D. Jeffrey Over (he/him)

Distinguished Professor of Geological Sciences
ISC 249

D. Jeffery Over has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 1991.

Photo of Jeff Over

Curriculum Vitae


  • Post-doctoral, 1990-91, Research Associate, Department of Geology, Texas A&M University , College Station , TX (Advisor 鈥 Ethan Grossman)

  • Ph.D. (Geology), 1990, Texas Tech University , Lubbock , Texas (Advisor 鈥 James Barrick)

  • M.Sc. (Geology), 1985, University of Alberta , Edmonton , Alberta (Advisor 鈥 Brian Chatterton)

  • B.S. (Geology, Biology Minor), 1982, Allegheny College , Meadville , Pennsylvania

Professional Experience

  • 2000- Professor, Department of Geological Sciences, SUNY College at Geneseo, Geneseo , NY

  • 1996-2000 Associate Professor, Department of Geological Sciences, SUNY College at Geneseo, Geneseo , NY

  • 1991-1996 Assistant Professor, Department of Geological Sciences, SUNY College at Geneseo, Geneseo , NY

  • 1990-1991 Visiting Assistant Professor/Research Associate, Department of Geology, Texas A&M University , College Station , TX

  • 1989-1990 Instructor, Department of Geosciences, Texas Tech University , Lubbock , TX

Directed Research (Undergraduate)

  • Bennett, Y., 2019, Kettle Point conodonts.

  • Farragguia, V., 2019, Marcellus MS.

  • Ruggerio, J., 2019 Marcellus MS.

  • Hackett, S., 2019, Kettle Point MS.

  • Walsh, P., 2019, Mill Creek geology map.

  • DeMott, A., 2019, Tentaculites minutus.

  • Hauf, E., 2018, Schurtleff photometry.

  • DeMott, A., 2018, Sodus tentaculitids.

  • Antalek, A., 2017, Photo analysis of sub-precession cycles in the Upper Devonian (honors thesis).

  • Antalek, A., 2017, Photo analysis of sub-precession cycles in the Upper Devonian (honors thesis).

  • Antalek, A., 2017, Sub-precession cycles in the Upper Devonian.

  • Mindich, A., 2017, Geneseo carbon studies and sequestration (honors thesis).

  • Mindich, A., 2017, Geneseo carbon studies.

  • Balinski, I., 2017, Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary fauna in North Carolina.

  • Engelbert, A.J., 2017, Conodont taphonomy (honors thesis)

  • McGinn, E., 2017, Canaseraga conodonts.

  • Mindich, A., 2017, Carbon sequestration in Medina Sandstone.

  • Bates, M., 2016, Dyer MS and cycles (honors thesis)

  • Jonasse, N., 2016, Allentown Formation

  • Horner, G., 2016, Dyer Formation - Broken Rib - Coffee Pot transition at Monument Lake, CO.

  • Olin, A., 2016, Environmental Science Laboratory Introduction Videos.

  • Wallace, J., 2016, Devonian core from Kentucky. (honors thesis)

  • Sullivan, D., 2015, Schurtleff Horizon in NYS.

  • Danielsen, E., 2014, Marcellus Shale in type area of New York State. (honors thesis)

  • Tuskes, K., 2014, Upper Devonian astrochronology. (honors thesis)

  • Wistort, Z., 2014, Dyer Formation and D-C boundary in Colorado. (honors thesis)

  • Frieman, R., 2014, Black shale fabric.

  • Frieman, R., 2014, Black shale fabric.

  • Danielsen, E., 2014, Silurian conodonts from Mongolia 鈥 Journal of Asian Earth Sciences.

  • Haussner, E., 2014, Rimrock Draw sediments. (honors thesis)

  • Leskovec, J., 2014, Angola Shale.

  • Danielsen, E., 2013, Ordovician-Silurian conodonts 鈥 Yamaan Us, Mongolia.

  • Hynes, A., 2014, Frasnian-Famennian from Iowa. (honors thesis)

  • Kohn, J., 2013, Frasnian tentaculitids. (honors thesis)

  • Lanik, A., 2013, Upper Devonian (Frasnian) ash beds. (honors thesis)

  • Waid, C., 2013, Maplewood conodonts.

  • Evans, S., 2013, Clam geochemistry. (honors thesis)

  • Hogancamp, N., 2012, Polygnathus linguiformis morphometrics.

  • Popolla, A., 2012, Ordovician-Silurian conodonts in Mongolia.

  • Evans, S., 2012, Devonian-Carboniferous boundary in southern Indiana.

  • Gregory, P., 2012, Geologic map of Indian Fort, Geneseo, NY.

  • Kotash, A., 2011, Oligocene ash from Peach Springs Canyon, Arizona.

  • Malenick, B., 2011, Upper Devonian faunas in western New York.

  • Sullivan, N., 2010, Govialtai Formation, Tsakhir, southern Mongolia. (honors thesis)

  • Wilcott, M., 2004, Givetian and Frasnian ash beds in western New York .

  • Heath, K., 2004, Geology of Mackay Nature Reserve, Caledonia , New York .

  • Neal, K., 2004, Conodont-rich horizon in the Windom Shale.

  • Julian, M., 2004, Benthic foraminifera from the Georgia Bight.

  • Demyanick, B., 2003, Geologic map of Sonyea Quadrangle.

  • Norton, A., 2003, Geology Honors Thesis, Magneticsusceptibility of Upper Devonian strata, Alberta , Canada .

  • Heath, K., Kartis, V., Lester, M., and Wilcott, M., 2003, 鈥淢adjack鈥 鈥 analysis of Quaternary gravel - New Mexico .

  • Langerlan, K., 2003, Geochemistry of unionid shells: a record of environmental contamination (w/C. Romanek, Savanah River Ecology Laboratory).

  • Nowak, T., 2002, Correlation and Geochemistry of Eocene Ash.

  • Rosscoe, S., 2002, Eifelian-Givetian Boundary in western New York .

  • Castle, J., 2002, Geology Honors Thesis, Taxonomic diversity of the trilobite Phacops.

  • Jones, M., 2001, Geologic map of Mt. Morris Quadrangle.

  • Valvo, L., 2001, Graphical Correlation of Chattanooga Shale.

  • Fuentes, S., 2001, Geology Honors Thesis, Biostratigraphy of the Olentangy Shale.


  • National Science Foundation- Collaborative Research at Undergraduate Institutions: Testing hypotheses for Late Devonian biotic and climatic events via high-precision CA-TIMS U-Pb zircon dating and quantitative correlation tools. $98,223, w/M. Schmitz and V. Davydov, Boise State University, $188,968, 9/11-6/15.

  • Keck Geology Consortium NSF-REU: Paleobiogeographic Reconstruction of the Gobi-Altai Terrane, Mongolia, project faculty member, 2/09-4/10.

  • Petroleum Research Fund-American Chemical Society: Eifelian-Givetian boundary (Middle Devonian) in eastern North America, $50,000, PI, 9/05-8/10.

  • Chancellor鈥檚 Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities, State University of New York, 10/03.

  • Lockhart Professor of Geological Sciences, SUNY-Geneseo, 2000-2003.

  • National Science Foundation-Research at Undergraduate Institutions: Upper Devonian black shales, $3,000 supplement to EAR-9614314, 8/99.

  • Chancellor鈥檚 Award for Excellence in Teaching, State University of New York, 8/98.

  • National Science Foundation-Research at Undergraduate Institutions: Upper Devonian black shales in eastern North America , conodont biostratigraphy, Frasnian-Famennian mass extinction horizon, and absolute dates from associated ash layers, $75,000, PI, 2/97-12/01.


  • 1. Refereed Journals/Volumes (Student Authors):

  • Over, D.J., Hauf, E., Wallace, J., Chiarello, J., Over, J.-S., Gilleaudeau, G, Yi, S., Algeo, T. 2019. Conodont biostratigraphy and magnetic susceptibility of Upper Devonian Chattanooga Shale, eastern United States: evidence for episodic deposition and disconformities. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 524, p. 137-149.

  • Over, D.J. and Henderson, C.M. (editors), 2018. Conodont Studies Dedicated to the Careers and Contributions of Anita Harris, Glen Merrill, Carl Rexroad, Walter Sweet, and Bruce Wardlaw. Bulletins of American Paleontology, Ithaca, NY, Numbers 395-396, 198 p.

  • Bush, A.M., Beard, A., Baird, G., Over, D.J., Tuskes, K., Brisson, S.K., and Pier, J.Q., 2017. A2 and B2: Upper Devonian Kellwasser extinction events in New York and Pennsylvania: offshore to onshore transect across the Frasnian-Famennian Boundary of the eastern margin of the Appalachian Basin, p. 82-124. In Muller, O.H. (ed.), Field Trip Guidebook, New York Geological Association 89th Annual Meeting, Alfred University,

  • Spalletta, C., Perri, M.C., Over, D.J., and Corradini, C., 2017, Famennian (Upper Devonian) conodont zonation: revised global standard. Bulletin of Geosciences, v. 92, p. 31-57.

  • Danielsen, E.M., Over, D.J., Baird, G.C., and Ver Straeten, C.A., 2017, The Marcellus subgroup in the type area, central New York State. Stratigraphy, v. 13, p. 155-162. [imprint 2016]

  • Corradini C., Spalletta C., Mossoni, A., Matyja, H., and Over, D.J., 2016. Conodonts across the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary: a review and implication for the redefinition of the boundary and proposal of an updated conodont zonation. Geological Magazine, 154(4): 888-902. DOI: 10.1017/S001675681600039X

  • Lanik, A., Over, D.J., Schmitz, M.D., and Kirchgasser, W.T., 2016, Testing the limits of chronostratigraphic resolution in the Appalachian Basin, Upper Devonian (Middle Frasnian), eastern North America: new U-Pb zircon dates for the Belpre Tephra Suite. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 10.1130/B31408.1

  • Whalen, M.T., de Vleeschouwer, D., Sliwinski, M., Day, J.E., Over, D.J., and Claeys, P., 2016, Pattern and timing of the Late Devonian biotic crisis in western Canada: insight from carbon isotopes and astronomical calibration of magnetic susceptibility data. SEPM Special Publication No. 107, 10.2110/sepmsp.107.02

  • Danielsen, E.M., and Over, D.J., 2016, Early Silurian conodonts from the Shine Jinst region of southwestern Mongolia. Journal of Paleontology, v. 90. p. 78-91.

  • Wade, C., and Over, D.J., 2016, Aeronian (Llandovery, Silurian) conodonts from the Densmore Creek Phosphate Bed and the Budd Road Phosphate Bed, Clinton Group, western New York State. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 53, p. 645-650, 10.1139/cjes-2015-0140

  • Sullivan, N., Over, D.J., Chuluun, M., and Myrow, P., 2016. Subsidence and the drowning of a carbonate platform in south-central Mongolia (Gobi Altai Region) during the Late Eifelian to Early Givetian: A synthesis of biostratigraphy, magnetic susceptibility, and paleoecology. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, v. 115, p. 204-213

  • Bush, A.M., Csonka, J.D., DiRenzo, G.V., Over, D.J., and Beard, A., 2015, Revised correlation of the Frasnian-Famennian boundary and Kellwasser events (Late Devonian) in shallow marine paleoenvironments of New York State. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 433, p. 233鈥246.

  • Hogancamp, N.J., and Over, D.J., 2013, The nature, range, and utility of stratigraphic distributions of morphotypes of Polygnathus linguiformis linguiformis Hinde, Middle Devonian, northern Appalachian Bsin, North America: Part 1. In Albanesi, G.L. and Ortega, G. (eds.) Conodonts from the Andes, Asociacion Paleontologica Argentina Publicacion Especial No. 13, p. 49-54.

  • Hogancamp, N.J., and Over, D.J., 2013, The nature, range, and utility of stratigraphic distributions of morphotypes of Polygnathus linguiformis linguiformis Hinde, Middle Devonian, northern Appalachian Bsin, North America: Part 2 - Systematics. In Albanesi, G.L. and Ortega, G. (eds.) Conodonts from the Andes, Asociacion Paleontologica Argentina Publicacion Especial No. 13, p. 55-62.

  • Over, D.J., 2013, Book review - Piecing together the history of the mysterious conodont: Knell, S.J., 2013, Fossil Enigma: the Search for the Conodont Animal.

  • Over, D.J., and Ruppel, S.C., 2012, Woodford conodonts and biostratigraphy (Upper Devonian 鈥 Carboniferous) in the subsurface of eastern New Mexico and Texas: Stratigraphy, v. 8, 271-280.

  • Over, D.J., Rabideau, S., Travis, M., Grady, B., and Ver Straeten, C., 2011, Correlation of Marcellus Subgroup and recognition of the Eifelian-Givetian Boundary utilizing magnetic susceptibility in western New York. In Nelson, N.R. (ed.), New York State Geological Association 83rd Annual Meeting, Field Trip Guide Book, p. 67-69.

  • Gordon, G.W., Rockman, M., Turekian, K.K., and Over, J., 2009, Osmium isotopic evidence against an impact at the Frasnian-Famennian boundary: American Journal of Science, v. 309, p. 420-430.

  • Over, D.J. (editor), 2009, Conodont Studies Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the First Conodont Paper (Pander, 1856) and the 40th Anniversary of the Pander Society: Palaeontographica Americana, Paleontological Research Institute, Ithaca, NY, v. 62, 149 p.

  • Over, D.J., de la Rue, S., Isaacson, P.E., and Ellwood, B. 2009, Upper Devonian conodonts from black shales of the high latitude Tomachi Formation, Madre de Dios Basin, northern Bolivia: Palaeontographica Americana, v. 62, p. 89-99.

  • Over, D.J., Lazar, R., Baird, G.C., Schieber, J., and Ettensohn, F.R., 2009, Protosalvinia Dawson and associated conodonts of the Upper trachytera Zone, Famennian, Upper Devonian, in the eastern United States: Journal of Paleontology, v. 83, p. 70-79.

  • Over, D.J., Hopkins , T.L., Brill, A., and Spaziani, A.L., 2003, Age of the Middlesex Shale (Upper Devonian, Frasnian) in New York State : Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, v. 242, p. 217-223.

  • Brett, C.E., Turner, A.H., McLaughlin, P.I., Over, D.J., Storrs, G.W., Baird, G.C., 2003, Middle-Upper Devonian (Givetian-Famennian) bone/conodont beds from central Kentucky: reworking and event condensation in the distal Acadian Foreland Basin : Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, v. 242, p. 125-139.

  • Over, D.J., and Rotondo, K.A., 2003, Biostratigraphic control on the Belpre Ash, Little War Gap and its bearing on the Devonian time scale of Tucker et al., (1998): IUGS Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy, Newsletter No. 18, p. 91-92 [imprint 2001].

  • Over, D.J., 2002, The Frasnian-Famennian Boundary in the Appalachian Basin, Michigan Basin, Illinois Basin, and southern continental margin, central and eastern United States: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 181(1-3), p. 153-170.

  • Crick, R.E., Ellwood, B.B., Feist, R., El Hassani, A., Schindler, E., Dreesen, R., and Over, D.J., 2002, Magnetostratigraphy susceptability of the Frasnian/Famennian Boundary (Upper Devonian): southern France , Morocco , Belgium , Germany , and Oklahoma (USA): Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 181(1-3), p. 67-90.

  • Day, J.E., and Over, D.J., 2002, Early Famennian post-extinction brachiopod and conodont fauna in western New York State : Acta Paleontologica Polinca, v. 47(2), p. 189-202.

  • Fuentes, S., Over, D.J., and Brett, C.E., 2001, Conodont biostratigraphy of 鈥淥lentangy鈥 Shale in northeastern Kentucky: In Algeo, T.J., and Brett, C.E. (eds.), Sequence, Cycle and Event Stratigraphy of Upper Ordovician and Silurian Strata of the Cincinnati Arch Region: Kentucky Geological Survey, Guidebook 1, Series XII, Lexington, Kentucky, p. 136-143.

  • Over D.J., and Rhodes, M.K., 2000, Conodonts from the Upper Olentangy Shale (Upper Devonian, central Ohio ) and stratigraphy across the Frasnian-Famennian boundary: Journal of Paleontology, v. 74, p. 101-112.

  • 2. Abstracts (papers presented at regional/national/international meetings):

  • Schieber, J., and Over, D.J., 2004, Age constraints on the formation of the Devonian Flynn Creek structure, Tennessee : Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 36(5), p.

  • Over, D.J., Miller, C.G., and Kearsley, A., 2004, Holotype of Palmatolepis punctata (Hinde, 1879) is from the Rhinestreet Shale: Geological Association of Canada 鈥 Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, Abstracts and Program, v. 29, p. 87.

  • Over, D.J., and Schindler, E., 2003, Depositional similarities in selected Late Devonian Kellwasser Horizons, Germany , Morocco , and eastern United States : Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 35(7), p. 384-385.

  • Over, D.J., 2002, Conodonts and age of depositional sequences in the Chattanooga Shale, Upper Devonian, southern Appalachian Basin: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 34(7), p. 61-3.

  • Lehane, J.R., and Over, D.J., 2002, Canid and rodent scavenging on Pleistocene Cave Bear: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 34(7), p. 66-21.

  • Over, D.J., 2002, Upper Devonian conodonts from the Chattanooga Shale, southern Appalachian Basin, eastern United States : Strata (Eighth International Conodont Symposium 鈥 ECOS VIII), Serie 1, vol. 12, p. 51.

  • Over, D.J., 2001, Kellwasser Bed (high Frasnian, Upper Devonian) equivalents in the Appalachian Basin: Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 33(7), p. A37.

  • Vacco, D.I., Sheldon, A.L., Over, D.J., and McCarthy, T.M., 2001, Geochemistry of a stratified pool in a flowing stream, Mount Morris , New York : Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, v. 33(7), p. A231.


  • BIOL 363: Dinosaurs with Research

    Dinosaurs are a major component of the diverse Mesozoic faunas and floras. This course provides an introduction to the principles, processes, techniques, interpretations, and research in the study of Mesozoic life and geology. Upon completion, students will be able to describe, classify, and interpret dinosaur and other fossil remains, as well as have an understanding of significant changes in earth history. A research project and paper, as well as a required eight day field trip, will result in the observation and description of dinosaur fossils and track ways in museums and the field.

  • GSCI 200: Environmental Geology

    A survey of important geologic concepts relevant to current environmental issues. Emphasis is placed on geologic principles underlying problems related to water resources, pollution, natural hazards, waste disposal, energy and mineral resources, and on the scientific bases for current strategies proposed to limit adverse consequences of our impact on environmental systems. The geologic information available from governmental agencies are used to characterize and demonstrate practical problems for classroom exercises. Although not required, a general survey course in geology, physical geography, or high school earth science would provide an appropriate background.

  • GSCI 263: Dinosaurs

    Dinosaurs are a major component of the diverse Mesozoic faunas and floras. This course provides an introduction to the principles, processes, techniques, and interpretations in the study of Mesozoic life and geology. Upon completion, students will be able to describe, classify, and interpret dinosaur and other fossil remains, as well as have an understanding of significant changes in earth history. A required eight day field trip will result in the observation and description of dinosaur fossils and track ways in museums and the field.

  • GSCI 302: Sedimentary Petrology - Lec

    The study of the deposition, lithification, and diagenesis of sedimentary rocks, including their origin, mineralogy, fabric, and alteration. Lectures emphasize theoretical aspects such as depositional settings, descriptive and analytical techniques, as well as economic aspects. Laboratories emphasize preparation, methodology of the classification, identification, and analysis of sediments and sedimentary rocks in both hand sample, thin section, and instrumentation.

  • GSCI 302: Sedimentary Petrology - Lab

    The study of the deposition, lithification, and diagenesis of sedimentary rocks, including their origin, mineralogy, fabric, and alteration. Lectures emphasize theoretical aspects such as depositional settings, descriptive and analytical techniques, as well as economic aspects. Laboratories emphasize preparation, methodology of the classification, identification, and analysis of sediments and sedimentary rocks in both hand sample, thin section, and instrumentation.

  • GSCI 463: Dinosaurs with Research

    Dinosaurs are a major component of the diverse Mesozoic faunas and floras. This course provides an introduction to the principles, processes, techniques, interpretations, and research in the study of Mesozoic life and geology. Upon completion, students will be able to describe, classify, and interpret dinosaur and other fossil remains, as well as have an understanding of significant changes in earth history. A research project and paper, as well as a required eight day field trip will result in the observation and description of dinosaur fossils and track ways in museums and the field.