee should be paid through.
- Temporary, provisional and term appointments must have end dates.
- A new GER form is not necessary to end a temporary appointment.
- A new GER form is required if the end date of a temporary employee is changing (ending early or being extended).
- Temporary appointments cannot be longer than one year in duration.
- Term appointments, for permanent eligible titles, require that appointees be given timely notice and their end date of appointment can be of any duration up to a maximum of three years.
- Per the , Appendix A, Appendix B and Appendix C titles have special rules about their initial term appointments and their subsequent term appointments. (Article XI: Appointment of Employees, Title D. Term Appointment, Section 6 Other Appointments)
- Appendix A: "A person whose initial appointment to any college of the University is to a professional title
listed in Appendix A of this article must be granted term appointments for the first three years of employment in such title at that college. Upon completion of a total three years of consecutive service on such term appointment basis, further appointment in such title at such college and each appointment renewal thereafter in such title at such college shall be for a five-year term appointment." - Appendix B: Full-time employees "in the titles in Appendix B(4) of this Article, whose coaching and coaching-related duties account for 75 percent or more of their professional obligation shall, for the first four years of employment in any of the titles in Appendix B(4) of this Article, be provided term appointments, each up to a maximum of three years. Following the fourth year of employment, employees in titles in Appendix B(4) of this Article shall receive a term appointment of three years."
- Appendix C: Full-time employees "in the titles in Appendix C of this Article, shall, for the first four years of employment in any of the titles in Appendix C of this Article, be provided term appointments, each up to a maximum of three years. Following the fourth year of employment, employees in titles in Appendix C of this Article shall receive a term appointment of three years."
- Appendix A: "A person whose initial appointment to any college of the University is to a professional title
- Appointment and separation dates should be stated as beginning of business (b.o.b.). For separations (resignations, retirement, etc.), enter the payroll effective date in the NEW column as the b.o.b. date of separation. The effective date of any separation is the next day beginning of business after the last day worked or charged to accruals.
Employee Obligation to Department
These dates are not applicable to every type of employee. This field should reflect the actual dates the employee is obligated to perform duties within the department/office; these are the dates that the employee actually works. For faculty appointments, employee obligation dates are the same as academic obligation dates. Generally, part-time and full-time faculty appointments with an academic year pay basis and professional appointments employed on a college year pay basis will have both sets of dates. Payroll effective dates on the GER form are based on the type of employee you are appointing or are changing the status of. Examples:
CALendar/ANNual employees: An annual obligation of service for the full year, 12 months. These are employees who work twelve months and are paid twelve months. Their payroll effective and employee obligation dates are the same for all types of transactions. You can leave this field blank for these employees.
ACAdemic/CALendar employees: An annual obligation of service for the academic year, not to exceed 10 months. These employees work less than 10 months, but their pay is spread out over 12 months.
- Their payroll effective dates are defined by the SUNY Board of Trustees Policies as the normal appointment year of September 1 to August 31.
- Regardless of payroll mode, an academic year employee may be required to begin work earlier than September 1.
- Use the Faculty & Staff Payroll Calendar to get the payroll effective dates and the employee obligation dates for each year.
College Year Full (CYF/ANN) employees: An annual obligation of service for any period less than the full year. College-year employees have a payroll effective date of August 1 and a payroll end date of July 31. Their employee obligation dates are August 1 to May 31. The period of no obligation (PONO) must be in full-month increments, not split.
HRY (Hourly), FEE, BIW (Bi-weekly) employees: The obligation of service for employees with these pay bases varies, and their payroll mode is temporary service funded.
- We will set the payroll effective and end dates around the employee's obligation.
- The payroll start dates must be the beginning and end of pay period dates.
- For part-time faculty, graduate assistants, part-time coaches and other part-time appointments that generally work the academic year, Please see the Faculty & Staff Payroll Calendar.
Adjuncts and Graduate Assistants: Their payroll effective date corresponds to a date that begins a new payroll period and has an end date that will generate 10 checks per semester or 20 checks per academic year. Their employee obligation dates are defined by the academic year calendar. We calculate these dates for you. Please see the Faculty & Staff Payroll Calendar.
Example of an Adjunct Appointment (Reappointment)
Part-time Coaches: Their payroll effective dates correspond to their employee obligation dates. Their employee obligation dates are always 08/01/xx to 5/31/xx. Please see the Faculty & Staff Payroll Calendar for payroll effective dates.
Sabbatical Leaves: Dates for full-year sabbaticals for employees with academic year obligations will always be September 1 through August 31 (this does not preclude these employees from coming back and teaching summer session--summer session is a separate appointment). Dates for one semester sabbaticals at full-pay should be: Fall Semester 09/01/xx - 12/31/xx, Spring Semester 01/01/xx - 08/31/xx.
Enter the name of the department that is to be the "home of record" of the appointee. The standard department name is critical for sorting reports by department and for selection data for departmental reports. A current listing of acceptable department names has been made available at Department Names. Please use this listing to ensure that you enter the name of your department correctly on the GER form.
Line Number
Enter the line number for the appointment if known.
Budget Title & Grade or Rank
Enter the budget title for the position to which the person is being appointed. The budget title is synonymous with rank. Cleaner, Assistant Librarian, Staff Associate, Counselor, Residence Hall Director, Lecturer and Assistant Professor are examples of title/rank. Classified employees have a salary grade (SG), management professionals have an MP-Level, and professional employees have a salary level (SL).
Local Title (MC, Professional & Faculty)
Enter the campus-designated title in appropriate relation to the budget title as the local title.
Appointment Type
Enter the appropriate appointment type in the NEW column for new appointees. For a change in appointment type, enter the current appointment type in the CURRENT/PREVIOUS column and the new appointment type in the NEW column. Payroll End Dates must be entered for temporary, term and provisional appointment types.
A temporary appointment shall be an appointment, which may be terminated at any time. Temporary appointments ordinarily shall be given only when service is to be part-time, anticipated to be one year or less, or when an employee's initial appointment to the College is made to a position vacated by a professional employee who is serving a probationary appointment. A temporary appointment is also appropriate whenever a position has been vacated by an employee on approved leave.
A term appointment (except for certain SUNY professional staff employees serving in titles specifically listed in Appendix A, Appendix B or Appendix C of the SUNY Board of Trustees Policies who are ineligible for permanent appointment and who may receive from three to five-year term appointments), shall be an appointment for a specified period of not more than three years which shall automatically expire at the end of the period unless terminated earlier because of resignation, retirement, termination or death. Term appointments may be given to academic rank, qualified academic rank and professional employees, and must be given to part-time employees in the professional services bargaining unit following their completion of four consecutive semesters of service.
For unclassified positions, a permanent appointment shall be an appointment of a professional employee in a professional title that is eligible for a permanent appointment, which shall continue until a change in such title, resignation, retirement, termination or death.
For classified positions (all full-time PSR positions), employees are appointed on a permanent basis and must serve a probationary period.
Contingent Permanent
A contingent permanent appointment is made to a position left temporarily vacant by the leave of absence of the permanent incumbent of the position; such appointees have the same rights as permanent appointees; however, a contingent permanent employee may be displaced by the return of the permanent incumbent.
A probationary appointment shall be an appointment for a period of one year that must be granted to a professional employee holding a professional title in which permanent appointment may be granted at the College, when the employee is appointed to a different professional title in which permanent appointment may be granted at the same college, or when the employee is appointed to a professional title listed in Appendix A (SUNY Board of Trustees Policies) at the same college.
A provisional appointment shall be granted if the employee has been determined as qualified and selected to fill a position for which no appropriate eligible list exists at the time. In order to obtain permanent status in the position, the employee must take the appropriate examination when it is held and rank high enough to be appointed.
A continuing appointment shall be an appointment to a position of academic rank which shall not be affected by changes in such rank and shall continue until resignation, retirement or termination.
Appointments of all college administrative officers and professional staff not in a negotiating unit shall be made by the chief administrative office of the college. Graduate Assistants are also appointed on an administrative basis.
Classified: Perm, Provisional, Temp (not probationary) *
Faculty: Continuing, Temp, Term
GA: Admin
Librarian: Continuing, Temp, Term
M/C: Admin
Professional: Perm, Probationary, Temp, Term
*Classified employees appointed PERMANENT serve a probationary period but it is not a "probationary appointment".
Adjunct faculty and part-time professional employees should be given temporary appointments except that, such appointees who have been employed at the College on a part-time basis for four (4) consecutive semesters must be granted term appointments. The notice date in the event of non-renewal for such term appointees is 45 days prior to the appointment end date. Once a part-time employee has earned the right to a term appointment, they are entitled to be reappointed to term appointments unless the service of such individual is interrupted for a period of four consecutive semesters or more. Such appointees may be given temporary appointments again in this situation. It is important to review such appointees and make sure timely recommendations for reappointment or non-renewal are processed if the part-time employee's services will not be required for the next academic year. Note: Part-time service, such as qualified rank, does not count towards satisfying the service requirements for permanent or continuing appointments.
Supervisor's Name
Enter the name of the immediate supervisor of the employee who is responsible for the evaluation and initiation of personnel actions relating to the appointee's employment. For faculty, enter the name of the department chair unless the employee specifically reports to someone else. In this field, enter the name of the supervisor as the full legal name.
Payroll Obligation
This is a drop-down menu. Select the appropriate obligation period associated with the appointment. Further explanation can be found at Payment Modes and Professional Obligations.
Salary Pay Basis
This is a drop-down menu. Select the appropriate pay basis associated with the appointment. Further explanation can be found at Payment Modes and Professional Obligations.
Enter the base annual salary, the semester salary, the fee, the hourly rate, or the bi-weekly rate at which the appointee should be paid which corresponds to the entry in salary pay basis.
Full-time, Part-time or Leave % and Part-time Hours Worked Per Week
Check the appropriate box for full-time or part-time as appropriate to the employee's appointment. For part-time employees, please indicate the percentage the employee is to work (i.e., 10%, 20%, 50%, 75%, etc.)
For GAs -- If you indicate full-time, indicate a percentage of 50%. If you indicate part-time, indicate a percentage of 25%. It is essential to indicate the number of hours the employee will work per week. 20 hours per week is considered full-time and anything less than 20 hours per week is considered part-time. This information aids us in determining any bonuses negotiated by GSEU.
For Classified and Professional employees who work less than full-time/less than 100%: If you check the part-time box, you have indicated that the employee's appointment percentage will be less than 100% and will be part-time. Please indicate the number of hours PER WEEK the employee will work. This helps us determine benefits eligibility and salary.
For Classified ASU (clerical): a work week is defined as 37.50 hours.
For Classified OSU (operational): a work week is defined as 40.00 hours.
Work Week Schedule
For all employees, except academic faculty, please indicate the days of the week the employee is to work. There are 7 spaces in this field which represent the days of the week. For example, if the employee works Monday through Friday, use "Y" for yes for the days the employee works and " N " for no for the days the employee does not work. For part-time employees, please indicate the number of hours on the day that the employee will work versus a "Y" or "N".
Sun | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri | Sat |
N | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | N |
This field is mandatory for all classified employees and all part-time non-teaching professional employees.
Indicate Shift
For full-time classified service employees, please indicate the regularly scheduled work hours.
Funding Source/Account Number(s)
Enter the account number to which the appointment of the employee should be charged. The GER forms are copied to the Budgeting Office in order to process this information.
Credit Load (Part-time Faculty Only)
This field is required for part-time faculty. Enter the credit load for each semester the employee will be working.
Enter any pertinent details related to the employment recommendation that will communicate additional information to those who have approval authority and to HR.
HR ONLY Section
The last table of the GER form is for Human Resources & Payroll Services use only. This is where we process and certify the recommended and authorized appointment.