How to arrange your graduation

The College will contact directly candidates for the LlM, MEng, MSci, VetMB and BA degrees in the Easter Term of their final year with details of the arrangements for General Admission at the end of June.

The graduation process is overseen by the College Praelector. Graduands may be admitted to their degrees either in person or in absence. In either case, a request should be submitted to the Praelector at least two weeks before the intended degree ceremony (four weeks for the May ceremony). To do this, please complete a , unless you wish to arrange your graduation for 29 June 2022- 2 July 2022 (General Admission). If you wish to graduate at either of these dates, please contact the Tutorial Office directly on eto@cai.cam.ac.uk. No one will have their name put forward for graduation on all other dates without submitting the booking form; postgraduates and Clinical Medicine students need to book for their graduation.

If the result of an examination will only become known less than two weeks before a degree ceremony (and this is often the case where meetings of the Board of Graduate Studies are involved), it is possible to enter a candidate's name provisionally before the result is known. It is important, however, to check that there is sufficient time for a recommendation to have passed through formal meetings of Examiners, a Degree Committee, and the Board of Graduate Studies at least 10 days before the proposed ceremony. Please check with your supervisor if there is any doubt.

Rather more notice is required for graduation at the General Admission and eligible candidates will be contacted with details early in the Easter Term. It is necessary for all candidates to confirm explicitly the intention to graduate. All graduands will receive a letter confirming their date of graduation and explaining the dress required. Details of the ceremony can be found on . Tickets are required for guests at all ceremonies. Ordinarily, each candidate is entitled to two tickets which will be available for collection from the Porters' Lodge on the day of the ceremony. Graduands are only allowed two guests at the annual General Admission and tickets will be issued in advance. Requirements for guest tickets should be given when making a request to graduate. Please address all enquiries to the Praelector (praelector@cai.cam.ac.uk).

Candidates normally are admitted to their degrees in the name of the Trinity while kneeling. Please let the Praelector know well in advance if this is not appropriate to you.