Dori Farthing (she/her)

Associate Professor of Geological Sciences
ISC 235A

Dori Farthing has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 2004.

Portrait of Dori Farthing

Curriculum Vitae


  • Ph.D.: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. (2002)

  • M.A.: Johns Hopkins University , Baltimore, Maryland. (1998)

  • B.A. (with departmental honors): College of Wooster , Wooster, Ohio. (1995)


  • Assistant Professor, 黑料网, 2004-current.

  • Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, University of Dayton, 2001-2004.


  • Mineralogical Society of America

  • Geological Society of America

  • American Geophysical Union

  • Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society

  • Phi Beta Kappa

  • Council for Undergraduate Research

  • National Association of Geoscience Teachers


  • Pekar, K.E. and Farthing, D.J. Some like it hot-radioactivity on campus and beyond. Poster presentation at 2003 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington

  • Farthing, D.J. 2002. Differentiation of British blast and reverberatory furnace tin slag using morphology, mineralogy, and chemistry. Poster presentation and paper submitted for review. 33rd International Symposium on Archaeometry, Amsterdam , the Netherlands.

  • Veblen, L.A. , Farthing, D.J., O?Donnell, E., & Veblen, D.R. 2001. Characterization of radioactive slags. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Report, Washington D.C., USA.

  • Farthing, D.J., Veblen, L.A. , & Veblen, D.R. 2001. A British tin slag mystery: blast furnace or reverberatory furnace? Poster presentation at 2001 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Boston , MA.

  • Veblen, D.R., Elbert , D.C. , Penn, R.L., Ding, Y., Farthing, D.J., Moore , K.T., & Veblen, L.A. 2000. Imaging, chemical analysis, and structure determination of nanostructures. Invited presentation at Fall American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco , California.

  • Booij, E., Bettison-Varga, L., Farthing, D., & Staudigel, H. 2000. Pb-isotope systematics of a fossil hydrothermal system from the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus : Evidence for a polyphased alteration history. Geochimica et Cosmochimica et Acta, 64(20); 3559-3569.

  • Farthing, D.J., Veblen, L.A. , & Veblen, D.R. 2000. Weathering of a metallurgical slag. Oral presentation at 2000 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Reno , Nevada.

  • Farthing, D.J., Veblen, L.A. , Veblen, D.R., & Felmy, A.R. 2000. Hibonite from a metallurgical slag. EOS Transactions , American Geophysical Union 2000 Spring Meeting, 81(19), S46.

  • Livi, K.J.T., Farthing, D.J., Veblen, L.A. , & Wing, B. 2000. Tackling the complexities of analyzing phases in metallurgical slags. Invited presentation at Microscopy and Microanalyses Meeting (Journal of Microscopy), Philadelphia , Pennsylvania.

  • Farthing, D.J., Veblen, L.A. , Livi, K.J.T., and Veblen, D.R. 1998. An investigation into the stability of slags. Presented at the International School of Earth and Planetary Sciences-A Geochemical and Mineralogical Approach to Environmental Protection, Siena , Italy.


Earth Materials


  • GSCI 301: Petrology - Lec

    The study of the natural history of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks, including their mineralogy, fabric, alteration and origin. Lectures emphasize theoretical aspects such as processes that affect the development of rocks and theories as to their origin. Laboratories emphasize the classification and identification of rocks in both hand sample and thin section.

  • GSCI 301: Petrology - Lab

    The study of the natural history of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks, including their mineralogy, fabric, alteration and origin. Lectures emphasize theoretical aspects such as processes that affect the development of rocks and theories as to their origin. Laboratories emphasize the classification and identification of rocks in both hand sample and thin section.

  • GSCI 315: Principles of Geochemistry

    The application of the basic principles of chemistry to the study of geologic processes. Topics include the origin and distribution of the chemical elements, the fundamentals of crystal chemistry, the important chemical reactions occurring in low-temperature aqueous solutions, and the construction and interpretation of mineral-stability diagrams. Prerequisites: GSCI 220 and CHEM 118 or CHEM 204 or permission of instructor. Offered when demand is sufficient