GOLD has numerous resources available to students and community members.
Leadership Center
The GOLD Leadership Center is designed to serve student leadership needs. It is open Monday-Friday from 12:00-5:00 p.m. It is staffed by leader mentors that can assist with your questions about leadership, getting involved on campus, and the GOLD Leadership Certificate Program. The Center houses a library of resources and other materials that students are welcome to sign out.
The Leadership Center is located in MacVittie College Union, Room 114 (on the bottom floor of the Union across from the Hunt Room).
Students may contact the GOLD Leadership Center by calling 245-5884 or email to
Leadership Library
The GOLD Leadership Library is located in the GOLD Leadership Center in MacVittie College Union 114. It houses a collection of more than 400 books, papers, and active learning resources, all of which are included in the Milne Library GLOCAT online catalog.
To view the current list of the titles in the GOLD Library using !
Most books are available for loan for 14 days but may only be checked out and returned during GOLD Leadership Center office hours.
Training Resources
The GOLD Leadership Center resources include an extensive collection of training manual, kits and books. Most the resources may be borrowed by students and faculty for use in training programs. These materials are used in the GOLD required workshops on Team-building and by GOLD Leader Mentors who are available to assist student organizations with team-building programs.
The mentor staff members are also available to instruct students on the use of the training materials. RA's and other student leaders frequently use the training kits for games and other team-building activities. Kits include PVC pipes, bean bags, ropes, mats, raccoon circle webbing, and other interesting supplies. If you do not know what a raccoon circle is, stop by the GOLD Leadership Center and discover how you might use it in your organization.
The GOLD Guidebook
"Building Leaders One Hour at a Time" tells the story of the development of the GOLD Leadership Program at ºÚÁÏÍø and provides lesson plans for creating user-friendly short courses in leadership and life skills.
The narrative and the syllabi serve as a practical guide for organizations with limited resources to create programs through collaborative leadership.
Although the book was developed primarily to help leadership educators in higher education that have similar human resources on their campuses, the lesson plans use a one-hour format that may be adapted in secondary schools, nonprofit agencies, businesses, government agencies, or wherever a need exists to improve the leadership process within an organization.