Coping with Tragic Events

The entire campus community is involved when a tragedy occurs. Every one of us can be part of the healing process, creating a community of caring to facilitate coping, support, and eventual recovery.

What Can Happen 

  • A crisis situation is one in which an individual's typical coping responses don't work or may be less effective than usual, resulting in increased anxiety, panic, and other challenges.
  • A person鈥檚 response to a crisis is very individualized. We can support each other by acknowledging these differences and being careful not to judge one another's response, especially if it's different from our own.
  • The thoughts, feelings, and behaviors experienced may be in response to the event at hand as well as previous (and potentially unresolved) traumatic events from the past.
  • A sense of anxiety and panic is both typical and expected.
  • Any reactions are often an attempt to make sense of the situation, including why such a crisis or tragedy has occurred.
  • Trauma responses can be thought of us a normal response to an abnormal situation.

Common Symptoms


  • sad
  • guilty
  • angry
  • irritable
  • numb


  • nausea or loss of appetite
  • difficulties concentrating
  • trouble sleeping
  • tiredness, fatigue
  • restlessness

Having Urges to...

  • cry, sob, or scream
  • skip classes
  • withdraw from others
  • increase alcohol/drug use
  • avoid certain places/people

How to Help

  • Allow any reactions that arise. 
    Normalize all the questions, fears, and uncertainties. Validate these concerns rather than argue with or otherwise dispute. Remember that in crisis situations, some people may not respond in their usual rational way.
  • Engage in basic self-care. 
    Focus on getting enough rest, eating regular meals, and continuing routines.
  • Provide support to one another.  
    People may need to simply be with each other during times of crises. Feeling connected to people close to you may be more important than saying the "right" things.
  • Practice compassion for yourself and others. 
    Also know that there is no "right" way to react. Give yourself more space and remember that in crisis situations, people may not respond in their usual rational way.
  • Put your energy towards what nourishes you.
    When you are ready, go for a walk, watch your favorite movie, get exercise, listen to music, practice meditation or yoga. Also see .
  • Consider taking a social media and/or news break.  
    Reading news and updates can be an attempt to feel in control of an out-of-control situation - notice whether this helps you or whether it causes increased anxiety. Try designating brief periods once or twice a day to check reliable sources for any updates. Turn off push notifications about the news on your phone. Limit your time on social media and similar apps/sites.
  • Engage in problem-solving. 
    Identify the main issues/immediate needs and then engage in a step-by-step process to identify possible solutions. Focus on what you can control. 
  • Take advantage of on-campus resources.  These may include peers, co-workers, advisers, administrators, mental health professionals, faith-based support, and other resources.

Remember that trauma and other stress responses are generally normal reactions to abnormal situations. It is important to allow yourself (and others) permission to have your reactions (whatever they may be), to take care of yourself, and to ask for help (when needed) as best as you can.